
If You Think $680 Billion Budget Deficit Is Big, Just Wait For Obamacare To Be Added

todayNovember 14, 2013 5


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is just getting started, just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  Where’s the money going to come from?  Is this new woman, Janet Yellen, is she going to get in the Federal Reserve and crank out another $80 billion a month to pay for this?  We have to keep the stock market going.  You gotta feed the monkey, you know, man.  Is she going to crank out $80 billion a month to subsidize all those that are going to sign up for the Affordable Care Act?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Before you start thinking that the $680 billion deficit — what a paltry amount.  Some might be going: Wow, that’s all it was?  That’s it, $680 billion?  That was the fifth largest deficit in history.  To put that a little bit in perspective, let’s use Jefferson’s description.  It’s not a trillion, we’re working on it, but $680 billion.

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Henry_detail_ChristmasEven with the decline, last year’s annual deficit was the fifth-largest in history and added to the nation’s record $16.7 trillion debt.

[end reading]

Mike:  Wait a minute, doesn’t the president like to say that adding to the deficit does not add to the debt, or is it adding to the debt ceiling does not add to the debt?  Here’s a clue: both add to the debt.  Then there’s some claptrap about how the economy is improving.  How many of you people think the economy is improving?  I am not in that number.


Spending fell 5 percent in October to $290.5 billion, mostly because of the [Mike: government shutdown].

Congressional leaders also agreed to set up a House-Senate conference committee that is seeking a budget deal . . .

A fight over the budget and President Obama’s health care program led to the 16-day shutdown. The battle ended with only a temporary agreement to re-open the government until Jan. 15.

[end reading]

Mike:  Maybe we should plan our parade on January 15 in the hopes that another impasse will occur and we’ll get to suffer yet another measly $91 billion budget deficit year.  Here is our illustrious Speaker of the House, and some of you’s illustrious leader, that would be John Boehner, waxing ineloquent about [mocking] “We took in a lot of money.  We still can’t balance our books.”

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[start audio clip]

John Boehner: You know, this year we’ve got record numbers of revenues coming to the federal government, yet at the same time, we’re still going to have a nearly $700 billion budget deficit, and that’s before Obamacare kicked in. When you look at the enrollees in Obamacare, what you’re going to see, you’re going to see a lot of people signing up for expanded Medicaid. Where’s that money going to come from? Under Obamacare, it’s slated to come out of Medicare, which is already running out of money. So when you step back and look at the totality of this, unfortunately, I don’t think it’s ever going to work.

[end audio clip]

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailMike:  For once, Boehner is actually correct.  I pointed this out at the beginning of the segment and at the end of last hour.  If you think these numbers are startling now, remember I gave you the number of enrollees in Obamacare — 79,000 signed up through the state exchanges in October.  Seventy-nine thousand went and met Obama Girl and decided: I don’t want to do business with you.  I trust the devil that I Know better than the one I don’t.  I’m going to sign up through my state.  That 79,000 enrollees in the state indicates to me that most of them are probably going to be Medicaid participants.  What would that entail?  A subsidy, meaning congratulations, American taxpayer, your involuntary servitude has now kicked into higher gear, as if it wasn’t in high gear enough.  If you trudged off to work today still in possession of your own health insurance plan, congratulations.  Not only are you an honorable man or woman for buying your own health insurance, you are now made even more honorable, and a sucker at the same time, because you are now on the hook to pay for many other people’s health insurance plans through the transfer of wealth known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare.

[start audio clip]

John Boehner: There are all types of health insurance policies out there based on your financial circumstances and how much risk you’re willing to take. And, so, the idea that the federal government should come in and create a one-size-fits-all for the entire country never was going to work. We talked about it during the debate on Obamacare and before the vote ever even happened.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  We don’t want to hear about that now, because, remember, it’s the law of the land, Johnny.  It’s the law of the land, Al Sharpton and the rest of them keep reminding us.  You can’t change the law of the land, unless, of course, you want to change it in your favor.  The less-than-illustrious beginning of the Affordable Care Act is actually a blessing because it delayed what will ultimately be the inevitable ballooning of the deficit and then the ballooning of the debt, which people seem to care less and less about.  Nothing to see here.  In other words, folks, move along.

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtI want to hit on this point that Boehner was making about the one-size-fits-all.  He’s right about that and it not working.  I talked about this yesterday and yesterday a year ago and two years ago and three and four and five and six and seven and eight years ago.  This is the reason why the Constitution was never designed for and cannot possibly be expected to work in these instances, to be able to mitigate the disastrous effects that something like the Affordable Care Act is going to have on 311 million people.  First of all, it’s not designed to allow that, and second of all, there’s not a mechanism of recourse here.

Some guy called yesterday and was talking on and on about checks and balances.  Where’s the check and the balance?  Every check that was supposed to be at our disposal to use against some atrocity like the Affordable Care Act has failed.  The only check we have left is the one that we’re told will never work.  And what is that?  The states, that’s right.  Even if your state does not go along with the scheme and does not open an exchange up, all that means is that the Feds are going to open an exchange up and you’ll have to go through them.  I just happen to know someone that’s on Medicaid and is using the Louisiana version of Medicaid.  He was informed that thanks to the Affordable Care Act, he is no longer eligible and can no longer use the Louisiana version of Medicaid.  They’re closing the program down.  He now has to go to the Obama Girl on the website and apply through the federal exchange because we don’t have one here in Louisiana.  That will be another subsidy.

This is just getting started, just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  Where’s the money going to come from?  Is this new woman, Janet Yellen, is she going to get in the Federal Reserve and crank out another $80 billion a month to pay for this?  We have to keep the stock market going.  You gotta feed the monkey, you know, man.  Is she going to crank out $80 billion a month to subsidize all those that are going to sign up for the Affordable Care Act?  Let’s ask the question differently.  Is she going to crank the printing press up so that our sons and daughters can experience what it’s like 10, 15, 20 years from now when they’re working, what it’s like to have to pay for something you had no material participation in creating?  That’s exactly what’s going to happen.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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