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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to’s Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show. The much ballyhooed Modern Era has now come face to face with the Christian ethos that preceded it and the result will be a new age of martyrdom that has now officially begun. The shocking part of this development is the Christian participation in the electronic beheadings as detailed below. “Here lies what for me is the remarkable difference between the faults I have found in modern philosophy and the faults I have found in the tradition of Aristotelian and Thomistic thought. The errors and deficiencies in this or that modern philosopher’s thought arise either from his misunderstanding or, worse, his total ignorance of insights and distinctions indispensable to getting at the truth — insights and distinctions that were so fruitful in the work of Aristotle and Aquinas, but which modern philosophers have either ignored or, misunderstanding them, have dismissed. In addition, the errors or deficiencies in the thought of this or that modern philosopher cannot be corrected by appealing to his own most fundamental principles, as is the case with Aristotle and Aquinas. On the contrary, it is usually his principles — his points of departure — that embody the little errors in the beginning which, as Aristotle and Aquinas so well knew, have such serious consequences in the end.” – Mortimer J Adler, the Ten Mistakes Modern Philosophers Make
DeceptiCONNED – Syria war-hawks now insist that country is in the shape it is in BECAUSE ‘Muricah didn’t invade, kill, bomb and destroy its population back in 2011-12 when invasion fever and the “Arab Spring” were in the full bloom of their popularity.
Chairman MaOBama Didn’t “Enforce” The Law Either – Why was it just Peachy King for Obama to NOT enforce the DOMA as the nations top “clerk” or for Governor Moonbeam to NOT enforce Proposition 8 as CA Governor but it is now mandatory for lowly county clerks in KY to do so when there IS NO LAW IN KY for her to “enforce”?
Bloomin’ Wednesday – Jordan Bloom’s essay on Catholicism never becoming compatible with the ‘Murican Experiment despite the rumors that say it has.
Will the DeceptiCONS Nephelim of Congress “hone in on” what the monsters at Planned Parenthood have admitted on videotape, now corroborated by the full length videos released by the Center for Medical Progress? Namely that PP is selling, harvested baby body parts for profits at their murder factories.
Bring back Community to bring back [r]epublicanism and the Remnant will once again freely roam and maybe rule (because he is willing to BE ruled) the Earth. Samuel Goldman reviews the need for community as the building block of civilized life that the modern era has nearly eliminated and replaced with “connectedness”, the two are not the same.
John The Baptist-DeceptiCONNED – When THE Moral Code is abrogated by the “Law of the Land” what is supposed to happen? Well, civil disobedience is what is supposed to happen for faithful, regardless of an earthly court says. Isn’t that the lesson of the Christian martyrs including those were executed precisely because they would not follow the SCOTUS of their day’s edicts? Not according to the moral equivalency of “there are win-win” scenarios where homosexual “marriages” are blessed by the State and “nobody loses”. That’s funny to hear that God is a “nobody” who doesn’t care if he “loses”
St Thomas Moore and his devotees might continue seceding from leviathan by withdrawing consent as many in “The South” are currently being confronted to do when they are ordered by their federal overlords to issue “gay marriage licenses” for example. White martyrdom is here folks, the only question that remains is will it give way to its Big Brother: Red Martyrdom of which St Thomas Moore was a beheaded casualty.
Trumpzilla Meets DeceptiCONNED – The end of the GOP is near and the final nail in this vampire’s coffin will be pounded in by Trump but he will NOT be the nominee and that is the point that is emerging. The GOP has exhausted nearly all its capital in 50+ years of over-promising “conservatism” and under-delivering crony capitalism, Big War, Big Business and Big Media (attach “conservative” to a media product and you are guaranteed an audience of good hearted people who still think Jim DeMint is one of them.)
Patrick J Buchanan – Compared to the Soviets and the Red Chinese of the 1960’s and 1970’s the Iranians aren’t even 97 lb weaklings and Republicans need to either adapt to the nuclear deal the rest of the planet’s civilized nations think is a fait accompli or figure out how they are going to go it alone and tell the world to pound sand.
DeceptiCONNED II – There is something that happens to men when they hit the age of ego-sagging eyes, balding heads, sports cars they don’t know how to drive and, well .. Woody Allen said if you keep doing it y0u’ll go blind. Taking a look at former General David Patraeus I’d say he’s gone blind, dumb and now just plain Pelosi bat—it crazy, suggesting it is time for ‘Muricah to “make allies of the fight against ISIS”. Yes, Patraeus has gone blind and is now the logical result of a war/foreign policy that has nowhere to go but to the absurd.
The Era of Modern Error, made clear in ONE paragraph. This is the concluding paragraph from an opinion essay posted at The Week online magazine. Note the set of finite choices presented as the conclusion to what others have called “judgement porn”. What is the better, philosophia perennis conclusion? Read on…. “I’m not a moral philosopher; I’m just some guy. But when I look at the shrine of hate erected at that dentist’s office, or listen to the witch-trial hisses and spitting over the Ashley Madison scandal — or read those commenters who explain, with prim sanctimony, that the latest victim of a police shooting got what he deserved because he was, after all, breaking the law — all I know is, I’d rather be an adulterer than a stone-thrower.” The better conclusion is “I’d rather adultery and stone throwing be equal moral transgressions because we have regained the universal concept of the lethal existence of Sin.”
I HATE BEING RIGHT ALL THE TIME, WHITE MARTYRDOM ARRIVES IN DENVER – I have been warning that a religious persecution unlike any seen since the Supremacy Laws of 1559 made it illegal under penalty of death to practice the Catholic Fait, Mass or receive any of the 7 Sacraments. Denver now plans to consider making it illegal for any business that “opposes gay marriage” (“family organization” as they call it) to operate in its fair city. Of course no family can be formed without children and Denver has no problem with Planned Parenthood supporters, and Denver airport vendors, Starbucks and Ben and Jerrys. Now, what was that conversation of mine, you tuned out, that warned of this and pleaded for a defense of the UNIVERSALS of moral theology?
GALILEO WAS WRONG, BACK TO SCHOOL MUST HEAR RADIO! – Today’s Special Guest, Robert Sungenis, gives us a 90 minute long presentation on WHY Galileo Was Wrong, the ground-breaking film series that finally challenges the “settled science” of Heliocentrism that never was confirmed. “Galileo Was Wrong reveals in spectacular graphics and painstaking research that the true scientific evidence not only puts Earth in a central location in the universe, but shows that it enjoys the unique privilege of being the only motionless body around which everything else revolves.” Listen to the 70 minute recap of this presentation and soon to come video with the all new Founders Pass Media Player
WE ARE FAMILY – 50 years ago Daniel Patrick Moynihan penned a study of the then young “Great Society” of LBJ, his predictions have been born out by a factor of 2 while his conclusions on what to do about it remain on a shelf and collecting dust. As this essay recounts, Moynihan knew that it was the natural, God created institution of Family that was key. “Morals and manners—more than legislation—primarily shape the direction of great nations. Any hope for regeneration will likely arise from our families with active and involved fathers, churches that foster family cohesiveness, and various ministries and nonprofits that make strong, nuclear families a priority.”
More Folly of We The Sheople – “The Constitution demands that Congress declare war on ISIS and “We the People should enforce it” is is a noble and laudable demand from this columnist for the Atlantic. But these demands are actually legal affirmations if there IS a Constitution still to be obeyed thus showing the impracticability of written Constitutions that, regardless of their noble intentions, rely on their own created entities for discipline and acknowledge no higher authority.
Ius ad bellum non decepio est – FINALLY someone other than this page and its author takes Obama, Dumbocrats and DeceptiCONS to the woodshed for a Founders whooping over the illegal and unconstitutional “war” Obama is waging with Congress’s tacit approval against ISIS
Darwin Was Wrong Pt I – Chris Ferrara reveals the story of a Jesuit monk who was actually making genetic discoveries in the physical world and not using the fallacious “hypothetical” that the sorcerer Charles Darwin used to explain “evolution”.
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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