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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –“Your favorite senator in the whole world, Lindsey Graham, is going to face opposition, not stern opposition. He’ll be reelected to another six-year term. There were six. A couple of those candidates we had on the air here on this show and they just couldn’t take him down. Why do South Carolinians love Lindsey Graham so much?” Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike:While we have some time left with Jack Hunter here, let’s talk about South Carolina a little bit. Your favorite senator in the whole world, Lindsey Graham, is going to face opposition, not stern opposition. He’ll be reelected to another six-year term. There were six. A couple of those candidates we had on the air here on this show and they just couldn’t take him down. Why do South Carolinians love Lindsey Graham so much?
Jack Hunter: I wouldn’t say they love him. He’s just there. He keeps sticking around. Some people love him, obviously. I can’t tell you how much it hurts my heart as a South Carolinian to know that that man is representing my state. It bothers me as a libertarian-leaning conservative.
Anything I want to see happen in Congress and in this country, he’s an obstacle to each. I don’t care if you’re talking about domestic policy, foreign policy, the Constitution, the size of government, you name it. He is the enemy. I cannot emphasize that enough. Here’s a guy who was willing to raise taxes so you didn’t cut any Pentagon spending, who said we don’t need the Fourth or Fifth Amendment. If you arrest American citizens, tell them to shut up, you don’t get a lawyer. You name it, this guy is God awful. He thinks we should be in Afghanistan forever. He is a monster and I am sad that he’s going to be there another six years.
Mike:It is ridiculous. Guy is in Nevada. You’re next on the Mike Church Show. How you doing?
Caller Guy: I’m doing great. Thank you for having me on the show.
Mike:You’re welcome.
Caller Guy:I have two points to make. First of all, I’ve got your back on this thing with your friend about getting pulled over for drinking and driving. I certainly understand your point of view. I believe your point of view was that yes, she got pulled over for drinking and driving, and yes, she failed the sobriety test. But I think your point was that revenue-based situations like that, yes, the police officer should have said: Yeah, your husband is coming. Let him come get the vehicle, whether it’s in a safe place or not. The state trooper was way off, I believe, on that.
Mike: This wasn’t a state trooper. I don’t want to incriminate Louisiana State Troopers. This was a St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Deputy, probably one of the ones that protested against Austin Badon’s decriminalization of marijuana bill.
Caller Guy: I agree with your point of view completely. The second part of my call is that this revenue-based thing with the police department goes way, way back. In 1991, I left a bar after having one beer and was on my way home. I lived a mile and a half away from the place where I was at. I failed to use my turn signal switching lanes to make the turn to go to my apartment complex. There was nobody in front of me, nobody behind me, nobody on the road. I get pulled over in my parking spot. I get out of my vehicle. I’m walking to my door at that point when the police officer pulled behind me, turned on his lights, walked up to me and said, “What are you doing?” I said, “Well, I’m going home.” He says to me, “Have you been drinking?” I admitted to having one beer. He gave me a field sobriety test. At that point he said, “You passed every test I have, but because I have the head honcho from MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers), I have to arrest you for DUI.” I was shocked.
Mike: How’d that work out?
Caller Guy: Well, it worked out pretty well in my favor. He ended up taking me to the police station, which was eight miles away, and giving me a Breathalyzer, which I agreed to. At that point I blew into the Breathalyzer and it wouldn’t even register. At that point he said, “Well, I cannot arrest you for DWI, but I am going to write you a citation for failure to use your turn signal.”
Mike: No getting away from them. I gotta go because we’re just about out of time. Jack, one of the other things we wanted to talk about here today while I had you here was not only Eric Cantor and Rand Paul, but 2014 is going to be upon us, the elections in November, in a matter of five months here. Then the nanosecond after that, as soon as the last vote is counted and there aren’t any more recounts, 2016 is on. Do you expect, from what you know from Senator Paul, that we will know early on if his intentions are that he’s going to — I just ask you because I know you’re close to him — if he’s going run. Same question for Senator Cruz. If you had to pick five guys in the field right now, who would you say is going to run?
Hunter: Senator Paul said he’s going to decide after 2014. I don’t think he’s decided. I hope he runs. We’ll see if he runs.
Mike: I think it would be good for the country if he would run.
Hunter:I think it would be spectacular for the country. Even if he doesn’t win, I think it would be better for the country.
Mike: I think Ron Paul’s runs were great for the country.
Hunter: Ron Paul’s runs, to quote Grover Norquist from 2008, were the most consequential of 2008 and 2012 and have changed the country significantly.
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Mike:We’re going to take a break. I’m going to give you a chance to put your five together. We’ll hit it when we come back. It’s Mike Church here with Jack Hunter from Rare Magazine, that’s www.rare.us.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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