Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep – Biden Declares War On Mis-Dis And Mal!

todayFebruary 10, 2022 13


EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access!

Veritas et Sapientia – “All the will-worshippers, from Nietzsche to Mr. Davidson, are really quite empty of volition. They cannot will, they can hardly wish. And if any one wants a proof of this, it can be found quite easily. It can be found in this fact: that they always talk of will as something that expands and breaks out. But it is quite the opposite. Every act of will is an act of self-limitation. To desire action is to desire limitation. In that sense every act is an act of self-sacrifice. When you choose anything, you reject everything else. That objection, which men of this school used to make to the act of marriage, is really an objection to every act.” G.K. Chesterton, The Will & Limitations In Art

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Check out the full announcement on The Mike Church Show’s Short Wave Radio broadcasts!

THE KINGDUDE’S RUNDOWN – Headline’s and The King’s Commentary

God Bless The Hero Schoolkids Who Refuse To Let Mask Police Abuse Them – The Biden Regime and a dozen or so Demoncrat governors have declared war on ‘Muricah’s children still captive in Covid-LGBTQ-CRT re-education camps, but THESE kids aren’ “just another brick in the wall”!

130+ UK Doctors: Failed COVID Policies Caused ‘Massive’ Harm, Especially to Children – The PLANET is now discovering what we’ve known for 25 months and in general decades: the Malthusian Demonic Death Cult has been at war with humanity since 3:15pm, 25 March, 33 anno domini but in the last 100 years they’ve been in control of killing machines to actually physically kill.

‘Mis- dis- and mal-information’ undermining ‘public trust in government institutions’ – The DHS has declared anyone who speaks out against pandemic orthodoxy as “domestic terrorists”. This is where the Biden Regime has led their followers, into mal-mis and dis-informed hatred of those who used to be fellow citizens. This is OBVIOUSLY a pretense for a violent confrontation, somewhere in ‘Muricah with Biden as a fake CIC. Oremus!

God Bless The Hero Schoolkids Who Refuse To Let Mask Police Abuse Them – Kids stuck in public schools who are fare more courageous than the parents who abandoned them there

IRS Abandons Plans to Require Third-Party Facial Recognition – The IRS backs off its sinister plan to force U.S. Sheople to file their taxes via online facial recognition

New research turns up yet more potential mRNA vaccine dangers – The gig is up the news is out we’ve finally proved it: the mRNA “vaccines” remain in the3 body’s lymph nodes for at least 60 days, destroying another Pfizer myth that the mRNA remains EXCLUSIVELY in the arm where the “jib” is injected…LIES!

AT&T Commercial Star Milana Vayntrub: ‘I Am Grateful for the Beautifully Boring Abortion I Had’ – How did we get here!? The world’s biggest corporation now hires infanticide pimping harlots to masquerade as sweetness and light, this deceit should be criminal!

Why Airbnb Banned Me (And My Hubby, Too!) – Michelle Malkin has been banned from using Air-BnB services because she spoke at a RENAISSANCE conference that was flagged by the Nazi punks at Southern Poverty Law Center. 

Andrew Lytle & the Politics of Agrarianism – This is a marvelous essay that reopens the case for The Southern Agrarian Way’s rfeturn or as we call it The NEW Christendom

Protests spread to more Canadian cities as Ottawa churches close their doors – The Covid Cabal is losing its iron fisted grip as reality continues catching up to them and the Convoy Canadians win hearts and minds

The Courage of Her Convictions: An Interview with Päivi Räsänen – Räsänen is being persecuted for Tweeting a verse from the Bible on the inadmissibility of homosexual “marriages”.

White House on Ukraine and Syria: If you don’t trust us, then f–k you – The Biden Regime is now accusing the Russians of colluding with Syrian terrorists to “stage” the death of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, whom 2 days ago, Biden claimed highly trained U.S. forces had taken out

States, Local Governments Now Flush With Cash Even Without Federal Aid – “Well they’re gonna get a bailout, aren’t they!?” The PPE bribery to all gubbmints helps explain WHY they all unanimously jumped on Nazi House Arrests, Mutilation and Mask Mandates 

Democratic Senators Unveil Legislation to Change Electoral Count Act – I TOLD YA SO!! Pence COULD HAVE refused to count AZ, GA, PA, MI and WI as Demoncrats introduce bill to end the Electoral Counting Act of 1878

EXCLUSIVE: Hershey Fires Unvaccinated Employees – First Mars made the M&M’s woke and gay now Hershey begins a campaign of intimidation against their loyal employees to make good on their PPE promises to Pelosi et al. Time to bail on Kisses and Hershey’s Chocolate Bars

From My The New Christendom Substack: The REAL Nuclear Option: The Ruling Cabal Has Come For The Children 

Penzey’s Spice Company Called All Republicans Racist, Then Lost 40,000 Customers – The spice company sent an email out saying for MLK weekend “Republicans could take the chance to buy some new guns and shoot some black people”. Seriously…

Under Biden Proposal, Everyone Including Kids Could More Easily Get Transgender Surgery – The demons are ascendant, they’ve come for the children and they won’t take no for an answer

Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 Republicans say they will not vote for any candidate who admits Biden won ‘fair and square’ – Filed under: What Will These Silly “Conspiracy Theorists” Think Of Next!?

Saving Small Farms – This article could have been written by Free Farm Friday Master Farmers themselves AND it identifies Big Ag WITH Communism!

Stephen Breyer Is Still Alive? – Matthew Walther and I agree on what will happen with Breyer’s retirement: Merrick Garland 2 which will highlight WHY the filibuster’s survival was important because he will be filibustered and not confirmed

If Parents Pulled Their Kids From School For Covid Insanity, It Would Already Be Over – Joy Pullman, channeling the Truth and what I’ve been telling folks for the last year; give them their “conquests” and walk away, they will howl for you to come back

Students Should Mask Forever, Administrator At One Of Country’s Largest School Districts Suggests – Ummm, see Joy Pullman, above^

The Specter of World War III – Handiwork of Washington’s Busy-Bodies and Hegemonists – David Stockman explains why the  Biden hens and DeceptiCONS NEED WWIII with Putin and why Putin won’t take the bait

Nearly Half Of Democrats Support Putting Unvaccinated Americans In Camps – No Surprise here, so we should get busy constructing silent, Carthusian retreat centers for their “rehabilitation” after we convict them of Lockdown, Vaxxx Mandate Crimes Against Humanity.

Unchaining Our Health – Suzanne Sammons continues the new-literary tradition of imploring the faithful away from the Pharm Life

Christians, Stop Selling Other Christians Out To Get Pagan Elites’ Approval – Nathaniel Blake is an excellent essayist but his essaying on “Christianity” and why it must reject the pagan elites shows the shortcomings of mere “Christianity” when it comes to living that life.

EXCLUSIVE: Why are Non-COVID Deaths Spiking Among Prime-Age Americans? – The Epoch Times’ Peter Stravk has poured through the 2020-21 death statistics to discover that there were actually 3 factors that account for most of the mortality spike we’ve been talking about: Drug overdoes, Alcohol related and, wait for it… HOMICIDES!

Babbitt Tried to Stop Attack on Capitol Speaker’s Lobby, Video Shows – The more we learn about what actually happened to Ashli Babbitt on January 6th the more pressure should build to identify her killer and convene a Grand Jury for prosecution

The Eternal Truth of The Big Bluff – W.M. Briggs reviews the 1955 film The Big Bluff and finds a surprising tale about Big Pharma’s evils way back then! 

Latest VAERS estimate: 388,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines – The figure of 388,000 dead ‘Muricans from the FrankenJabs is simply stunning-a death event so large you have to start quoting KIA totals from WWII and WWI to make any kind of comparison.

Must Watch Video “The New Normal” – You Must Watch This Video Because It Recounts The Entire Saga of The CoronaHoax™ & What The Cult of Death Oligarchs Intend To Do With It: End “Useless” Humans!

Pitcher of The Day (Because People Like ‘Em Pitchers!)

You Must Listen To This New Comedy Bit From The Mike Church Show Band!

This Is Why I Quit Twitter

But gave them one last zinger before walking out the social media door:

Told Ya So! Issue # 3,792

Most sports TV junkies think their heroes on Baseball Tonight are apple pie, mom and MAGA “conservatives” because they love “manly” sports.

NOT TRUE! From my Twitta…

Add Air BnB To The “Do NOT” Fund List

I told ya so! On Yesterday’s show I pointed out that our upcoming Congress in Arnaudville LA would be responsible for many attendees seeking Bed and Breakfast lodging for the 4 days and that WHATEVER those souls do, do NOT book with Air BnB! Now come Michelle Malkin’s story and Joy Pullman’s article on it:

Malkin is raising funds to support a lawsuit against Airbnb. Lawsuits and uses of the administrative state to gum up its works are one way to impose costs on leftist culture aggressors. Others would include defunding the institutions they control, such as K-12 schools, colleges, and administrative agencies. Still others include turning the deep state on itself by filing complaints and revealing its secrets through investigative reporting, lawsuit discovery, and open records requests.

This is the offensive strategy the right needs to employ in tandem with accelerating their building of parallel institutions to comprise a freedom economy within the bureaucratized economy. But these institutions need defenders if they are to not become just another target for leftist takeover and cancellation. We both need our own replacement institutions and to wage political and cultural war on the institutions that give leftists their overweening power.

People have to get off their couches and realize that there’s nowhere to run and hide. The left is going to come for you and your kids no matter where you live. You can’t hide, you have to fight.

Read the whole thing and listen to my comments on this from The Mike Church Show!

DESPERATION: Ottawa Orders Cops To Confiscate Everything Aiding Convoy Truckers

It has begun. The desperation that the Convoy Truckers have won the hearts and minds of the planet’s liberty minded people and that Ottawa’s gubbmint is looking like the ChiComs at Tiananmen Square.

From my Twitta…

Elite Panic In The Cathedral!

Ben Domenench makes the case that the elite Cult of Death Cabal, mortally wounded, is not going to voluntarily leave the battlefield.

Its Official: Reality Is The Kryptonite Of The Covid Delusional

Justin Trudeau has, as the Scots say “peshed himself” and is now making public his deluded view of reality.

Pat Buchanan: Ultimately The Libtard Left Wins

I disagree with Buchanan’s conclusions but will post it for your consideration. My comments are in italics.

Yet, despite the imperiled position of Biden’s party today, it has relative strengths and long-term trends in its favor.

America’s white majority, home to the base of the GOP, is a diminishing majority, on average older than the core constituencies of the Democratic Party—the young, the migrants and people of color. Buchanan assumes a “perpetual union” in its current shape with its current borders. 

Second, the Democratic mega-states in presidential elections—California, New York, Illinois — seem solidly blue, while Republican mega-states like Texas and Florida seem less solidly red. Do the REALLY good people of these states just stand idly by as they are told to become sodomites, surrender their land to Big Ag and apostasize The Faith!?

Third, America’s major media centered in New York and Washington, D.C., is liberal and Democratic, as are our cultural institutions — museums, Hollywood, higher education, the entertainment industry. This assumes that the same good people I reference above slavishly consume the demonic tripe produced by these factories of sin?

Fourth, the trend for democracies is toward transferring more and more power to central governments, not less. Under President Calvin Coolidge, the U.S. government share of GDP was 3 percent. Yet there is a visible movement of people fleeing the centralized modern life in even medium sized cities.

As for the culture wars, traditionalism has been in retreat since the 1950s. But the glass half full of family and family-kingdom culture is on the rise. This decadence only survives the generation that creates it because it is, by definition, lethal.

Biden appears to be a failing president who believes in the inevitable victory of the ideology toward which he himself has been moving over his half-century career since arriving in Washington as a 30-year-old centrist Democrat.

Unfortunately, he may not be wrong. “My Immaculate Heart will triumph”, Pat, he’s wrong.

Read the whole thing here.

Say Hello To “Davos Man”

Meet Parag Khanna, the man who Joe Allen at Chronicles says best fits the real world evil villain that is “Davos Man”.

Because the media has long obscured the WEF’s meetings from public view, paranoid alarmists are certain world leaders gather in Davos to don black robes, sacrifice babies, and plot to rule the planet. In reality, they wear black ties, discuss stem cell research, and debate a variety of totalitarian schemes for a “sustainable future.”

In the case of Khanna, the plot is to uproot billions of people, turn them into cyborgs, and have the working class dwell in electric RVs or converted shipping containers as needed.

Read the whole thing here.


This audio is from Nicole Sirotek of ‘Muricah’s Front Line Nurses, testifying at Senator Ron Johnson’s forum on the deadly response to Covid-19; it is from my Substack, the link to the video version is there as well.

King Louis XVI – The 1st Catholic Monarch Martyred by Free Masons

“I die in communion with our Holy Mother, the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church” – Louis execution is a stark reminder of what the Great Reset evil is capable of.” From today’s The New Christendom Daily Substack a MUST read!

Real Men Shouldn’t Be Waiting For SCOTUS To Bring Roe To An End, We Must Do It Ourselves!

This discussion on today’s Mike Church Show came from a good article at Crisis Magazine’s site that I took to a new level. Podcast is here

Baphomet Will Bow To The goddess MaskCovidia

From my Twitta (I have no other source for the video)…

Regime Leader Biden Confirms What I’ve Been Saying: Democracy Is D-E-D

The scowling, rambling, scorn filled Biden confirmed that he stole the 2020 election AND that Georgia’s 2 Senate seats were stolen as well as he demanded nothing less than elimination of all Senate rules that may stand in the way of Pelosi’s Voting Act which would place control of all federal elections in the hands of the Stacy Slobrams gang and make permanent, Demoncrat majorities. Tristan Justice sums Biden’s harangue up.

“As an institutionalist, I believe that the threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills,” Biden said at a consortium of historically black colleges in reference to a series of packaged reforms by Democrats to federalize elections ahead of a hostile midterm cycle. Biden called on the Democrats’ 50-50 “majority [to] prevail” in the passage of broad radical legislation with the Democrats’ upper hand only secured through a tie-breaking vote by the vice president.

Biden opposed changing the filibuster rule throughout the Democrat primary but signaled his willingness to call for its elimination after clinching the nomination.

“If that bare minimum is blocked,” Biden added, “we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this.”

“No option” is desperation talk. Demoncrats know that without ZuckerVote and Slobrams drive by balloting they will lose control of the entire Federal legislature and and another half dozen or so state houses and governor offices. I fully expect Schumer to con Manchin into this after which we can rejoice in the end of the Federal Union and have legitimate causes that “impel [us] them to the Separation”. Don’t talk about Old Man, do it.

The Demons Are Ascendent, They’ve Come For The Children…

California has become Ireland before St Patrick. It is filled with obsessed and possessed people who prey upon the pain sexualization of children. They practice barbaric pagan rituals they’ve termed as “transitioning” to mask the their true purpose: corrupting the souls of children, depriving them of any human dignity while feasting on the physical pain and anguish they endure. This mother discovered that a school had “transitioned” her daughter without informing her:

PINNED – The CRUSADER Knights Newsletter Has Officially Launched!

Gentlemen!  I have FINALLY put all the pieces into place to begin exhorting all CRUSADER Knights of The Holy Rosary Into Service and Action! UNFORTUNATELY, during the transfer of email services, The CRUSADER Knights email list was only partially recovered and so I ask all Knights to go to the CRUSADER Knight home page, here, and register your email address once again so we can send out Volume I, Issue I tonight! Meanwhile, check out the brand new CRUSADER Knights Crest & Shield!

Mike Church, Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Who Is Mike Church? Mike Church is the most aggressive yet charming promoter of using radio and TV media to restore Christian Order and promote God, Family and Country, on daily talk-radio & TV, in the U.S. today. Using his razor sharp wit and broadcast skills honed through 26 years in the business, there’s simply no other voice as unique and effective as Mike’s in all of broadcasting. Read the entire Mike Church Story as told by internationally renowned author Christopher Ferrara, a regular guest on The Mike Church Show, here.

Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.

“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”

Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.

It’s February 2022 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”


The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel are 74 months old this month. To see another 12 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!WednesdayMoMonday Pile of prep

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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