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JM22 on October 20, 2014 I think there has been a real lack of education and catechesis by the Church in recent times. When you get people like Pelosi, Reed, and Melinda Gates saying they’re “Catholics” I want to scream. No Catholic should be (or can be, if they’re following Doctrine) pro-choice. If you’re pro-choice, you’re not Catholic, ipso facto. However, the reasoning behind why the Catholic Church is pro-life and anti-contraception has not been clearly enumerated and explained to the laity. Of course, the pro-abortion press does nothing to assist in getting out the true message. Thus you get things like “Catholics hate homosexuals” and “Catholics hate abortionists”. Well that’s just not true. We do not hate *people*. We abhor the things that people *do*. The *real* teaching on sex & homosexuality is that sex outside of wedlock is sinful. This goes for heterosexuals & homosexuals. Those who suffer with same-sex attractions are asked to remain celibate and offer their sufferings up to God. If they act upon their attraction, then they should go to confession. Similarly, single heterosexuals should remain celibate, and if they fornicate, they should go to confession. That being said, there is no denying that same sex unions have taken place (regardless of the Church’s view on the validity of those unions- which is that they’re not valid). So, how are parishes supposed to treat the offspring of said unions? How do you address these situations in a 2nd grade class when you say that Sally and Jane’s union isn’t valid because they’re lesbians? THESE questions are the ones that the bishops and cardinals were struggling with during the Synod. How do you embrace the person, while at the same time emphasising that their lifestyle is sinful? The Catholic Church wants to be welcoming- IS welcoming- but you can’t expect to come to it and demand that it change almost 2000 years of teachings to suit you. It’s s a very challenging time… and I think we need to wait & see what happens after next year’s Synod. And in the meantime, continue to preach the truth. Refer people to the Vatican’s website or the website for the Catechism. It’s all there, and has been for a long, long time. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on October 20, 2014 Jeannie, Thanks for you post. We can read St Pius X & Pope Leo XIII on these matters for clarity and the inspiration of Grace. To your query, the same question applies to the bastard children of couples “living in sin”. Thanks to Adam, Original Sin is hereditary regardless of the parents state of Grace so the Church must deal with the CHILDREN of those couples the same as it deals with the parents of others. If that means the children grow to be averse to endorsing the parent’s sinful lifestyles, so be it. This can happen in the heterosexual world too, so why obsess over the parental sexual state other than as an excuse to alter ALL the Catechism on the family? THAT should be called what it is: anathema or if promoted by the clergy, heresy. Log in to Reply
DarSmith on October 16, 2014 Had to look up mortification. Oh My!!! Guess we still need to read a bit on that one 🙂 🙂 🙂 ty So, does this have to do with how, or why, or something to do with the Catholic Church accepting that which the Bible forbids? There was a reference to how Mass has changed. I remember when Saturday night Folk Mass began – and the opinion of the Mom of the family that we spent our time with… Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on October 20, 2014 Mortification: spend the last 30 seconds of an 8 minute shower without hot water. Take no cream or sugar with 1 of 3 cups of coffee. Take no dressings on every other salad. The point is to gain the habit of eschewing the material world’s charms and luxuries in favor of what is needed. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757