Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Thursday Red Pill Diaries-Uncle Sara Can’t Recruit Young Patriots Militias Should Seize The Opportunity

todayJuly 14, 2022 5


 HEADLINE: No one wants to join the military anymore by Jeff Groom 

Where are the most recruits to the military coming from?


  • This is why their numbers have decreased.
  • No respectable Southern wants to bunk w/ a man wearing a dress demanding to be called a woman.
  • The South has very little in common with those of NYC or in California.
  • It is ONE army though…right?
  • Why would anyone w/ half a brain want to enter into an entity that allows mental illness to run rampant?
  • We have wars in schools, we have wars on crime in our neighborhoods, we have wars going on all fronts of American life.
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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