
There’s No Agriculture in the Constitution

todaySeptember 18, 2012 11


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We should totally annihilate the Department of Agriculture.  We should totally annihilate all subsidies, all of them, to any agriculture industry.  You ought to eliminate tariffs on incoming farm goods.  Make the farmers compete like everyone else.  Yes, that means the FDA and EPA are going to have to be closed down, too, because they don’t have any constitutional role as well.  No one is talking about that kind of stuff, though.  That’s what a free people would be talking about.  That’s what a people that truly desire free markets would be talking about right now, not this mish-mash of I can run the EPA better than Obama or I can run the EPA better than Romney.  That means that you can run the tyrannical state better than the other guy.  I thought the purpose of living in the greatest country that man ever conceived was to not live under this kind of tyranny.  Maybe I missed something along the way.  Check out the transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  None of it is inspiring to me.  I think the entire process and the entire edifice is corrupt.  Just anyone that’s a representative of it is a representative of a corruption unseen in the history of man.  If we have seen anything that remotely resembles the corrupt system that we are currently propping up, it didn’t last very long.  I tell you what inspires me.  What inspires me is to hear people that are not running for offices but see the folly of our way and are bold and brave enough to take a stand against it.  I don’t mean the ideologues that are out there demagoguing these things.  I mean people that see all of this for what it is and realize that the only way out of most of this is to stop doing it, not reform it, not rein it in, not join it and try to make it more effective or efficient, but to stop it.  That’s what inspires me.  There are a few examples of that out there.

I have an email here, one of the rare times I actually get an email I can read on the air.  I should play my applause track here.  Nathaniel Breitbach is writing about the Mother Jones audio, which is hard to play on the air.  If you don’t have the subtitles to watch it, it’s difficult to understand what it is he’s saying, so I’m not going to bother with that.


The disingenuous description of what constitutes government assistance, his numbers are way off.  What about the farmers, the seniors, the banks, the military, the industrial complex, the airlines, the automobile industry?  All those people depend on government assistance as well.  Hacks abound, are they not?  [Mike: Yeah, there are hacks.]  It seems that everyone is a shill for some form of hackery or another.

[end reading]

Mike:  There was a story that we had yesterday about Senate candidates in Nebraska.  One candidate says they’re for this much farm bill spending and the other candidate is for this much.  I would like to revisit that one more time quickly.  The U.S. Constitution was written and ratified in 1787 and 1788.  We know that at the time of writing and ratification, the United States was by and large an agricultural civilization.  Most civilizations were agricultural.  We were not heavy on industrials or manufacturing.  We were heavy on agrarian life, in other words agricultural life, farming.  For all the talk, for all the debate in the federal convention, for all that was said in ratifying conventions, there is hardly any evidence that the subject of farming or agriculture and the government’s role in managing it or promoting it or stabilizing it or regulating it, it never comes up, yet it was the way of life.  Why is that?

That is because the U.S. Constitution confers no power, no authority whatsoever as ratified over the industry, over the life-giving skill that is farming, the life-preserving skill that is farming.  You get your hand in the soil and you become more one with the Earth.  You are then grounded, as they say.  The Constitution has nothing to say about it.  It is totally silent on the matter.  Why then should I be hearing Republican candidates — these Republicans are conservatives, mind you — duke it out with liberal candidates — who are evil and despicable socialist, mind you — over whether or not we’re going to spend $1 trillion or $934 billion on farming.  You shouldn’t spend a dime, not a penny, unless you want to amend the Constitution and say that Washington, D.C. is a great manager of our agriculture industry.  Yet out there every day we’ll be talking about it.

If you were looking for places where the train hopped off the track, that’s one of them.  So what should we do?  We should totally annihilate the Department of Agriculture.  We should totally annihilate all subsidies, all of them, to any agriculture industry.  You ought to eliminate tariffs on incoming farm goods.  Make the farmers compete like everyone else.  Yes, that means the FDA and EPA are going to have to be closed down, too, because they don’t have any constitutional role as well.  No one is talking about that kind of stuff, though.  That’s what a free people would be talking about.  That’s what a people that truly desire free markets would be talking about right now, not this mish-mash of I can run the EPA better than Obama or I can run the EPA better than Romney.  That means that you can run the tyrannical state better than the other guy.  I thought the purpose of living in the greatest country that man ever conceived was to not live under this kind of tyranny.  Maybe I missed something along the way.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Wil Shrader Jr. on September 19, 2012

    If the non-existence of the Dept. of Education would leave everyone illiterate, the necessity of Agriculture keeps us all from starving. It produces as much food as the Energy Dept. does energy. The word “Hindrance” or “Prevention” or even “Destruction” should be officially applied to the department titles.
    Dept. of Agricultural Destruction
    Dept. of Energy Prevention
    Dept. of Educational Hindrance
