Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep-FEC Micturates on First Amendment Edition

todayJuly 24, 2014 6

If you want the Founders View on Many issues, the Spirit of 76 & Road to Independence has them, as they lived them!
If you want the Founders View on Many issues, the Spirit of 76 & Road to Independence has them, as they lived them!

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the day to day activity of the Constitution AND Articles of Confederation and how they were framed in the summers of 1776 and then 1787. Now the Feds through the FEC want to REGULATE book publishers, hmm this IS a First Amendment case and the feds are 100% in there wrong. Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. if you aren’t willing to become a liberal, you might as well finally stand up and condemn it. There is no middle ground anymore. There never was to begin with, but even the illusion is fading. Either fight for life, family, and Truth, or else join the ranks of the nihilists and hedonists. The distinction between the two sides is not a murky no-man’s land colored in hues of gray; it is a stark and sudden line in the concrete. You are either for truth or you are not. – Matt Walsh, Radical Thoughts blog

Spyin’ Eyes: If you thought that the NDAA and the Patriot Act were the Dante’s Inferno of 4th Amendment burners you haven’t heard anything about the 1981, Executive Order 12333. The latest NSA whistle blower, John Napier The has resigned over the order and Dear Leader ChairMan MaObama’s abuse of it as he details here in the WaPo.

PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.

If you have taken my [r]epublican Challenge #1 (for Fathers) then you probably have a good handle on what to do when confronted with situations that can easily lead into violent, parental, episodes. This FL dad confronted one such episode and dealt with it heroically (yay) only to use the event to a gain a shameful advantage.

What part of “Congress shall make no law…” doesn’t the FEC, FCC, FTC, FDA et cetera understand? Now the FEC wants to “regulate publishers” if they dare publish a book by a politician who stands to gain from it. Again, an understanding of the original intent of the First Amendment AND what conditions existed  PRIOR to ratification will show that the agencies very existence is a stain on the First Amendment

AZ executes a brutal murderer and the culture of death’s agents protest the “cruelty” of the process. Oh cry us a river, the fact that capital punishment is carried out in a manner that irks the tender sensibilities of those who have no problem hearing of similar, “cruel” deaths, administered to babies in their mothers wombs. The daughter of one of the victims says what needs to be said on the matter. “What I saw today with him being executed, it is nothing compared to what happened on Aug. 7, 1989,” said Debbie Dietz’s sister, Jeanne Brown. “What’s excruciating is seeing your father lying there in a pool of blood, seeing your sister lying in a pool of blood.” (courtesy of ABC News)

Her husband, Richard Brown, had a similar thought.

“This man conducted a horrifying murder and you guys are going, ‘let’s worry about the drugs,'” said Richard Brown. “Why didn’t they give him a bullet? Why didn’t we give him Drano?”

And by the by, the Catholic Church does NOT oppose the State carrying out executions

Michael Brendan Dougherty says we should own up to the fact that we created the conditions under which ISIS is now cleansing Iraq of Christians, digging up ancient relic sites and killing anyone who doesn’t pay, convert of flee. I concur that we have a moral obligation to fix what we broke but until the U.S  government recognizes its subsidiarity to the Christian King, Our Lord, the government will be but a secular ne’er do well in these affairs and are as likely to screw things up more than to fix them

Jeremy Scahill, he of “Dirty Wars” movie fame wants to know why the same media hacks who bludgeoned us for 60 days with images of Syrian children, allegedly gassed by Bashar Assad, with the headline, “who will stop the killing!?” Cannot find a nano second of air-time to report on what I talked about Monday: Israel bombing civilian populations in Gaza and killing the same children the media-ites wailed about in Syria. Hmmmmmm

If you want to know where all that printed debt is going in Mordor, look no further than the anxious, non-productive “gentry” who glom to white collar jobs spending and re-spending the american sheople’s money on “K” street. So, forgive me if I shed no tear for the “toughest K street labor market in years”— good grief, do these people EVER leave the “LobbyDome” (emphasis & coined name mine)

Gangster Chic causes MI Sheriff to ditch “cool” orange uniforms for inmates in favor of the old fashioned black and white striped variety which aren’t cool now but give MTV and Bravo a few months to work that out

The War on Organic Food: Michigan food agents arrest then force the farmer selling organic dairy at his co-op, to destroy the eggs and milk families came to claim.  Obese kids are an epidemic, raised by parents who feed them never ending doses of starch and refined sugars eschewing whole milk, fresh eggs and other natural dairy.

After 3 days of grandstanding and doing everything possible to bring the United States into an armed standoff with Russia, our vaunted military and intelligence “analysts” reveal that they have NOTHING to reveal on Russia’s participation in the downing of MH17 but that doesn’t stop the non-evidence presenters presenting more non-evidence (anti-matter) that claims that “Russia created the conditions” for the shoot down!?

Mish: The likelihood that Russia downed MH17 is less than Ukraine downed MH17 but the MOST likely scenario is that the shooting was a horrible accident perpetrated by either Ukraine military, still spooked by their OWN RECENT REPORTS of Russian military craft in their air space or by “separatists” who misfired the weapon at what they thought was an easier, low flying target

Constitutional madness: Federal judge channels his love for Dominos Pizza into his ruling in favor of ObamaCare subsidies rolling on forever. The “good and plenty” clause must now give way to the “hand tossed dough” clause

The NY Times has a rundown of the two diametrically opposed Federal Court rulings on ObamaCare, one for the Federal giveaway the other again’ it. “The Fourth Circuit panel upheld the subsidies, saying the I.R.S. rule was “a permissible exercise of the agency’s discretion.” Well then, that makes the IRS a legislative body since it can promulgate law, not passed by Congress and not only raise revenues but distribute them too.

I told Ya So, Pt VIII -Tony Dungy may find himself the next Brendan Eich if his coerced “apology”, for not stating to the planet the reasons he “would not draft Michael Sam” had nothing to do with his being an outspoken homosexual, isn’t accepted by the perpetually offended promoters of SSM…

Like this bold accusation of Dungy’s “Homophobia-defined”. Dungy is excoriated for not bowing at the altar of lifestyle choices that counter his well-known Christian faith. We have reached an era when only the faith IN once illegal and immoral sexual acts can offer redemption to the wicked, you know,those who follow God’s laws which have not changed. MAN has changed but God has not. Witness “the world’s #1 soccer player, Matt Besser’s tirade against Dungy.

Matt Walsh writes a candid response to all this, calling on Christians to pick the side of God and good and get off the neutral ground.

Meanwhile, the CDC discovers what some of us have been saying for years, that the homosexual population is less than 3% of the entire population. Demolishing the propaganda that significant percentages of the population are to be affected by “anti-gay” policies when the opposite is true, as Dungy’s example shows, the REST of the population is more likely to be adversely affected by “anti-gay” policies

DeceptiCONS gather for an homage to their state of allegiance, Israel and to listen to CUFI leader Pastor Hagee thunder on behalf of Israel. “I’ll bless those that bless you and I’ll curse those that curse you, that’s God’s foreign policy statement, and it has not changed.”

Is Governor Rick Perry the owner of a SiriusXM-OnDemand subscription? He must be listening to repeats of Our last 3 weeks worth of shows and non-stop exhortations to “not stand idly by” but to inform Obama he is “deploying national guard troops” to the “southern border of Texas”.  This move will get the attention of the usual suspects in Bealzelbub’s Media who will rush out to discover SCV heirs in the TX Guard’s rinks… oh! the horror!

Get ready for the greatest, 2nd Amendment vs the Militia (now National Guard) debate ever, the moment a TX National Guardsman confronts an illegal or illegals in armed conflict. Read pg 30-35 the history of the militia’s conversion into the Guard

Is that a hard drive in your pocket or are you just happy to see me, Mrs. Lerner? There may be a backup of Lois Lerner’s mythical, destroyed, hard drive containing all the IRS’s dirty little secrets, after all

Iraq continues falling under the control of ISIS as Syria has now lost 35% of her oil fields to the Jihadist group – Iraq threatens to seek new sugar daddy if Obama doesn’t send in air-strikes – All this and the great “stabilizer” (the U.S.) has been active in the “region” for nearly 3 decades

The U.S., post 9-11,  is an “imperialist basket-case”. The warfare and corporate welfare states roll hand in hand to grubbing unimaginable material wealth and showering it to the well-connected elite, this too shall pass.

What then happens to the expanded middle-class whose future livelihood has been put up as collateral for the current spending orgy?

WOW- The “Pile on Rand Paul” scrum gets a boost from Philip Giraldi as the Senator is taken down as an inexperienced ego maniac dreamer who is not nearly enough of a nationalist (Giraldi doesn’t explain why the U.S., awash in unexplored oil, needs Arab crude to flow to avoid a global economic catastrophe)

The “I told ya so” stories are following my prophecy’s timeline as MTV rolls out a Fall TV show that contains an “incest component” that one of the shows “stars” effusively informs “incest is hot”. You see, folks, there is no way to put the taboo demon back in the cage it has escaped from. It is now roaming among the secular servants of Him, whispering the suggestion to push envelopes beyond where anyone can imagine them pushed today until the perverted will soon become normal and the normal the perverted

I told ya so” – Part II, a Florida couple cannot contain their passions, has sex in front of 4 year old girl and her mother on a Florida Beach. Of course the perps were’t doing anything more than what would win them “immunity” on an MTV “reality show”

Rank and file Republicans are still less likely to join McCain’s army than they were 4 years ago

Don’t believe the early attempts to place ANY blame for the tragic loss of Flight MH17 and the 290 souls on board, it’s all self serving propaganda. Those rushing to blame Russia have obvious agendas and those are not “the national security” concerns they feign homage to

When I was a teenager, my Thursday and Friday nights were spent watching great TV shows like Six Million Dollar Man, Baretta and by far my favorite The Rockford Files. James Garner played Rockford as the anti-cop who just happened to be a P.I.. Rockford was never able to cross the high hurdle of success, living near broke in am Airstream Trailer outside Santa Monica beach. He always seems to be fighting the cops over what we would call “the police state” today. James Garner R.I.P.

Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church
Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church

How would Patrick Henry handle our problems of ObamaCare & never-ending wars? Read a FREE chapter preview of Mike Church’s “Patrick Henry-American Statesman” for the Liberty or Death Patriot’s life-story

Senator Ted Cruz makes sense on Obama’s illegal amnesty grant leading to the massive swell of juveniles storming the Southern border while even Democrats now admit the 2008 law, I have been talking about for the last 10 days, is the real problem. Solution? REPEAL the law

The Ice Age Cometh: Scientists remain baffled as to why the Sun has begun its slide into a quiet phase that presages a cooling era that has not been seen since the 18th century’s Maunder Minimum

A geologist’s point by point, scientific refutation of the Man Made Catastrophic Global Warming fraud

Joe Bastardi: The planet will be COOLING for at least 20-30 years because of NATURAL Processes

RIP: Stratford Caldecott, a man of great talent and intellect in the study of defense of conservatism and the beautiful things

Harry Truman is not on my list of great Presidents or of great statesmen but his post-presidential life does endear him for his frugality and humility. This story is from peggy Noonan (WSJ subscription required)

Ron Paul: If the war hawks and their media cheering section want to blame some government for the Malaysia plane crash tragedy, they can start with the American and EU governments that helped overthrow the legitimate Ukrainian government last spring

Sky News claims that “pro-Russian” separatists” were responsible for shooting the plane down

Of course the U.S. has forgotten Iran Flight 655, as we bloviates endlessly about the aggressive behavior of Russia, who is probably the culprit in the Malaysian airline shoot down,

On Thursday’s show Dr. Charles Murray talked about NOT showing your Millennial, radical autonomous tattoos in job interviews. Murray may be ahead of the curve as the tattoo removal “industry” SOARS

Have the seeds of virtue, sewn below the permafrost, finally begun to thaw out and sprout? Google has moved to ban all pornography ads from their services. If this holds, perhaps the era of “Peak Porn” has been reached. Is there a pursuit of sanctifying Grace in more people’s future?

More active citizen victories: The OK Supreme Court upholds OK repeal of Common Core standards as OK continues to forge ahead as the state Voted Most Likely to Secede

Mike Church reviews movies for you, read his latest take on those films the mainstream critics never bother to watch

Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.

Mike Church’s Founders Pass announces anytime, no limits discount program. Take 20% off purchases off most Founders Tradin Post purchases with your Founders Pass.

The RAREST of Rare, 76 copies of the TENTH printing of SPirit of '76, available NOW
The RAREST of Rare, 76 copies of the TENTH printing of Spirit of ’76, limited to but 76, signed, numbered copies that include the Xth printing, oversized, Marquee Movie Poster too. Available NOW while supplies last

NEW, Founders Pass Feature!  Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now – Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day

NC town finally sees the restoration of a Confederate War Memorial monument over the objections of “protestors” who wanted it moved where no one could see it and… uh… memorialize the fallen

What’s the biggest problem with playing Adam and Eve go on a VH1 date, before the Big Sin (naked)? Well, the bugs to start with… then there’s the bugs (I wonder which deity ordered THOSE detractions?)

Did you know that in 1865, 7,000 Confederation citizens sailed to Brazil and set up a community there and are STILL there today? Hmmmm, maybe there IS still a place to seek refuge from Obama’s Leviathan

Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day:  “Et Libertas set pectus purim et fermium gestate; alias res obnoxiosae note in obscura latent.” Liberty is having a pure and dauntless heart; all else is slavery and hidden darkness

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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