Pile Of Prep

The Filibuster The U.S. Has Needed Since The Philippines

todayMarch 7, 2013 6

Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike's hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like
Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike’s hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Rand Paul filibuster, history of the filibuster goodness plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.  “The practical statesmanship of the Declaration of Independence and the Golden Rule would have cost nothing but a few kind words. They would have bought for you the great title of liberator and benefactor, which your fathers won for your country in the South American Republics and in Japan, and which you have won in Cuba.” – George Frisbe Hoar, speech to U.S. Senate May, 1902

Senator George Frisbe Hoar’s famous mini filibuster opposing the “Subjugation of the Philippines” in May, 1902 cited the Declaration and the Golden Rule in cautioning the “Progressives” and the founding fathers of Western – & soon to become -American “exceptionalists”

A nice, LIVE blog recap of the Rand Paul filibuster at AmconMag by Jordan Bloom

FLASHBACK TO IDIOCRACY: 4 Days ago Fox News asked the Shoeple whether or not they approved of killing American citizens on American soil with drones and 74% said “HELL YES!”

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Even NY Times liberals give Rand Paul credit for forcing us all to talk about something important for a change

The Letter that started it all: Eric Holder’s INFAMOUS “we can’t rule out” killing American citizens on American soil

WaPo claims that Christianity played a part in a Mayor’s murder, it doesn’t ASK whether Christianity had a role it PROCLAIMED that it did…WOW, can martyrdoms return be far off?

Told ya so AND warned ya so: Lindsay Graham introduces new incorporationista evidence of constitutional treachery that Yours Truly has been passionately and patiently advising you on AND, just as I predicted, the NRA is IN ON IT

Whither BWW, Mr. President!? Why didn’t President Obama take GOP adversaries to dinner at BWW for wings, beer and trivia instead of ritzy “tony” restaurant that serves things most constituents of the men can pronounce!?

AG Holder won’t “nullify” CO & WA “pot laws” but he DOES urge that Leviathan violate their oaths and eviscerate Amendment II 

Don’t pop the champagne corks yet Tea Party but has the GOP actually managed to fumble its way into a stalemate or even small victory over Dear Leader Obama?!

DeceptiCON reading list item of the day: The Democracy boondoggle the U.S. created in Iraq and how much it actually cost

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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