
The GayStapo Is Winning Hearts & Minds, Martyrdom Is Here, Folks

todayMay 11, 2016 14


The GayStapo’s Recruiting Is Winning Over Alleged Christians & “Conservatives”, The Martyrdom Is On The Steps Of The Narthex Folks

Mandeville, LA –  I have been warning of the coming martyrdom for months now and as it becomes a prophecy fulfilled the question must be asked: what are we going to do about it. The Ft Worth TX School district has ordered the thought police into action to secure the compliance of the students which will also require, by definition, the compliance of their parents IF their parents are fortunate enough that the GayStapo informs them of their child’s choice to change their sex on campus. Folks, you cannot make this stuff up and if this doesn’t scare you into immediate action, please, write me a note and tell me what will: “There doesn’t need to be a medical or mental health diagnosis involved. If a male student says he’s a girl, then he’s a girl, and vice versa.”


“Schools are instructed to keep the student’s asserted gender identity hidden from parents unless authorized to share that information with them.”

Meanwhile the Superintendent who had the policy of parental exclusion for mental illness inclusion has refused calls for his resignation claiming, like Lucifer himself, he “is proud of these regulations”. I wish he would take Mammon’s cue and inform God and the Church as well: “non servam” – I will not serve. But the Episcopal Church has joined the GayStapo clearly undermining nay going heretical on the Magisterial teaching viz The Known Truth, and for good measure the Ten Commandments themselves!:

“All human beings are holy, for we all carry a scrap of divinity in us – our souls. It is that which matters, not our outward appearance. Gender identity is a complex mysterious thing, and as science learns more about it, we are led to understand more about the amazing diversity in God’s creation.”

What about understanding the mental illness transgender people are suffering under and seeking to treat it instead of accommodating it to the confused detriment of the other 99.98%? As I reported two days ago, there is a Christian  prescription for dealing with this disorder, do you think, fair reader, many if any will seek Holy Church’s guidance on this? Here is the pertinent, Magisterial teaching:

There is no doubt that the Church, while sympathetic to those who have this condition, does not condone any move that would attempt to alter the person’s body to represent the opposite gender, although it would recognize counselling therapies that try to alleviate the dysphoria or distress.

Catholic teaching is clear on the need to accept the objective truth of the reality of our bodies in this condition, and therapy should have that aim as its goal.

Written by: TheKingDude

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