Project '76

The Founding Fathers Brought To Life! Say Hello To Project ’76

todayJanuary 31, 2013 10

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    The Founding Fathers Brought To Life! Say Hello To Project ’76 TheKingDude

Mandeville, LA –  Mike Church Announces Project ’76 – The next evolution in bringing historical works of the Founding Fathers to life

Popular radio talk show host & acclaimed writer/producer/director Mike Church (Road to Independence-The Movie) announced the launch of his latest initiative in American history based entertainment: Project ‘76™.

Project ’76 Preview of Patrick Henry

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    The Founding Fathers Brought To Life! Say Hello To Project ’76 TheKingDude

Project ’76 Preview of Thomas Jefferson

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    The Founding Fathers Brought To Life! Say Hello To Project ’76 TheKingDude

Project ’76 Preview of James Monroe

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    The Founding Fathers Brought To Life! Say Hello To Project ’76 TheKingDude

Project ‘76™ will employ the talents of Church as writer & director as well as the voice talents of Jean Hetherington and Steve Cook (Spirit of ’76, What Lincoln Killed) two of the voice industry’s best talents. “The concept of Project ‘76™ is very simple” Church said “we will take our already extensive collection of letters, speeches, debates and public acts from the Project ‘76™ timeline of 1765-1865 and dramatize them for audio delivery via mp3 digital downloads. Think of it as iTunes™ for American History buffs.”

“We actually have a newspaper account of Jefferson’s first inaugural.  This let’s us flesh out the entirety of the event and immerse the listener in it, just as though you were there to hear history made.”

Eventually “…we will also begin to produce short films from the same source documents, to further dramatize these amazing and important works” Church explained. The Project ‘76™ process begins with “culling the source material together as a text and graphic page” and then creating an informative narrative such as the era the piece comes from, the author’s title at the time and the contemporary events surrounding the work.

Take the tour and become a member of Mike’s “Founders Pass” so you can enjoy every single Webisode from Project ’76

Church gives as an example the First inauguration of President Thomas Jefferson. “We actually have a newspaper account of Jefferson’s first inaugural describing his walk up to capitol Hill, the cannons fired in his honor and the overflow crowd in the House chamber that could barely hear him speak. This let’s us flesh out the entirety of the event and immerse the listener in it, just as though you were there to hear history made.”

Project ‘76™ will be featured, to start on Church’s home site at and will be available for real-time streaming or download for archiving and listening. “Founders Pass” members to the site will have access to all Project ‘76™ productions and each one will also be available as individual downloads starting at $1.99. Each Project ‘76™ feature will accompany its original source document-text version.

For more information or to schedule an interview with Mike Church about Project ‘76™ or Founding Father Films productions contact Cynthia Frawley

Written by: TheKingDude

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