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The HOMOClerics Are Wife Beaters Too-Catholic Sex Scandal’s Roots Are Rooted In Marian Hatred – The Mike Church Show

todaySeptember 12, 2018 7


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Hurricane Florence News –

  • Where is the best place to be when a hurricane hits?
  • Pray the rosary, pray that the storm is weakened and/or it turns North.

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.


HEADLINE: Read A Pile Of Top Nazis Talking About How They Love Leftist Marxism by Paul Jossey

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HEADLINE: America’s Forever War In Afghanistan Has Engulfed A New Generation  by John Daniel Davidson


HEADLINE: Benedict XVI & The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher






Special Guest Carrie Gress author of The Marian Option –

Follow Dr. Carrie Gress here: @CarrieGress

  • New book coming out “Mary or Anti-Mary The Battle for the Heart of Women”
  • Look at who the model of Christian motherhood should be and who women actually look to.

HEADLINE: Are We Witnessing the Battle Involving an Antimary and an Antichrist? by Carrie Gress

  • Lilith is in the Bible book of Isaiah 34:14
  • When women start taking on the personalities of men.
  • The importance of stories in our culture.
  • Can you go back to a moment in your life when Our Lady called you?
  • I look back when I did my Marian Consecration back in college.
  • I feel like I didn’t “get” Her but wanted to be connected emotionally to Her.
  • I truly didn’t understand what “virtue” was to begin with.
  • The notion of “surrendering” is so foreign to us and maybe that is why I dug in the way I have.
  • Marian devotion was there way back with the apostles. The apostles revered and had a devotion of sorts to Her.
  • The Sub Tuum Prayer – 150 AD a prayer that mentions Our Lady
  • We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
  • She never asked to rise above the “handmaid” label.
  • Feminism sought to overturn this title.
  • Accessing who a “good” woman is, is a very difficult thing to many people.
  • Holy Name of Mary – Feast Day Today
  • Why don’t we see miracles anymore? Because we don’t believe anymore.
  • This woman “Mary” that bore The Savior was a REAL woman! We have forgotten that.
  • “All roads lead to Walsingham”! – Joseph Pearce
  • Chapter One of the book –
  • Homosexuality is intrinsically disordered! It cannot be changed just by calling it “differently ordered”.
  • All we homosexual Priest are asking….Father Martin
  • The Big Red Flag
  • Next spring is when the book will be out…possibly sooner!
 A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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 HEADLINE: What’s in the Amazon box? Maybe a real 7-foot Christmas tree by Joseph Pisani

  • Advent wreath
  • How did it become a “holy” day?
  • This stuff is absolutely absurd.
  • So Americans are now ‘too busy’ to go buy our own Christmas trees!
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.



Special Guest Brother Andre Marie host of ReConquest –

HEADLINE: Benedict XVI & The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher

  • It is “an act of Divine Providence” that we are having this conference today, on September 11, because the sex abuse scandal is the Catholic Church’s own 9/11. – Archbishop Ganswein
  • Celibacy vows – secular Priest they make a promise to their Bishop that they will observe the Churches law.
  • Vocation is to be called out and brought into another category.
  • The baptized have a “vocation” to be holy. – the Primary Vocation
  • Then you have Sacred Persons or Priests. If he commits fornication or adultery it has the added note of sacrilege.
  • Fullness of the Priesthood = Bishop
  • So according to the Traditional Theology of the Church they have an additional sin added if they commit a sin such as this.
  • From The Mike Church Show Chatroom – “That’s what I’ve always said about Martin Luther. He didn’t just violate his celibacy and knock up a nun, it’s like he committed double-adultery against God”
  • A cardinal may or may not have an actual flock.
  • Bishops who have a flock have sacred obligations.
  • Wolf in shepherds clothing which is worse pain to the Sacred Heart.
  • Could you imagine cuckolding Our Lord? A nun is consecrated to Our Lord.
  • Cuckold = the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision
  • St. Benedict Center – Conference Registration 12-14th
  • The Life of Saint Joseph as Manifested by Our Lord, Jesus Christ to Mariaia Cecilia Baij, O.S.B.
  • Lecture Series from Brother Francis – making a trip and determining where you are going.
  • Genesis is the start of the trip, at least that is how I take it.
  • The Realist Guide to Religion and Science by Paul Robinson
  • Matthew Chapter 19 – what cause could a man divorce his wife
  • Adam and Eve were not married in the Catholic Church – it was considered a natural marriage.
  • Tonight’s ReConquest – Love of Eternal Wisdom 7pm cst

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Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
Alex Jones making frogs gay. So maybe there actually is something in the water and Alex Jones was right.

HEADLINE: Sperm Count Zero by Daniel Halpern





 Special Guest Michael Hichborn from the Lepanto Institute –

  • This has been their plan for quite sometime now. They want to reduce the worlds population.
  • They continue with this goal aided by CRS and many others.

HEADLINE: Benedict XVI & The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher

HEADLINE: Sperm Count Zero by Daniel Halpern

  • It is very clear that Pope Francis is involved in this. To what extent we do not know that as of yet.
  • With Pope Francis everything is coming out and they are outing themselves.
  • I don’t know if Pope Benedict could have foreseen the terrible nature of this.
  • Light is the greatest disinfectant.
  • Maybe these prophecies from Fatima are actually true.
  • Who could have thought 10 years ago that we would be reading about sperm counts being half they were and most the countries of the EU cannot be bothered with the task of making the next generation.
  • The odds are now stacked against us to procreate.
  • God repopulated the world with just 8 people.
  • Reflection of a spiritual reality – that sickness comes out in the form of natural disasters, famine etc
  • A recession of the True Faith, there will be a stronger small core and it will blossom into a “new springtime” but we have to go through the winter first.
  • Cardinal Wuerl and his letter discussing his resignation.

HEADLINE: DC Deacon Calls on Cardinal Wuerl to Resign, Says He’ll Refuse to Assist Him During Mass

  • His resignation will say that Vigano’s testimony was true so I’m not so sure Wuerl will resign.
  • “A lot of people are getting red pilled.” – Michael Hichborn
  • Who represents the North tower then?
  • Cardinal Wuerl issuing his letter on September 11, 2018 it isn’t a coincidence.
  • Revelations where the dragon sweeps 1/3 of the stars from heaven.
  • St. Michael and his angels battled against the dragon.
  • Angel of Light – Lucifur
  • Who is Pope Francis? He is the top dog of the Church
  • We have a lower member of the hierarchy against the top dog. He has struck a mortal blow to the top dog.
  • She has the grace within her to heal herself.
  • Silver Springs Maryland story – altar servers “If you don’t think God is calling you, I’m telling you God is calling you.”

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

Special Guest Rick Barrett host of The Barrett Brief doing a rundown of what’s coming up next!

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, CRS, red pilled, Alex Jones, gay frogs, Cardinal Wuerl, Brother Andre Marie, ReConquest, Hurricane Florence, Paul Jossey, Nazis, leftist Marxism, John Daniel Davidson, Rod Dreher, Afghanistan, Benedict Option, Paul Robinson, Carie Gress, Marian Option, Sub Tuum Prayer, Fatima, Pope Francis, Martin Luther, Archbishop Vigano, Benedict XVI

Written by: TheKingDude

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