
The Original, 2007, Road To Independence, Independence Day Marathon

todayJuly 1, 2021 12



The Road to Independence 2 CD set is on sale this week! Get the 2CD set, plus 3CD set of Spirit of ’76 for just $17.76

Mandeville, LA – On July 4th, 2007, the then just launched, Patriot Channel on Sirius Satellite Radio was turned over to Mike Church and the nascent Founding Father Films for a grand experiment: bring back dramatic radio features. Mike undertook the task of writing, narrating producing and directing the Road To Independence the Real Story of the Founding Father’s Struggle for Independence.

Co-starring Emmy Award winning actor Jay Thomas as the voice of John Adams alongside Mike’s then 8 year old daughters Madison and Reagan Church, the Road to Independence was an instant classic and has been loved by hundreds of thousands of listeners from all ages ever since.

Now, Mike Church’s CRUSADE Channel has restored the original version as it aired in 2007 and will broadcast it all day, on the observed Independence Day, 2021!

This Marathon presentation airs in nearly the exact same format it aired in 2007 on The Sirius Patriot Channel including Madison and Reagan’s priceless “Mike Church’s RTI Marathon Encore begins in T-minus 30 (25, 20 etc) minutes!” That day, RTI aired 6 times, consecutively and was the most listened to feature Sirius had ever presented. This was repeated again on 4 July, 2008 on Sirius Patriot!

From 2007 – 2014 RTI aired on Sirius and then SiriusXM’s Patriot Channel a total of 16 times. It has also been broadcast on the CRUSADE Channel 3 times but this is the first “restoration” of the 2007-2008 Marathon!

Audio Samples from “Mike Church’s Road To Independence”

Richard Henry Lee exhorts to his fellow “Committee of Correspondence Patriots” that “An attack on 1 colony is an attack on all colonies”

VA Patriot George Mason explains his “Declaration of Rights” which sound an awful lot like Jefferson’s, but Mason wrote first

CIC of the Continental Army George Washington writes passionately about “The Glorious Cause”

This Independence Day, to mark the 11 year anniversary of this signal event, we are recreating the excitement of that marathon, down to the last detail of having the Church twins voice their memorable, the “world premiere of Mike Church’s Road to Independence will resume in t-minus ___ minutes and counting!”

Patrick Henry delivering his “Liberty or Death” speech in The Road to Independence-The Movie
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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