The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Mike’s [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.
Chuck Hagel shows why DeceptiCONS so vigorously opposed his nomination: he knows the “defense budget” is a colossal taxing & spending machine that cannot be sustained by ANY country on Earth
“GaGa” turned down a cool million to perform at RNC bash this past August giving credence to Mark Steyn’s claim that “…we’re all aging rock stars now”
MANIFESTO: Here is a citizens effort to call a “Second Constitutional Convention” and fix the myriad of problems Leviathan has created by circumventing the Constitution, however admirable, the list of FIFTY FOUR acts & and amendments, some of which are right off the talk radio airwaves viz “The Media Bias Reform Act” would actually EXPAND central power not devolve it back to its [r]epublican forms. This piece does serve the purpose of showing the unimaginable out-of-scale size of the beast and should animate calls for conventions to do the real business at hand: ReThink The American Union
The Anti-Imperialist President, Grover Cleveland, is praised for his RELUCTANCE to assert military authority of These United States
“Incorporationistas Strike: Outside the Beltway” pundit claims that because SCOTUS has incorporated the 1st Amendment for use against the State’s Establishment that = “blatantly unconstitutional” therefore the legislators in NC who propose that august State should propose to “establish” their own state religion are hoped to be “proud of themselves”. Hey “Outside…” at the time of the First Amendment’s ratification at least 4 states had some form of “established” religion, thus the reference to the term, meaning Congress #1 meant to PROTECT those “establishments” not make them “blatantly unconstitutional”… “They’re a bunch of amateurs Dude…bleeeping amateurs”
Jordan Bloom’s wrap-up of the usual suspects a historical, constitutionally ignorant protestations against the NC “establishment” cited above
There are ACTUAL [r]epublican “conservatives” in TX (besides my pal Debra Medina) and they wish to run for governor!? So sayeth Dan McCarthy…
Chuck Hegel-the new S.O.D.-was so mortified of the Defense contractor “community” and their reaction to his warning that they would see LESS OPM, could not even look up from his prepared remarks
The Church rule of College Sports (that there are NO amateur athletes any longer) for men is borne out in the emerging controversy of Auburn University’s football team paying its players to play
What lessons can be learned by the Religious Right’s failure to stop the rise of the counter culture? W. James Antle III poses the question
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
Same Awesome Show For West Coast Morning Drive
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