The Lack of the Irish – The Mike Church Show

todayMay 29, 2018 3


Mandeville, La

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  • 64% voter turnout in Ireland – 66% voted to make killing babies legal
  • This is the 1st time in history that a population has voted to exterminate itself.
  • ‘Catholic’ Ireland is now all in with killing babies
  • Every 3 minutes an abortion takes place.
  • How many American soldiers died keeping the English people free?
  • They can no longer practice Invincible ignorance


Casey Anthony – discussing the show watched last night with Casey’s parents on the 10 year anniversary of Caylee’s death

‘Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak’: Pain on display

  • The child escaped the womb but the result was the same. This child’s life was ended “allegedly” by her mother.

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HEADLINE: Free speech illegal? Activist Tommy Robinson jailed after filming child grooming trial by Marin Walsh

  • How many of you remember Alfie Evans? The deep state has a lot of power and this is made clear by Alfie and Tommy.

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Special Guest: Celeste Youngblood aka News Caster Extraordinaire

  • They keep calling it a quite revolution. This is really bothersome to me.
  • Crisis Magazine – HEADLINE: Ireland Elects to Annihilate Its Future
  • FANG was actually banning any and all promotion of NOT legalizing abortion. This should be alarming to everyone.

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Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


  • Subjectification and the objectification on Fox News Anchors

This past week in travel –

  • The responsibility of taking the collar of Priesthood. Imagine if you are the shepherd of an entire congregation. You baptize them, you marry them and you bury them.
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Bishop Kevin Dorin

  • Twitter Laura Kennedy “Thanks to Kevin Doran for confirming what we all knew already – that the Catholic church is the most poisonous entity in Irish history, and that while individuals of course have every right to be guided by its ideology, it should have no role in our collective morality.”
  • Young girls willing to take the vows – very uplifting

Silent Scream YouTube video 

Music of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles

  • The Church is alive and very well. I witnessed this first hand this past week.
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 HEADLINE: Ireland Elects to Annihilate Its Future by K.V. Turley 

  • Remember the defenders and remember the stars that decided to come out for abortion.
  • Ireland has chosen between life and death. Death it shall have.
  • In particular, Down syndrome children and their families must view with dismay this vote for “compassion”: knowing that in Britain 90 percent of unborn children with Down syndrome never make it beyond the womb. 


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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 HEADLINE: What is America Fighting For? by Patrick J. Buchanan

  • We can end all other treaties but we can’t touch the Zionist treaty?
  • What is America’s cause today? – defeating Nazism and fascism was a cause




Special Guest: Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow Mr. Hichborn here @MichaelHichborn  @LepantoInst

  • Ireland prochoice vote
  • They tie this in with the recent same-sex vote – this is the plan. This is how they come into countries and topple the Christian pro-life mindset. They start with same-sex marriage and then…abortion
  • George Soros and his hand in all diabolical things
  • What is the real teaching of the Church. There is no have it your way. The Church has always stood against the secret society.
  • Eve was tempted to become the first tranny!
  • AUDIO – WARNING associated with this video: Papa Francis by Emily Clarke
  • We will see the rising from the ashes, the Catholic Church will not simply go away
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Meta-tags for show

Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Patrick J. Buchanan, Ireland, K.V. Turley, Bishop Kevin Doran, Silent Scream, Celeste Youngblood, Zionist, same-sex, LGBTQ, abortion, prolife, prochoice, Papa Francis, Emily Clarke, Casey Anthony, Marin Walsh, Tommy Robinson, Father Cunningham, FSSP

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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