
The French Revolution-2014-Mozilla, NBA, American Edition

todayApril 29, 2014 3

For more on James Madison & The Constitution's writing, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!
For more on James Madison & The Constitution’s writing, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!

Mandeville, LA

I am still staring in disbelief at the TV that just broadcast NBA commissioner Adam Silver’s announcement that Donald Sterling has been fined $2.5 MILLION and banned for life. What was even more shocking, if that’s possible, was Kevin Johnson’s grave dance afterward. Saying “THIS is how Americans SHOULD act” because there will be “zero tolerance” for “institutional racism” (which implies it was the NBA that was “racist”) Johnson gloated over Silver’s Solomonizing.

The fact is that we have now REACHED the era when Catholics cannot own tech companies & bigots cannot own sports franchises. Religious belief precludes the former and racial preference the latter. What other thoughts are on the short list of Johnson’s “zero tolerance” proclamation? And some of you thought Masha Gessen was an outlier.

The Red, White & Blue NBA logos, framing Silver brings the whole, sad affair together and styles it as the first days of the French revolution, 2014. The NBA could at least pay the estate of Phillip K Dick a royalty for bringing into professional life the world created in “The Minority Report” by Dick. What an ironic choice of words that was for the title! Robespierre’s rotting carcass & burning Soul finally have something to smile about. let’s hope it takes the Chinese a few months to mold then sharpen the blades on the Guillotines they must surely be building for American thought police who now have every excited hope their utopian dreams, our nightmare, will come true.

UPDATED: It is precisely ridiculous to try and make the tortured logic that the U.S. Constitution has anything to say about the smoldering treachery surrounding the Donald Sterling frame. However, guys like Mark Cuban, lavishing praise on the NBA’s larceny better disarm all visitors to their home & offices. By disarm I mean no iAnything devices. They got Sterling on what appears to be a setup, Eich on an 8 year old campaign donation and Paula Deen on a 25 year old deposition. PLEASE NOTE: The same imbeciles who think its OK for the NSA to tap your phone think its COOL, JUSTIFIED and OK for friends to tap your residence for unPC nuggets. If I close this account, you will know why. Semper Fidemus contra vita tu France rebellare

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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