
The Real Reason The US Wants To Invade Syria

todayOctober 21, 2014 10


ISIS Was Excuse To Invade Syria And Kill Assad

The latest "American Statesman" book from Mike Church, hailed by Professor Kevin Gutzman
The latest “American Statesman” book from Mike Church, hailed by Professor Kevin Gutzman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript Remember, we were just going to Syria or starting this air campaign in Syria and Iraq so that we could eliminate ISIS and protect San Diego, because ISIS was coming to San Diego.  Remember?  ISIS was coming to Lincoln, Nebraska, coming to behead us all.  Even though there’s a beheading every six seconds in the United States of an American child who will never see life in an abortion clinic.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  If this isn’t insane enough, then we have, of those in the political class that you would think you could count on, conservatives as we’re told, to hold the line on these sorts of things but they can’t.  You know why?  They’re too busy.  They’re too busy fighting to exterminate and help along the effort to get rid of Christianity in the Middle East.  We have got to get rid of the last brutal dictator that stands in the way of the jihad steamrolling and finishing the extermination of the ancient Christian populations of the Middle East.  They’re not satisfied and content with eliminating us here domestically.  They want to eliminate us across the globe.  How are they doing that?

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Waging wars in Middle Eastern countries, claiming that it’s to protect us from terrorists, all the while eliminating, picking off one by one, alleged brutal dictators that if they did one thing and they did it semi-effectively, it was to keep the jihad from murdering the Christian populations that lived inside of Libya, lived inside of Egypt, lived inside of Iraq and now the ancient granddaddy of them all, the Syrians.  You guys are next.  Why do you think this war had to be ginned up and started in Syria against ISIS?

If you don’t believe me, here’s an editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal.  Remember, we were just going to Syria or starting this air campaign in Syria and Iraq so that we could eliminate ISIS and protect San Diego, because ISIS was coming to San Diego.  Remember?  ISIS was coming to Lincoln, Nebraska, coming to behead us all.  Even though there’s a beheading every six seconds in the United States of an American child who will never see life in an abortion clinic.  Nah, we don’t want to talk about that.  We’re not worried about those beheadings.  We can’t have journalists being beheaded on television.  Maybe we ought to start filming the beheadings inside mothers’ wombs.  Maybe we can marshal an army outside of the Planned Parenthood’s terrorist stronghold.

mccain crater2Again, remember, this was just an air campaign, three, four weeks max.  Headline, “To Defeat Islamic State, Remove Assad,” says John McCain and Lindsey Graham, members of the United States Senate.  Syrians are already asking us why we’re bombing ISIS but not stopping Assad’s attack on them.  Good question.  They lied, they lied, they lied.  They fabricated this entire scenario because last year when they wanted to go in and get rid of Assad they were told no.  I don’t know what Senator McCain’s motivations are, but, ladies and gentlemen, the actions of this man and the actions of Senator Graham, these are as diabolical as any you will see, yet we’re worried about ISIS.  We better worry about what’s gathered underneath that Capitol dome inside Mordor on the Potomac River.  These people are mad.

It wasn’t good enough to get rid of Saddam, Gaddafi, Mubarak, anyone else that provided some form of stable government in the Middle East that could protect those Christian, ancient populations.  We gotta get rid of the final one.  Assad has got to go.  Line up the dominoes, folks.  Don’t be blind here.  You people out there eating popcorn and cheerleading this on and ranting and raving on talk radio shows about how Obama is not going fast enough into Syria, [mocking] “Assad’s the problem.  We gotta get rid of him.”  How did getting rid of Saddam work out for all those ancient Catholics and Christians in Iraq?  How did it work out?  They’re dead.  We’ll never know how it worked out because they can’t tell us.  Ditto that in Libya.  Ditto that in Egypt.  Now you are cheering on what’s going to happen in Syria.  They’re going to do it.  I’m not going to bother reading this editorial.  Read it for yourself.  It’s in today’s Pile of Prep.


It’s exactly as was predicted.  Assad was the target all along.  It never was ISIS, never was ISIL, never was Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D.  It never was any of them.  It was always Assad.  [mocking] “Mike, maybe they just want to get rid of Assad because they don’t like Putin and they think Putin is a big threat.  You ought to open your eyes.  You’re so naïve.”  Blah, blah, blah.

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So you mean my naivety, which is based upon, number one, non-intervention, number two, just war, and number three, that there are ancient Christian populations that are going to be murdered after Assad is gone.  But you don’t care about that.  You also don’t care to go stand outside Planned Parenthood clinics and fight domestic terrorists.  We don’t want to be bothered by all these moral inconsistencies here, do we?  No, no, no, let us continue on in bombing the rest of the world into submission.  Oh, but we’re the good guys.  We’re the good guys.  The world ought to be on notice.  If you’re a legitimate government of any nation on earth, and if there is a sizeable Christian population within your borders, you are probably a marked man.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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