Founders Television

The Jefferson Inauguration… Much Different From Obama’s

todayJanuary 22, 2013 12

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    The Jefferson Inauguration… Much Different From Obama’s ClintStroman

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    The Jefferson Inauguration… Much Different From Obama’s ClintStroman


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    The Jefferson Inauguration… Much Different From Obama’s ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – Things were a little different when Thomas Jefferson became president of the United States… there was no motorcade with limos, no 10-inch thick bulletproof glass, no Beyoncé singing the national anthem, not even any microphones.  But what TJ’s inauguration did have was the spirit of Independence and Liberty.  Jefferson walked right up to the Capitol building dressed as “a plain citizen without any distinctive badge of office” and delivered his 1721 word speech to the Senate Chamber despite being a poor public speaker. It was also important because Jefferson felt he had to undo some of the harm he felt the Washington and Adams administration had done by over-reaching their power as President. Learn more about Jefferson’s inauguration in today’s Founders TV, if you don’t have a Founders Pass, sign up for one right here!

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Written by: ClintStroman

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