Pile Of Prep

The Extended Reading Selections to Prep Better With Mike Church

todayJanuary 21, 2014 10


Mandeville, LA – The Founders Pass at mike church.com is dedicated to helping all members continue their education by sharing the works discovered by Mike during his research for various projects. this page is the archive page, organized in no specific manner as of yet but still containing all works listed in the Prep Better section in the daily Pile of Prep. If you have suggestions for works to include here, drop Mike a note via email or use the contact form on the site. Thanks for your membership to the Founders Pass.


John Yoo produced a memo for President Bush 43 that purported to make a Constitutional case for the President’s unilateral war making powers. This essay is the best, most detailed, historical answer to Yoo’s ridiculous and destructive argument, used by Bush and now Obama Download Mad About Yoo by Stuart Streichler
An Englishman, James Spence, wrote a book in November of 1861 that argued the case FOR secession and AGAINST the Union’s case. His reflections on the usefulness of union are profound

Washington Irving was a writer without equal, who felt compelled to biography his namesake. This “Student Edition” of his 5 volume bio of Washington is just thrilling to read.

Paoul Anderson’s tale of time travel is an insightful reminder that our ancestors were as smart if not smarter than we are and in complete control of their technology

There’s no better long form reading project than getting familiar with John Taylor of Caroline’s “Tyranny Unmasked” quite possibly the best tract ever written on the subject of what he called “protection” but what we call “corporatism”

What did the English think of the North’s ridiculous claims that the Confederate States 1. Could not secede 2.Were never sovereign & Independent and 3. Were justified in their defense of themselves? Read all about it, start on p. 650

H.L. Mencken is worth reading on many topics but especially on Gettsyburg, you will find his entire critique of Lincoln’s “Gospel” beginning on page 173

The biography of Albert Gallatin is worth knowing and this “American Statesman” book on him is a good start John Taylor of Caroline was the most influential [r]epublican voice of his day and his work remains as  necessary reading.

This essay by the great Joseph Stromberg, first published in 1982, explains Taylor’s [r]epublicanism and libertarian thought, unlike any other American of his time

S.J. Quinn’s The History of Fredericksburg, VA is a most thrilling historical walk through 18th & 19th century American history &b includes episodes from 1776, 1798 and 1861

One of the most accomplished yet little known Founder AND Christian Gentlemen was John Randolph of Roanoke, I am researching him for reference and for a good volume on his life to republish, this one is rare and good

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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