
The Problem Is Big Government And We Need To Find A Solution

todayMay 17, 2013 5


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you really want to do something about it, here’s a word for you to research and think about all weekend long: secession.  [mocking] “Why don’t you get in line with the rest of us?  Why do you keep going to that?  You know it’s not going to happen.  Why do you keep talking about it?”  I keep bringing it up because it forces you to consider actual alternatives.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Just to reset the first two hours, I talked about this IRS scandal, we did that.  I talked about the president’s role in it.  My angle on the IRS scandal is not like most people’s angle.  My angle is fine, get mad about the IRS.  Yes, they are abusive.  Yes, it’s just like the KGB.  Yes, it may just be like China.  All of those things are true.  At the end of the day, what are you going to do about it?  The fact remains that when all this is done, the IRS will still be collecting your taxes.  The general government will not have been shrunk in size.  It will be as menacing as it ever was.  As I said in the first hour, is it possible that if you try to file for a 501(c)(4) and you’re a “conservative” group, that you may not suffer harassment, but that’s not going to do anything to diminish the rest of the menacing specter that is the general government.


Just like the other day with the Kermit Gosnell talk on this show, I tried to be very clear and specific that the citizens of libtardia that don’t want to talk about this are smart.  They’re smart because they know any talk of the Gosnell trial might make some people question what goes on inside other abortion clinics.  As I said, and I’ll repeat it, I’ll tell you what goes on inside.  Abortions!  What do you think goes on in there?  You think because it’s not Gosnell and he’s not snipping spines of newborns that they’re still not killing babies in there?  That’s what they do.  Those that promote the pro-choice point of view cannot have rank and files citizens obeying their federal overlords thinking about the ghastliness of what goes on inside all the other abortion clinics, so Gosnell doesn’t exist.

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtIsn’t it interesting as well, and no one has pointed this out, Kermit Gosnell was doing exactly what Illinois senator Barack Obama wanted doctors in the State of Illinois to be able to do.  Obama may not have wanted them to be snipping spines, but the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act in Illinois in 1999, 2000, 2001.  There was only one senator, one Illinois senator that voted against it: Obama.  There was only one senator that spoke against it: Obama.  Remember the crusade from the wonderful Jill Stanek, the nurse who, working in Chicago-area hospitals, accepted the responsibility of trying to comfort those infants that she was forbidden by Illinois law who had survived abortions, she was forbidden to resuscitate them.  She had to listen to them cry.  She would bring them into broom closets where they could cry out their remaining hours of life on this planet.  It was the Illinois legislature that was trying   correct this by passing the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.  Again, there was only one member of the Senate that opposed it, and that was Obama.

So Kermit Gosnell was just doing what then-Senator Barack Obama would have wanted him to do.  Again, I’m not saying that the president would have wanted the snipping of the spines after third trimester babies had been delivered, I’m not saying that.  Born-alive infants were just fine to then-Senator Obama.  This is part of the historical record, by the bye.  This is not my opinion.  These are his words.  That’s another reason why the left, libs, could not have discussion of the Gosnell trial.  They could not cover it.  It could not be big news for all the reasons I just mentioned.

What does that have to do with the Internal Revenue Service probe, the revelation that there were these subpoenas to be issued for the wiretaps of AP reports’ phones and all this other egregious behavior?  Folks, this is what a big, out-of-control government does, I don’t care who’s running it.  They may not do it as much under one administration as another but they certainly do it.  When you imbue them with $3.9 trillion to spend, they’re going to keep on doing it. If you’re really all worked up about it, just forget about the reform crap.  As I said earlier, there is not an entity in this universe short of Yahweh, God himself, that can efficiently manage $3.8 trillion.

article-v-pamphlet-adIf you really want to do something about it, here’s a word for you to research and think about all weekend long: secession.  [mocking] “Why don’t you get in line with the rest of us?  Why do you keep going to that?  You know it’s not going to happen.  Why do you keep talking about it?”  I keep bringing it up because it forces you to consider actual alternatives.  I am perfectly happy to hear people’s protestations about: We’re willing to suffer the tyranny of Obama and future Obamas if we can preserve our vainglorious 48-state Union and our Constitution.  I would retort: Who says you can’t have a constitution and live under it in the State of Rhode Island?  Out of scale, folks, thinking about these things the wrong way.

Then there is the fact that we are a corrupt people.  The next gang of managers at the IRS will be chosen from the same corrupt lot.  They will be friends of the same elites that chose this batch.  There may be some more Republicans in there, but they’ll still be just as corrupt and just as vicious.  I asked the question of some of you: Would it be okay for the IRS agents to do what they did to the Tea Party groups to do to Media Matters, for example, to do to groups that are more left-of-center and liberal?  Would that be okay?  No, we don’t want it done at all.  Oh, so we don’t want it done.  What’s the most surefire way to see to it that it’s not done?  Wouldn’t it be to remove the authority to do it in the first place?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

obama tax bro

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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