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The Mike Church Show 072616 1-2: Have-It-Your-Way Democrats Lay Women’s Health Upon Their Makeshift Altar At The DNC

todayJuly 26, 2016 9


Mandeville, LA – We are watching history being made at the DNC. We're witnessing what happens when a civilization decides it is going to, by affirmation, deny the existence of, the supremacy, and the right of Almighty God to govern and rule. God will not be mocked! Boy howdy, is He being mocked today. What is emanating from that sewer is nothing short of diabolical evil. What is principally driving this demonic and diabolical takeover of the hearts and minds of these attendees to the DNC? Radical feminism, the subjugation of women, laying of abortion and women's reproductive health upon a makeshift altar.

There is a natural genetic order; God gave it to us. There is nothing beautiful, natural, or traditional about what the Democrat party or the radical feminists are doing here. The Democrat party is an abomination, being run by alpha women. To find some wisdom on the topic, Mike shares a piece by Camille Paglia at Salon: “Feminists have abortion wrong, Trump and Hillary miscues highlight a frozen national debate”. Children are being sacrificed–and it is not happening in a third-world country; it is happening in 'Muricah. Ms. Paglia, the feminist, is right to question the ideology of the Democrat party. Mike expounds on Paglia's points and offers Catholic insight. Cindy in Florida phones in to comment on the Paglia article.

Mike plays a clip of Donald Trump at the VFW today, just to demonstrate how much of a landslide the election will be. There is no way the personified evil that rests inside of the Democrat party can continue, victoriously. Evil has a limit. Mike demonstrates his point.

The monologue moves to Democrat “Have It Your Way Catholic” Tim Kaine. Mike reads a piece by Hadley Arkes at The Catholic Thing: “Tim Kaine: An Explosion Waiting to Happen?”, providing commentary along the way.

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