The Illegal Immigration Problem Isn’t Mexicans, It’s Jobs And Welfare
todayApril 25, 2013
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If there aren’t people that are willing to pay illegals to do the work that Americans won’t do, then illegals will stop coming here. If the purpose is economic, then if you shut off the economic spigot, that will stop it, whether you close the border or not. If the purpose is economic inasmuch as they come here and get free things, housing, education, healthcare and what have you, if you shut the spigot off, ditto that. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike:Greg is in Texas. How you doing?
Caller Greg: I’m doing good, and I know how you’re doing. I listen to you every day. I love your show, dude.
Mike: Thank you very much.
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Caller Greg:I’ve got a comment about immigration, a simple solution, and it’s not that difficult. The people that are coming across, these mules are charging guys what, $5,000 a head? Why can’t we adopt a policy more similar to what they’re running in the UAE? The United Arab Emirates and most of the Middle East have open immigration policies. You just pay for a visa, come in and work. They don’t charge you any taxes, but you don’t get any benefits either. You don’t get free medical or anything else. You’re just stuck with your luck. You’ve got to pay your own way. Use that five grand to run background checks, give the ones that are here in the country 90 days to show up and pay their $5,000 fine. Give them a green card and let them go to work and go back home when they’re ready to go back home. Then bring some of these guys that we’ve got overseas right now fighting back along the border. We’ve got a huge problem with drug cartels and people smuggling drugs in here and they’re intent on harming our citizens, plain and simple. Put them along the border. If you’ve got somebody coming across illegally, you take them out. I guarantee you, if you start a policy like that, people would be lining up to be coming across legally and going through the right channels.
Mike: Well, you live in Texas and there’s nothing stopping Texas from doing that.
Caller Greg:And I wish they would, I really do. I wish our governor would put people on the border. If you don’t shut the border down, they’re going to continue to come across. If you don’t hold people accountable for their decisions, they’re going to continue to circumvent the right way to do things.
Mike:I don’t know about the — why has it become necessary — we keep asking this question. Your theory and your solution is very similar to other ones that I’ve heard: Let them pay for entry and then they can stay for a while. Greg, I’m sure you know that you can already do that. It’s called applying for a work visa.
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Caller Greg: Right, but we’ve got 11 million of them here right now.
Mike: It’s an estimate.
Caller Greg:Yeah, but you don’t know.
Mike:I understand that, but I laugh about that. Really? You counted all of them, 11 million? Where’d you get that number from? I thought there were hidden in the shadows. How could you possibly have counted them all? How do you know there’s not 30 million?
Caller Greg: You don’t. The only way you’re going to get them to own up is to give them an opportunity to register, otherwise they’re going to stay in the shadows.
Mike:Shutting the border down, it is a cliché without a purpose, I think. What does shutting the border down mean? Does that mean traffic only goes one way? There are already border patrol —
Caller Greg:No, no, not at all. You just shut down the ones that are coming across, that are sneaking across. We can guard our borders. There’s just —
Mike: Yeah, but they’re sneaking across for what nefarious purposes? They’re sneaking across because there is money for them to earn that they cannot earn in their real socialist republic. We’re just a quasi-socialist democracy. They’re a real socialist, top-down corporatist democracy in Mexico. If there aren’t people that are willing to pay illegals to do the work that Americans won’t do, then illegals will stop coming here. If the purpose is economic, then if you shut off the economic spigot, that will stop it, whether you close the border or not. If the purpose is economic inasmuch as they come here and get free things, housing, education, healthcare and what have you, if you shut the spigot off, ditto that. Greg, thank you for your call.
Here is where the water gets really murky and where this becomes a situation that has been nationalized that does not need to be nationalized. Federal judges have intervened and commanded states like the State of Texas that they must provide services to any soul, any human being living in their midst. This is in direct contravention of the understanding of what a state was when Texas ratified the Constitution in 1848 or so. Ditto that for most states when they asked for admission. The state controlled the importation of alien friends into their midst. They were under no compulsion from the federal government that they had to admit anyone into their midst, much less feed them, clothe them, and provide medicine to them.
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Again, we’re hoisted by our own petard here. We have an out-of-control federal judiciary. We have an out-of-control federal government that does not respect the borders and the powers that it was delegated. That’s what gives rise to all this. The same thing for Arizona. The same thing for little towns in Texas that have adopted similar measures. They say: No, if we find out you’re an illegal, we’re not paying your kid’s school tuition. You need to go back to your country and go to your public education system. It’s been done in Alabama. There are ordinances in other states. Every time this is done, busybodies file a lawsuit. They know they can’t get this done in front of a state court, so they’ll go in front of a federal judge and claim some kind of standing. The court will acknowledge it and then they’ll make a ruling. They’ll say: The Constitution, the 14th Amendment, 5th Amendment, you’ve got to feed them and clothe them. That’s really what’s driving one end of the spectrum.
You have two driving forces here, and it’s not the evil of the Mexican or the Nicaraguan or the south-of-the-borderan. The two driving forces are, number one, there are businesses that will hire illegals under the table, non-government-approved help. That’s number one. You can do one of two things. You can make that illegal or you can eliminate government from the workplace. I would choose choice B. Then the second end of the spigot that’s causing the rush of illegals to get in here, as I just described, was that there are free things and things that one does not have to earn but earns simply by virtue of their existence, like in California and other states. California has made its own bed and its own problem of this manner. If California doesn’t stop what it’s doing, then California at some point in time will cease to be California. It’ll be Mexifornia, as many people have joked. To me it’s a two-pronged problem: the work and the welfare, or the social services, safety net, whatever you would like to call it. Those are the two areas. It doesn’t have anything to do with what is being discussed in the Senate today.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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