Pile Of Prep

The Tea Party Clash, Should I Stay or Should I Go?

todayDecember 5, 2012 6


Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Father, Tea Party, Christmas Spirit goodness and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. The Tea Party Clash, Should I Stay or Should I Go? “So, young women, chased by fewer young men to marry, are NOT “decadent” in building their financial and career empires before settling down to bear children they are certain they can support (they are not blessings from God you see, they are an inconvenience that occasionally looks good in the back seat of the Audi)?”


Order your "Secede or Die" T-shirts while supplies last
Mike Church’s famous “America, Secede or Die” engravement art, custom redrawn from Ben Franklin’s “Join or Die” engravement of 1857. Order yours today in sizes md-4XXXXL.

WaPo The Tea Party is either A. Finished B. Laying low to unload on Obama, Post inauguration or C. Has become irrelevant because it chose looks and slogans over intellect and principle

War hungry GOP will trade your tax rates to Obama for a promise to continue the American Empire experiment UNCUT – this is what will make [r]epublicans bolt the party and the union

The Leviathan is a coin and on both sides, R & D you find deceit, corruption and fiscal recklessness unseen in WORLD history menaing that [r]epublicanism actually DOES provide an alternative worthy of consideration

There are 3 people on earth I would vote AGAINST if they challenged say, Mitch McConnell, loudmouth abortionist Ashley Judd is one of them

Sara Palin calls Republicans “wusses” and wonders why they won’t abide their principles and not be socialists!? Ummm, that’s because we are ALL socialists now Mama Grizzly, especially those who think they are not

VIDEO: Here’s to magic beans and fairy dust budgeting and while you’re at it how about a government subsidized, Tito’s Bloody Mary to chill those magic beans in!?

Secession: Reason # 3,472: The nitwits in the U.S. Senate actually think the same thugs who friendly fire on our soldiers are going to ratify and honor a treaty on “the rights of the disabled” which is just another blue helmeted attack on the States sovereignty (notice I didn’t say the “nation’s sovereignty!”)

Southern Avenger: We will be honoring Grover Norquist and his pledge long after the DeceptiCON war hawks in the GOP who poo-poo it to preserve their empire

The Atlantic: So, young women, chased by fewer young men to marry, are NOT “decadent” in building their financial and career empires before settling down to bear children they are certain they can support (they are not blessings from God you see, they are an inconvenience that occasionally looks good in the back seat of the Audi)? This argument, from East Coast, agnostic snobs, manages to list and exhort the very moral decadences that plague the attempt to arrest the decline of the family and thus family life

VIDEO: Bill Whittle’s speech saying what The Romney’s speech SHOULD have been to Candy Crowley

Critics of Boehner Striking Back are in the United States Senate too as DeMint dishes reality to the Tan Man

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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