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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas – “At the time of the Enlightenment there was an attempt to understand and define the essential moral norms, saying that they would be valid “etsi Deus non daretur,” even in the case that God did not exist. In the opposition of the confessions and in the pending crisis of the image of God, an attempt was made to keep the essential values of morality outside the contradictions and to seek for them an evidence that would render them independent of the many divisions and uncertainties of the different philosophies and confessions. In this way, they wanted to ensure the basis of coexistence and, in general, the foundations of humanity. At that time, it was thought to be possible, as the great deep convictions created by Christianity to a large extent remained. But this is no longer the case. The search for such a reassuring certainty, which could remain uncontested beyond all differences, failed.” – Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
‘Muricah, Practicing War, just War Since 1964 – If I published the following paragraph and identified the sovereign entity that was it’s subject as Alaska and Russia as the aggressor, what would our vainglorious war-hawk caucus say about it? How many crocodile tears and exhortations for revenge and carnage would we hear from tonight’s GOP debaters. Read to the end for the actual parties involved. “The panel documented that the coalition had conducted airstrikes targeting civilians and civilian objects, in violation of international humanitarian law, including camps for internally displaced persons and refugees; civilian gatherings, including weddings; civilian vehicles, including buses; civilian residential areas; medical facilities; schools; mosques; markets, factories and food storage warehouses; and other essential civilian infrastructure, such as the airport in Sana’a, the port in Hudaydah and domestic transit routes.” – The United Nations report on humanitarian abuses in the Saudi Arabian war waged against Yemen, with the U.S. and U.K. IN that coalition and responsible for supplying the ordinance. The “coalition” also delivers intelligence and indirect support for these atrocities. Will ANYTHING be said about this tonight as we are regaled by the prospect of future “coalitions in the region”?
The Art of The Deal Trumps The Art of Fable News – If there is any lingering doubt as to Trumpzilla’s longevity brought about by an agility never seen in ‘Murican politics, the Trump vs Faux News should end that once and for all. Trump has now demonstrated, in practice, that the world’s biggest media bully and war booster, Fox, is but a 5th Avenue, holdout tenement owner squatting where Trump Tower Mid-Town is scheduled to go. There is no one and no force in the feckless GOP that can measure up to Trump’s megalomania. If you want a front row seat to a revolution, you now have one, that will ultimately fizzle under the weight of its own pride. Think of it like this: if people think this is finally proof that government “should be run like a business”, the stories of Herman Cain, Mitt Romney and very soon Carly Fiorina demolish that argument. This is the Donald’s “Apprentice-King of The World”.
MBD: Memo To Roger “Golden” Ales: Trump’s Voters USED To Be Your Viewers – The average “Trump voter” is described as someone that does not have a subscription to the National Review and Commentary Magazine (both are good moves) and may be motivated by what MBD describes as a soft bigotry: “They are the real-life versions of your fictive, Obama-loathing, Thanksgiving uncle. They are the citizens of what Charles Murray dubbed “Fishtown” in his book Coming Apart.” I think that MBD’s quest mirrors the media quest in general to arrive at a precise definition of the “Trump voter” because that “voter” is defying “the medias” efforts to turn them into former Trump voters. The exposition of egos at work in this Trump saga are truly breathtaking in puffed up pride and sheer numbers. Wow….
Raising Good Kids Is NOT About Raising Good Owners of McMansions – Sans the woeful reference to aprking her children in front of the History Channel’s “The Sory of Us” as an introduction to “real American history” (puhhhh-frikkin-lease, I hereby offer to donate a FREE set of FFFilms Compleat for the Lu tots], BUT Rachel Lu Does nail the heart of the matter when she questions the motive behind sending ‘Murican kids to 4 year “colleges”. “Sadly, our culture reflexively associates “pursuit of excellence” with “joining the rat race.” If you admit you want your kids to be zealous for the good, people launch into their lecture about how “Not everyone needs to go to Harvard.” Umm, friend? You’re the one who assumed that Harvard equals the good. I would never have drawn such a preposterous equivalence.”
‘Muricans Hate The Government They Created viz “We The People”, More Than Ever – This new survey shows that the ‘Murican people view the Federal leviathan as nothing more than Wal-Mart with the power to kill or jail you. Read the story carefully, and you will conclude the same. Is Trumpzilla NOW starting to make sense?
The Cliven Bundy Saga Takes A Tragic Turn – I have been covering the saga of the BLM’s tyranny made possible by unconstitutional acts of Congress and Executive Orders from various Presidents beginning with Theodore Roosevelt. The Feds moved to intercept “militia members” en route to a meeting to discharge an “arrest warrant”. LaVoy Finicum, the spokesman for the unnamed group led by Amon Bundy son of rancher Cliven Bundy, was killed in an exchange of gunfire with yet to be determined law enforcement. Though I believe that there is no constitutional OR practical reason for the Feds to won and “manage lands” the actions of militia members, which are said to have been “a subject of a federal probable cause arrest” that led to a gunfight are not legitimate protests to Authority and must be characterized as such. I pray for the soul of LaVoy Finicum and pray even more for Peace.
Mrs Clinton’s War – Dear Leader, Chairman MaObama’s Offensive and unJust War Department must now “escalate” the “war” on “ISIS” in Libya. Again, dear reader, where is the rebuke to Slick Hilly for beginning this lethal debacle back in 2011 with her signal foreign policy action: assassinating Mohmar Ghadafi, his sons and his government’s executives so the “Arab Spring” could work its Egyptian magic in Libya. If Libya is not a horrific, living example of why militarily intervening in the affairs of other nations despite the clear evidence the action is unJust AND unWise, then there is no hope for the people of the 50 ‘Murican states short of the solution employed by the 14 Soviet states in 1991.
You Say You Want a Revolution? – The latest CNN poll shows that the “fluke” that is the surging candidacy and popularity of Donald Trump is NOT going away and the evidence shows that the more the usual suspects try and force him onto their 3×5 Index Card of Approved Thought (h/t Tom Woods), the more the corpus populi revolts
Canadian Government To Boys & Girls: You Are Now Free To Be Girls OR Boys – The madness unleashed by the Western fetish with trans-add your unwanted distinction here-ism has done what all heretical errors do: it perverted perverted thinking into silliness that has become diabolical and threatens the Good, True and Beautiful. Here’s a sample of the mad “suggestions”: “Some individuals may not feel included in the use of the pronouns “he” or “she” and may prefer alternate pronouns, such as “ze,” “zir,” “hir,” “they” or “them,” or might wish to express themselves or self-identify in other ways (e.g., Mx. instead or Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss, or no prefix at all)…. When creating student/staff lists, school staff ensure gender designations are not included either beside individual names or as a composite number for the group.” Good grief…
Abortion Mills Have Rights To Keep Their Butchery Private – It had to happen, David Daleidan, the Crusader for life and founder of Center for Medical Progress, has been indicted in Texas for “tampering with a government record.” Daleidan, acknowledging the authority of the Court, gracefully responded. “We respect the processes of the Harris County District Attorney, and note that buying fetal tissue requires a seller, as well… Planned Parenthood still cannot deny the admissions from their leadership about fetal organ sales captured on video for all the world to see.” CMP thus maintains the high-ground, keeps the focus on the diabolical acts PP commits and vows to fight this assault on Reason.
Are You a unJust War or a Declared unJust War? – Give Paul Ryan, Lindsay Graham and now Lawrence Kudlow some credit for actually admitting their 15 years long constitutional deceit in waging wars under the awful AUMF and now proposing a full blown, Congressional declaration of war.
The Heresy of Capitalism Cannot Be Disproved By an Episode of South Park – Joseph Pearce zeroes in on the “branding” of Mega-lo-marts like McDonald’s as being more analogous to propaganda than to advertising and wonders why so many of us won’t visit the neighbor who is a farmer but will visit and eat stuff prepared by the stranger in a Mickey D’s visor? “I have witnessed at airports long lines of people lining up at McDonald’s for breakfast, while a kiosk selling breakfast items twenty yards away had no line whatsoever. Is this because McDonald’s offers better or healthier food? Of course not. It is because people are creatures of habit, and often bad habit, and have bought into the McDonald’s brand, expressing their loyalty to it by their willingness to line up patiently for ten minutes to be served. They have been brainwashed by the megabucks that McDonald’s spends on advertising, which is really a nice word for propaganda, and have been branded by the brand, much as cattle are branded by their owners. It is not the quest for good food that unites those in the line for McDonald’s but the herd instinct. Is being the member of a herd, branded by our brand loyalty, a mark of freedom? Or do we express our freedom better by ignoring the propaganda and heading for the anonymous kiosk to take a look at its menu.”
Where Are Trumpzilla Supporters in NH? – Byron York reports from NH that he cannot locate a solitary supporter of Donald Trump, not one. But then again, York is hanging out inside the belly of the DeceptiCON establishment which has just excommunicated Trump and his supporters from their fake “conservative” club. Maybe York should have visited a VFW hall instead of steak dinners at Ruth’s Chirs?
Spirits [of “conservatives] Having Flown – George Panichas reminds the Christian politico that the divorce of the soul from political life is THE fatal flaw of “conservatisms” assault on Modernity. “Such a conservatism, to be sure, has achieved institutional prominence and electoral popularity, and its glamor has even appealed to the electronics media. It is, in an organizational and popular sense, strikingly successful. But all these external trappings do not satisfy the higher spiritual demands and responsibilities that are inherent in the conservative metaphysic.”
Humility of Heart In Real Life – I pursue the Grace of Humility in everything I do. Note that I “pursue”, I never “attain” because as Augustine says (from Humility of Heart) ““The more man thinks he has reason to be pleased with himself, so much the more I fear his self-esteem will displease God, who resists the proud.” These words from my patron Saint echo in my mind as I read the mea culpa, mea culpa issued by our friend Joseph Pearce on the essay he wrote about David Bowie quoted today as Veritas et Sapientia. Let Pearce’s Humility be a chastising lesson to all of us in publishing and prognosticating: “Post Script: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I confess to Almighty God that I have gravely sinned. Upon finishing this essay, I read it to my wife, expressing my discomfort at the harsh and even uncharitable tone with which it seemed to have been written. She agreed with my misgivings, especially the final part in which I purported to know the state of Bowie’s “apparently atheist” soul at the point of death. Could I be sure that he died impenitent, taking his sins with him to the grave? Did I know for certain that he hadn’t made his peace with God before dying?”
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
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