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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Want to see WHO is Google-ing the term “secede” today, then click this link and see where your city/state ranks
George Will: shoot your self in the knee to teach yourself guns are bad and let tyrants tyrannize you to inspire reactions!?
John Roberts the “conservative” meets John Roberts the “constructionist” as Krauthammer tries to crawl in the SCOTUS CJ and figure out his madness
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
Steve Gould on July 3, 2012
King Dude,
What would it take to actuallly secede? Texas can be self sufficient and with a major port in the gulf, free trade will be easy to maintain. But what would we the citizens of the republic of Texas have to do to get the ball rolling in order to make Texas a soverign country once again?
Thank you for all you do in educating the masses.
Tom on June 29, 2012
Thanks, King Dude for your insight and daily education. Think and act locally.
chris on June 29, 2012
Dear Dude,
Id like to say I’ve enjoyed your show greatly these past few years. Is also like to let you know I’m a 29 year old who has been using the ‘s’ word for over 6 months now. Id also like to thank Dr. Gutzman for standing up for his principles and being humble enough to learn from his mistakes. Hope you still have one of his autographed books on Monday when I get paid.
As to Roberts write up of the ruling, here’s at least one case where the Obama-bots can say ‘its all Bush’s fault’ and be right. I’m also to blame as I voted for Bush, oh well live and learn.
Have a great weekend. I look forward to celebrating secession day on the 4th by listening to your new docu drama.
George Mason on June 29, 2012
Congress per Chief Justice Roberts can not compel Americans to buy something. What does he think the tax part of the bill does?