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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Thursday Pile of Prep-Minimum Wage Edition (please pay the prep master $10.10) TheKingDude
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Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) files suit against Obama’s NSA, the FISA court & warrantless wiretapping basically asking the SCOTUS if the 4th Amendment is still in effect. Doesn’t this amount to a SCOTUS Con-Con?
Obama sends out an email blast asking people to vote for his minimum wage, executive order as if he is running a campaign to win a FaceBook “like” contest
Do NSA spooks raise camels? Utah aims to find out by cutting the water off to the NSA hive that is collecting all that juicy “metadata” being used to track every living soul on earth…oh and drop drone bombs on wedding parties in Yemen
My Three Amigos Update – March 4th is coming up quick, are there enough Texans to rally behind the only [r]epublican to challenge Jon Cornyn for US Senate in 18 years!? Here’s 22 seconds to explain why you should consider that option.
An excerpt from my Daily Caller piece “The memo is so brazen in its own declaration of universal supremacy I have to wonder if the unnamed authors used a computer for the composition or just let God etch the words on the screen with lightning bolts.”
DeceptiCONNED – Here is the list of the 29 Republicans who voted (for the line of credit increase) to give their constituents what they really want, no not balanced budgets, FREE money for juicy federal entitlements most don’t even think are entitlements.
DeceptiCONNED II – Don’t fall for the “only 29 Republicans voted for the debt ceiling increase” hullabaloo you will hear all day tomorrow. The only way that bill clears the House of Representin’ is if Boehner wanted it to. Boehner will now rely on Democrats to fall on their swords and take the CREDIT for the bill. Remember folks, the sheople LIKE their “free government benefits”
DeceptiCONNED III – Atlantic’s Molly Ball echoes my sentiments on the Tea Party “conservatives” and it is NewsWeek magazine all over again. “We’re Al Socialists Now” as the IMC dials in on the death of the last wave of resistance (the Tea Party) to the coming superstate
Rethinking The American Union Symposium – Allen Mendenhall’s “Secession and Messianic Statism Part II” is the most well thought out, provocative yet motivational from the reclaim liberty and the liberty of the Spirit, I have read since Gildersleeve’s Creed of The Old South. Folks, STOP what you are doing and read this, then read it to your kids, then read it to your grandmother, then print it and slip it in your neighbor’s mailbox. An excerpt “The American Union no longer represents America. America is dead, and the American Union killed it. In its place is a consolidated bureaucracy that carries out standardized programs to enforce uniform mediocrity.”
Rethinking the American Union, Symposium, rolls on with Allen Mendenhall’s “Secession and messianic statism Part I” at Nomocracy in politics.
Miarbile dictu secedere – As if on cue an article appears in the Stanford Review casting POSITIVE light on splitting California into six separate territories – this movement gains in importance every time a story appears about political division that does NOT have as a key component the secession of the Confederacy
Jeremy Scahill’s inaugural post at The Intercept details the “death by metadata” analysis he gave Jake Tapper (I played it on Tuesday’s show)
Patrick J Buchanan – The Great Costs of the Great Society
ObamaCare employer mandate is altered by Dear Leader yet again, with “medium sized businesses” gaining a reprieve until 2016 to fully implement coverage for their employees. Not only does he have the Obama Kill List he also has the Obama Live List for business with the impotent Congress off twiddling its thumbs while Mordor burns
UPDATED: Boehner delivers salvation to Dems in form of debt ceiling that escapes House with but 29 GOP votes. Boehner really has taken my plan to NOT raise the debt ceiling off the table as an option as The House of Representin’ cannot get a GOP consensus on the debt ceiling hike of over $1 TRILLION but don’t worry, Democrats make strange bedfellows and legislation partners when Mordor’s appetite is on the line
Greenwald II: The Intercept reports, according to a NEW SOURCE that is NOT Edward Snowden, that the NSA is targeting people for assassination drone strikes by using their cell-phones meaning there is no confirmation they are killing the right perp on the Obama Kill List
[private FP-Yearly-So76|FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly-WLK] NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Today’s Pile of Prep LIVE! Audio:
Thursday Pile of Prep-Minimum Wage Edition (please pay the prep master $10.10) TheKingDude
Here’s an interesting work that I recently discovered “The Crowd” by Guztave Le Bron a fascinating study of how crowds control nations and what nations become control crowds. No, it isn’t a paradox, it is the study of how inertia in public affairs is almost always missing when “change” is lusted for
Albert J Nock’s: Isaiah’s Job (from Tuesday, 4 Feb, 2014 show-Ed.), the story of how the Remant is to be kept animated and active if Man is to survive perdition (our own path to destruction)
If you haven’t read Dante’s Inferno in a while, this site has the entire work broken down by segment/chapter, character and more
Presenting George Clinton’s “Cato” letter, Number 3, sometimes referred to as AntiFederalist # 14. Cato explains why a large republic will never work and why smaller ones are preferred
This 1860 classic work details the type of manners and etiquette every young man should learn and live his life by. I just started reading the work myself and look forward to sharing much of it here and on-air. “THE GENTLEMEN’S BOOK OF ETIQUETTE, AND MANUAL OF POLITENESS”
“Our Federal Government” by Abel Upshur is an 1833 demolition of Justice Joseph Story’s fabricated history of the United States and her Constitution. WARNING: Reading this will increase your resolve to secede!
The Historical Writings of John Fiske, The American Revolution. If you are prepping for the upcoming pop quiz from my friends at Franklin’s Opus, on Valley Forge, this is a good start
The counter-argument presented by John taylor of Caroline AFTER the government’s lawyer, Wickham, presented his case for the tax. I did not include this in the Carriage Tax Pamphlet but have found it online. Begin reading on pg 423.
30 years ago this week, a 22 year old el Jeffe Dude watched the SuperBowl like most people and was stricken with curiosity over a TV commercial that only appeared once. Apple Computer’s “1984” spot is still my favorite 60 second film. Too bad Steve Jobs’ vision for the Mac as the vaccine to immunize the masses from Big Brother don’t work out that way and is now indeed, Big Bro and Big Sis’s chief point of entry into our lives.
Somewhere Mark Steyn is smiling at Scott Galupo’s tame pushback against 50 years of “Beatlemania” and the requisite “look at our glorious revolution and what it has done for music and culture” boasts which should sound more like confessions. Recall that it was Steyn’s point that the counterculture is actually no culture at all because anything “hip” for the moment is not allowed to endure, indeed, its demise is lusted for as a sign of “progress”. What kind of progress destroys everything in its path?
VIDEO: You must admire Jim Grant of Grant’s Interest Rate Insider, he jus consistently nailing the 30 second demolitions of whatever the latest Fed scam is, today it is Janet Yellen’s “nationalizing the debt curve” that really stands out
Does the columnist at the New Republic (yes, they have not earned the [r] ) who is currently praising columnist George Will as a “Tea Party Tory” NOT know what a “Tory” is/was? Here is Thomas Paine from “The Crisis” to explain. “And what is a Tory? Good God! What is he? I should not be afraid to go with a hundred Whigs against a thousand Tories, were they to attempt to get into arms. Every Tory is a coward; for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Toryism; and a man under such influence, though he may be cruel, never can be brave.” – Thomas Paine – The Times That try Men’s Souls (quoted from ‘The Crisis-23-12-1776″)
Is there any argument that anyone can make to convince an avowed atheist that he is in need of conversion because he has just become convinced that there is a God? This piece by Rod Dreher explores the question
TIC: Was the Coke, TV commercial-singing America the Beautiful in 12 languages-yet another sop toward multiculturalism as a sacrament of our national faith? The case is pretty compelling that it was and it is not alone
Ron Paul wants to know when someone, anyone, will stand up to Obama’s flagrant abuse of the executive order power we wantonly wields. Paul also notes, correctly, that abuse of the executive order is made possible by our foreign policy excesses
The marriage rate for college grads is making a comeback and that is exactly the point that Charles Murray made in his book “Coming Apart” back in 2012. Here is My interview with Murray
Do Libertarians secretly wish to always be in the minority and therefore cannot help themselves but to hate mother Libertarians for their public success? Bob Higgs thinks so…
FLASHBACK: Jeffrey Tucker reminds us that the merchant class is the antithesis to the Leivathan state. Why, the, are we so rude and dismissive of their efforts? Here is my interview with Jeffrey on this from 2011.
Great men have made great stories under trees, yes trees as Brad Birzer recounts and inspires us to look to nature for strength and inspiration, from time to time
So WHAT does the NSA actually look like these days? Is it the harmless little 5 story office building shown in most stories? Or is it this hulking, sprawling, menacing looking place where tens of THOUSANDS of cars can park so citizens can spy on their fellow citizens
Eric Holder’s power grab in “enforcing equality under the law” for homosexual marriages is another example of an impeachable offense that will go unpunished or contested by Congress
The SCOTUS case, settled last year over DOMA actually forbids Holder from enforcing his marriage preferences on the states
But don’t worry, as CNN assures us, there is nothing to see hear, its a great rainbow flag world out there with settled questions of homosexual marriage and the legal framework needed to enforce it
The Fame of Our Fathers: What makes a famous Founder famous and why are so many, once famous, now not known at all? The answer lies partly in the fickleness of any given age and what it needs to exalt itself, the rest comes from the Founders own pursuit of Fame as I chronicled in Fame of Our Fathers. Here’s an audio sample explaining “conditores imperiorum” and you can buy the 3 CD set there
Where the Jobs Aren’t – Illinois’ Policy Institute’s Director tells Land of Lincoln lubbers what [r]epublicna Mike Church Show Fans have know for years. The Wrong Emmanuel criminal enterprise that teamed up with the gang in Springfield to raise corporate tax rates to keep Chicago in public loot has caused a massive exodus to nearby Indiana and even as far away as Texas. This shows that people ARE willing to “secede” from bad government as “withdrawing to another polity is just that
Where The Jobs Aren’t – The Mike Church Show Band’s hit parody song is still spot on and hilarious 5 years after its release. Download it now
Buying Facebook “Likes’ only nets you what amounts to fake users who will never frequent your page nor visit your site. This company of scientists made the mistake and tells their story as only scientists can
Glen Greenwald completely demolishes the ridiculous and lethal claims that the President has a justified “right” to issue assassination orders to anyone on earth at any time anywhere. This new memo detailing the Obama Kill List parameters, if there are any, should scare the bejesus belt out of any liberty lover. “If you believe the president has the power to order US citizens executed far from any battlefield with no charges or trial, then it’s truly hard to conceive of any asserted power you would find objectionable.”
LATIN PHRASE OF THE DAY: imprimisque hominis est propria veriinquisitio atque investigatio – the first duty of man is investigating the truth
EVERYTHING’S BIGGER IN TEXAS, INCLUDING THE ABORTION BARBIE FRAUD: Abortion Barbie Wendy Davis has now denounced her own “moderate (yet lethal) position on 20 week abortions adopting the position that they should only happen if the mother’s life is in danger. When progressive libs are outed as “finger in the wind” statists, principles REALLY have a problem.
FLASHBACK to “Times That Try Mens Souls”, Mike’s latest feature length docudrama – The Widow Who Saved The Revolution, who was she? the mystery is finally revealed. This woman took the Hessian Colonel Donop into her home of Dec., 23rd and kept him there until December 27th, long enough to prevent him reinforcing Trenton, NJ and squashing Washington’s Crossing Cell Mates Snowden & Clapper!?
Rethinking The America Union. “Evaluating The Current Union of States” a symposium suggested by Y/T has now taken up at Nomocracy in Politics. This discussion is, IMHO long overdue and I look forward to provocative debate of the pros and cons of the current order. Essay #1 has been posted by Prof Bruce Frohnnen and it is worthy of your consideration
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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