Pile Of Prep

Thursday Prep – The Second Amendment Drunk, Incorporationistas, Strike Back

todayNovember 29, 2018 11

Veritas et Sapientia“We need a campaign to break the power of the monopolies, and have that become part of the American program. It was for much of the 20th century. I don’t want to overstate this, but many of the other democracies found themselves succumbing to dictatorship, rebellions, and fascist and communist takeovers. The United States and Britain were among the democracies that weathered those storms, and I think our concern over concentrated private power had something to do with it.Tim Wu, The Curse of BignessMandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel.


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Sorry, Brother Harsanyi, The 2nd Amendment Is NOT An Individual Right!

One of my favorite authors, editors, writers, radio show guests is David Harsanyi, editor of The Federalist. David has an excellent new book out called: First Freedom: A Ride Through America’s Enduring History with the Gun, From the Revolution to Today. Today David has an essay at The Federalist wherein he argues against former SCOTUS justice John Paul Stevens’ now admitted “mistake” in the infamous Heller vs DC case. In his smackdown of Jones, Harsanyi makes the usual, incorporationista mistake of insisting the the authors of the Second Amendment intended it to be a blanket codification of the individual’s right “to keep and bear arms”. Sorry, David, that is is simply not historically true nor can it be proven to be true. Please consider the text of the Preamble to the Bill of Rights, I’ve highlighted the relevant parts.
THE Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution.
Inconvenient Truth 1: The States, sovereign entities all, ADOPTED the Constitution in Conventions – INDIVIDUALS did not adopt the Constitution. Inconvenient Truth 2: The Constitution, meaning the new Federal government, now being the subject, needs to be altered to prevent misconstruction of ITS POWERS. This says 0.0 about what the States had clearly reserved (see Amendment IX and X for proof). The following Amendments are thus clearly aimed at the Federal government. What a ridiculous, preposterous notion that at this time, Virginia, led by Patrick Henry, is still engineering a way out of their ratification. Who in their right mind would conclude that they thus asked little Jimmy Madison to write a new set of rules for THEM!? Bollocks! Inconvenient Truth 3: What else can “declaratory and restrictive clauses”, to be added to the Constitution mean other than to declare and restrict Congress. Hell, Congress is even mentioned in the First Amendment!

Muricah’s Greatest Magician, Ricky Jay, RIP

I always enjoyed watching Ricky Jay perform his amazing card tricks and very personal (as in small space) “magic tricks”. He was always cracking jokes and disarming the viewer, who knew a con job was in progress, with that humor. I just learned that Jay died last Saturday and because I don’t know anything about the man’s spiritual life, have begun praying for the repose of his soul. Titus Techera has written a very respectful obituary for Jay at the amconmag site, here’s an excerpt.
Ricky Jay attracted his audience by putting on a performance that claimed no special dignity, that seemingly mocked the very crafts he had spent all his life mastering, and that invited a kind of equality. He would always prove the winner, admittedly, which was not about equality but excellence. He would prove that he was in control in ways unimaginable even moments before he achieved any given effect. But he would achieve his victories over his grateful audience fair and square, out in the open, sleeves rolled up—what’s more all-American than that?
Ricky Jay, RIP, oremus.

It’s The Scale of Things, Stupid

I absolutely love the title of Tim Wu’s new book The Curse of Bigness (and I’ve invited Tim on the show!). From what I gather in reading Daniel Kishi’s review and interview with Wu, he’s got his scale arguments correct; and boy howdy are the monopolies growing and out of scale; Kishi writes.
Indeed, from meat processing to mobile home manufacturing and cell phone providers, the story is one of concentration. Four companies control 73 percent of the domestic airline market; two companies control 78 percent of the American corn seed market; three companies make nearly 90 percent of all pacemakers. With four firms controlling almost 90 percent of the baby formula market and two firms manufacturing almost 80 percent of coffins and caskets, it is no exaggeration to say that Americans confront economic concentration from the cradle to the grave.
Do you believe me now, when I tell you the only way out of our current pickle is through restoring the order of subsidiarity and solidarity? Read the whole review here.

Papa Francis To Devout Nuns: Go Sister Mary Pantsuit Or Get Out!

You just can’t make this stuff up folks. The Holy Father’s war against the Faith and anyone who dares practice Her traditions has reached new, diabolical lows with the war he is waging against the Little Sisters of Mary Matthew Cullinan Hoffman reports:

According to their lay supporters, the sisters have been accused of engaging in “too much prayer” and concerns have been expressed that they wear the guimpe, a traditional form of religious head covering used by nuns that is no longer in vogue among the Church’s liberal elite. The sisters say that they are accused of a “deviant authoritarianism,” of being “too classical” in their thinking, and of being guilty of an “immobilism” in their devotion to their institute’s charism.

A total of 34 of the 39 members of the the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer say they want to quit the order after a Vatican dicastery removed their superior general and attempted to impose three “commissioners” on them who were hostile towards their more traditional practices.

To top off this wretched assault against piety and holiness, the Vatican has dispatched a Sister Mary Pantsuit to administer the convent.

The Vatican is attempting to impose on the order Sr. Geneviève Médevielle, the principal among the three commissioners. Médevielle is a religious sister who dresses in lay clothing and wears a short haircut without a head covering.

The same, exact thing was done to the Conceptionists of Quito when Sister Marianna of Jesus was the Abbess and the result was the nuns loyal to the Faith and the Cloister’s rules were all ultimately imprisoned and deprived the Mass and other devotions for months and months. Our Lady ultimately, miraculously revealed their plight and they were freed. The question is for these sisters, is there anyone left in Church hierarchy who can reverse this diabolical assault and restore the Order?

Here Comes “He’s A Chip Off The Old [DNA] Block!”

Scientists in China either have created a genetically modified “designer baby” or have harnessed the “technology” needed to do so and no one save for Wesley J. Smith seems alarmed by it. The Nazi dream of a pure, perfect, Aryan race has just moved a couple thousand clicks to the east and the prospects are harrowing; but does anyone in this “lets try out this new technology and worry about its long term side effects later” world get that? From the MIT article.

The birth of the first genetically tailored humans would be a stunning medical achievement, for both He and for China. But it will prove controversial, too. Where some see a new form of medicine to eliminate genetic disease, others see a slippery slope to enhancements, designer babies, and a new form of eugenics.

“A new form of eugenics” just rolls off the old word processor like “Sandra is pregnant with the newlywed’s first child”! Why aren’t the usual suspects who rant and rave about conspiracies that allegedly stack the deck in favor of white men, ranting and raving?!

‘Muricans To GM: Make Us 41 Foot Long Hearses Or Drop Dead

The facts of highway usage and highway maintenance have become so detached that trying to make the connection with most folks is like trying to explain advanced calculus to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Fact: bigger cars, more 18 wheeled trucks = more weight, more wear, more tear on highways = more maintenance = more taxes to pay for said maintenance = …. you get the picture. Yet, the ‘Murican obsession and it is an obsession, with driving evre growing vehicles, ever greater and more frequent distances is not only destroying the highway infrastructure, its dis-employing car makers. The just announced GM layoffs bear this out.

But demand for small and midsize cars has plunged. Two-thirds of all new vehicles sold last year were trucks and S.U.V.s. That shift has hit G.M.’s Lordstown plant hard. Just a few years ago, the factory employed three shifts of workers to churn out Chevy Cruzes. Now it is down to one. In 2017 the plant made about 180,000 cars, down from 248,000 in 2013.

Anyone hitting the highway these days can attest that not only is there a glut of trucks, they’re driven by narcissistic road hogs who only see SPEED SUGGESTIONS, not LIMITS; now the “I own the highway and have the gross tonnage to enforce it” is coming home to roost. Membah, membah the VW bug!?

Thanks FAANG: The Idealism of Social Media Is Dead

Once upon a time, a dude named Mark told some obscure magazine writer that the coming ubiquity of “social media” was going to “level the playing field” by making every man and woman and child and animal with a prideful owner, an equal participant in the dissemination of information. The “MSM” gatekeepers were being served notice, the new kids were taking over and the “free expression” they would bring to the table would change the world. Fast forward to today and Mark Zuckerberg has become THE gatekeeper, determining what “free expression” makes it to your screen and what is deemed unfit for your consumption. Along the way $30 or $40 BILLION in former media assets and entities have died or been executed by the thrift “social media” provides yet nearly everyone knows something is seriously wrong the new paradigm…. oops! Can’t bring back the now dead or dying newspapers, magazines, local radio & TV stations and even if you could, does the average Facebook user have the time now to fraternize that media? David French attempts to sort this out and like many of French’s posts there’s lots to like and some things… not so much. His conclusion is spot on.
What’s the lesson here? When you empower people, you find that they have their own will. When you seek to control that will, you find that they’ll rebel. The idealism of tech is dead. Human nature killed it. Nobody can have it all.
By human nature French means the will of each man, channeling a particular virtue or vice, has come to bear, but that’s not an option; in any act of the human mind 3 things occur, the second is judgement and there is no way around the judgement phase, the question is, is Man judging appropriately toward the Good True and Beautiful or inappropriately towards vice, sin and perdition. Since you know the answer to the question, what do we do about it?

“We Spent $90 Jillion Trying To Get A Look At Mars…”

Jimmy Buffet sings the line above on his Fruitcakes CD, it’s more true today than it was in 1994! I know I’ll get flamed for this but I don’t care. The first image is PRIOR to The Mars InSight’s “landing” on Mars today. The second image is the actual view from The InSight which shows a field of rubble, or is that a 4th grader’s amoeba shot through his microscope? How many rubes believe pic 1 is the REAL Mars and swallow this “explore strange new world’s”, Space Force nonsense. Watch the video of JPL millennials giving fistbumps when InSight “touches down”; imagine the productivity & happiness of half the room raising families with the other half raising non GMO food!

I’m Going To Mutilate Myself Now And Y’all Have to Like It AND Pay For It!

You can’t make this stuff up, folks; Andrea Long Chu is a man who has conned the NY Times into publishing his suicide manifesto, dressed up as an appeal to the nature attuned bigots of the world to accept the fact that “transitioning” is making him sick and suicidal but because he wants to be sick and suicidal, that’s ok, nay that’s PREFERRED and you and I had better get ok with it. I saw the story from Rod Dreher and Dreher’s take is spot on, we are beyond the silly season and have descended into full on madness, just as some of us predicted would occur. The title of Chu’s manifesto gives the plot away: My New Vagina Won’t Make Me Happy, And it shouldn’t have to. From there, the madness is compounded.

Next Thursday, I will get a vagina. The procedure will last around six hours, and I will be in recovery for at least three months. Until the day I die, my body will regard the vagina as a wound; as a result, it will require regular, painful attention to maintain. This is what I want, but there is no guarantee it will make me happier. In fact, I don’t expect it to. That shouldn’t disqualify me from getting it. [emphasis mine-MC]

So if suicide inducing mental therapies are what a patient wants then that’s what the patient will get because they have a right to misery!? This is ALL an error of this proportion can produce, more, grave, lethal errors. I wish to repeat: “The demons are ascendent, they’ve come for the children and they will not take no for an answer.” Do you believe me now?

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An Ascendent Demon Came For Mrs. Jamie Schmidt, But Was Turned Away

The City named for Saint King Louis IX is still reeling over what the Chief of Police describes as the most heinous act of violence he has seen in his 31 years of law enforcement: the murder of Mrs. Jamie Schmidt, whose beautiful life on this earth ended last Monday but who we can be assured has begun her life as a Saint. To read the details of this crime is to read a “how to…” from an ascendent demon, hellbent on claiming souls for his master. From LifeSiteNews:
This tale of indomitable resistance to demonic evil calls for deep reflection. Jamie Schmidt’s act of supreme courage and nobility, called forth immediately in a moment of sudden crisis, clearly did not come from nowhere. The action of grace had been evidently working quietly but deeply in the soul of this lady who had outward lived devoutly but unobtrusively, like any number of other good Catholics.
Note that Jamie LIVED devoutly, what I like to call living your vocation.

Skinny Jeans Not Only Make You Impotent, They Make You an Atheist

To my characterization of the average millennial male as a “metrosexual, skinny-jean wearing, impotent, shrunken testicle, loser” I can now add “soulless, atheist”. According to the Pew Research Center, only 10% of millennials find any meaning in life, in practicing religion. Seriously folks, you can’t make this stuff up.

Proof: Google Is Watching And Manipulating You

My buddy the columnist and author of dramatic readings like The Haunting of Fred Wolff has reviewed a new film out about what Google is actually doing with your search data, gmail and YouBoob clicks; and its worse than we suspected. The film is called The Creepy Line.
As The Creepy Line points out, no one gets to vote for Google. Furthermore, Google is not a democracy so it really doesn’t care what you think about it. The filmmakers suggest the Silicon Valley Behemoth is only interested in making money from you, and in making you think as it does. Put that idea alongside the fact that 90 percent of all Internet searches are via Google and you start to see the shape of things to come.
If you’ve previously moved to protect yourself from google’s rapacious theft and sale of your personal data, congratulations in a 10% minority in what may be the greatest David vs Goliath clash, ever.

‘Muricah: Dead Broke And Becoming More Broke

The writer Mark Steyn, a few years ago quipped “‘Muricah is so financially bankrupt that she is $19 trillion from just going back to being ‘flat broke'”. Since then, ‘Muricah has doubled down on our occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria and Africa; spent $400 BILLION in NEW military industrial complex “hardware” and driven the annual budget “deficit” back to the $1 Trillion mark; to say nothing of the fact that we’re added a cool $3 TRILLION to the “beyond flat broke” credit card! Hunter DeRensis at the American Conservative, a 22 year old, has the wisdom to see the peril his generation is in and pleads for relief from the coming debt monster.
Make the hard choices before circumstances make them for you. Our leaders ignore Stein’s Law at their own peril. No matter what, U.S. troops are coming home. Better it be our decision than the debt collectors’.
Don’t hold your breath, Hunter, the cavalry is not coming and there’s no Captain Austere on the horizon to put Mordor on a diet. No, we’re going to go the way all great empires go, in a blaze of “glory” that ends in smoldering remains. Guess who provides the fuel for what remains smoldering?

Add Wive Hating Husbands To Papa Francis’ Wrecking Ball On The Family

My friend Bai Macfarlaine is on a mission to force the Catholic Church to enforce and abide by its own teachings on divorce and marriage; the problem is that ambulance chasing Arnie Becker type divorce lawyers have a new weapon in their family destruction for profit crusade: Papa Francis and the confuse-o-rama document that Amoris Lætitia has become. In Catholic Church Sentences Innocent Husband To Divorce, Bai remarks.
The bishop’s Delegate essentially told wives that there is nothing wrong with the following:
  • hating your husband,
  • refusing to reconcile,
  • reneging on your obligation to contribute your share of help around the house,
  • permanently separating from your husband, and
  • using the secular no-fault divorce courts to take half or more of the marital property from your husband, and forcing him to pay you while you continue to break your marriage promises.

Amazon Has Become The Crown Jewel of Crony Capitalism

Jeff Bezos’s personal wealth has grown by $36 billion *just this year* and taxpayers are being forced to build him helipads. It’s a brazen display of corporate dominance. There are sound left AND right arguments against this: it’s a matter of subservience vs. independence— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) November 14, 2018
Rod Dreher has a post on this and quotes a reader’s comments, tagged only as Mat in VA. I’m quoting Matt here because he nails the bullet points (added by me).
  • Literally billions of dollars in public funding for the richest man on the planet to build even more headquarters (seems like a company big enough to have three massive headquarters could use a heaping dose of antitrust legislation).
  • The whole thing, the whole selection process, a giant performance of obeisance to the second largest company in the world,
  • already with effective monopoly power on the written word/publishing industry, with various cities clobbered by postindustrialism and globalization prostituting themselves for this monster, and then of course
  • Amazon goes with the two cities that already have the most power in the world. (The cities not chosen should be grateful, frankly.)
  • The intertwining tentacles of Big Tech and Big Government growing ever more strangling. This is our elite — the establishment of both parties, note well.
  • This is the kind of thing our elite does. Imagine believing in *this* kind of America. My understanding is that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Tucker Carlson are on the same page about this whole absolutely revolting spectacle.
It is a revolting spectacle yet your next door neighbor, your mother and your competitor down the street have all bought into “amazoning” their consumption. Like drunken sailors who destroy the port’s only bar one drunken eve, what’s needed is a cold bath and 30 days in the brig. Ask yourself this question: can you go 30 days without shopping at amazon? I can and have gone 3 years now! You can do it!

The Metrosexual, Skinny-jean Wearing Pandemic Is Here

Bloomberg has a story that puts into numbers what you and I can see with our eyes: millennial, skinny jean wearing, impotent, effeminate, shrunken testicle men, have reached epidemic proportions. The way Bloomberg reports on the crisis though illustrates perfectly how the issue is being misplaced.
Ten years after the Great Recession, 25- to 34-year-old men are lagging in the workforce more than any other age and gender demographic. About 500,000 more would be punching the clock today had their employment rate returned to pre-downturn levels. Many, like Butcher, say they’re in training. Others report disability. All are missing out on a hot labor market and crucial years on the job, ones traditionally filled with the promotions and raises that build the foundation for a career. [emphasis mine – MC]
So there is nothing about a young man’s life that cannot be measured in vanquishing competitors in the rat race and the amount of zeroes in finance accounts?

It’s Your Lucky Day, Smallville, Amazon Isn’t Coming To Ruin Your Town!

The crony capitalist warehouse scheme that is amazon’s “headquarter” derby can be summed up in what state’s were willing to tax their citizens, amazon customers all, to lure the diabolical behemoth.
The commonwealth of Virginia has offered several hundred million dollars in tax incentives, effectively paying Amazon $22,000 for each job they bring, as well as almost $200 million in infrastructure for the area. New York, which didn’t give Facebook or Google money when they moved there, has offered over $1.5 billion in incentives for Amazon’s other headquarters in Queens.
I’ve been campaigning for 3 years now to get people to realize the permanent damage they are doing to their economies and communities by farming out the acquisition of increasing amounts of chochkeys and imported from China crap; but to little avail, maybe the above stats will put the real acts of the beast into action?

Mike Church, Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day. “Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.” Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.

Need To Listen To The Pearcing Truth’s Series On Economics As If Families Mattered

The Federalist headline screams the current state of our civil, “economic” affairs. Yo, Big Business: Money Doesn’t Give You A Right To Manipulate Politics. It doesn’t? Then are you ready to begin implementing a system of Distributism, solidarity and subsidiarity? While ‘Murican Government has become the national religion, business and the exchange of money for pleasure and profit have become her powerful parishioners. Since we rarely know the people who grow or make our food or anything else for that matter, business has become a ubiquitous, requisite agent for exchange of what we want, mildly tempered by what we are willing to borrow to get it. Micro systems of barter exchange are gone, save for the rare entities that have carved out niche markets serving the locals, folks we used to call friends and neighbors. My ongoing feature series with the author of Small Is Still Beautiful, Joseph Pearce, delves heavily into this subject and is MUST LISTENING for anyone truly interested in avoiding Amazon et al from controlling the food supply and thus what is acceptable, secular behavior to get it. Download all 11 Episodes here. The book’s stories are harrowing from the point of view that bodies and lives are being physically altered with no chance of repair. This is being done, allegedly, to bring about a more fairer world in which those born into the bodies of the sex they believe is not for them. But what is fair about having your breasts cut off while being doped up with drugs that get you banned from any professional sport? This is the work of Beazelbub and the boys and the poor souls who undergo these mutilations are the prizes.
Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand! It’s November 2018 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 26 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details! The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid Thinking – Read this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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