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Time To Restore “Hatred of Sin” To Our Vocabulary – The Mike Church Show

todayAugust 20, 2018 7

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    Time To Restore “Hatred of Sin” To Our Vocabulary – The Mike Church Show candacechurch

Mandeville, La

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Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


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Catholic Identity Conference 2018 –

Family & Tradition: Keeping the Old Faith in a New World Order

November 2-4, 2018 / Pittsburgh, PA

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

Men are Missing –

  • Leading in this manner is the job MEN are supposed to do.
  • Ladies don’t take offense but us MEN are called to lead our women, our children and so on.

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HEADLINE: The Rite of Degradation From The Order of Priesthood. Wherein Fr. Z rants. by Father John Zuhlsdorf

  • Should this be done publicly?
  • In a theological or supernatural sense yes. Holy Orders CANNOT be removed by man.
  • EXAMPLE: Cardinal Homer Simpson
  • This is significant, as laity you need to know the execution and performance of the office.
  • The Church is brilliant, all of this becomes part of the Magisterium. There has to be a process and rules because we are fallen men. There has to be a written code of conduct.

MOVIE TRAILER: The Devil and Father Amorth


HEADLINE: You Won’t Believe What Kids Can Find On ‘Transgender’ At The Public Library by Maureen Mullarkey

  • Gender population implies countries, sovereignties etc
  • This is something that was done when they thought they had angered the ‘gods’.
  • They don’t even try to

HEADLINE: Rosary of Reparation in Little Rock, Arkansas by Rachel Slobodnick and Tonia Long

HEADLINE: Elizabeth Warren’s Batty Plan to Nationalize . . . Everything by Kevin D. Williamson

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  • Does it have member access? You cannot share data bases.
  • The data base is NOT linked to VRN website.
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HEADLINE: Bishop Robert C. Morlino’s letter to the faithful regarding the ongoing sexual abuse crisis in the Church

The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.



HEADLINE: The Faithful Are NOT To Use the Orans Posture During the Our Father by Jason Izolt

Father Hielman

Novus Ordo at St. Mary of Pine Bluff

  1. No hand holding at the Pater Noster
  2. No orans during the Pater Noster
  3. No cheesy Broadway Musical Modern Songs…only chant and polyphony, with one recessional hymn (traditional)
  4. No Sign of Peace
  5. No “Priest focused” free standing altar
  6. No Priest improvising
  7. No girl servers
  8. No EMHCs
  9. No grabbing our Lord like a potato chip
  10. No worst recreational attire
  11. No gabbing before and after Mass

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Back to Bishop Robert C. Morlino’s Letter

  • Cardinal Wuerl has removed himself from attending the Family Synod
  • John Henry Weston from LifeSite News will be in attendance.
  • “A Perfect Hatred of Sin” – never hate the sinner but have a perfect hate for the SIN.
  • The conclusion here in his letter is impressive.
  • He calls for public and private acts of reparation and to observe Autumn EMBER days – September 19, 21, and 22nd as days of fasting and abstinence in reparation for the sins and outrages committed by members of the clergy and episcopacy.

Ember Days –

HEADLINE: Pope Francis apologizes for Catholic priest sex abuse scandal with ‘sorrow and shame’ by Erik Ortiz


G.K. Chesterton  The Beauty of Peasant Proprietors

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


 Saint of the Day : St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Excerpt from Heroism and Genius


 Email from Priest in Texas –



Caller Todd McClure advertiser of the Veritas Radio Network –

  • Met a fellow VRN listener after Latin Mass this morning.
  • The listener goes by handle 53fordtruck in the MikeChurch chatroom.

HEADLINE: Find Peace, Encouragement…And Kindness Rocks…At A Unique Michigan Spot 


From The Mail Bag –

  • While at XM radio you fed me the Little [r]ed pill, then you left the channel.
  • I signed up as a Founding Brother at the Crusade Channel.
  • I also signed up to be a Crusader Knight of the Most Holy Rosary.
  • The crowdfunding is still ongoing by the way – this listener has donated to our efforts.
 Blessing Before Meals in Latin and English –

V. Benedic nos Domine et haec Tua dona que de Tua largitate sumus sumpturi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.


V. Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. 





CALLING OUT JUDAS – Letter from a laywoman on the state of the Church.

“The Need for a Purge is Upon Us. For 50 years, we were forced to stand in a circle, hold hands, and sing hippy songs while the pipe organ was sold for scrap metal, replaced with tambourines, and maracas.

We watched helplessly as our Sunday Missals and Baltimore Catechisms were thrown on the fire like dead lepers, replaced with campy fluff.

Our altar rails were ripped out, our confessional screens and kneelers torn away, our altar boys replaced with girls in white gowns, our priceless stained glass and statues tossed on the junk heap in exchange for gaudy banners and dried floral arrangements.

We were forced to worship in churches that looked like gymnasiums or space stations. We were given baptismal fonts that look like Jacuzzis.

The tabernacle was stuck in a back corner somewhere. Crucifixes were replaced with Protestant wooden crosses.

We were sent to youth rallies that clumsily imitated whatever was trendy on MTV or the Protestant mega-churches. Our children were told it’s OK to worship in miniskirts and t-shirts.

We cringed. We choked down the outrage and the tears. We thought something was wrong with us and felt guilty when they told us we were clinging to “superficial” things.

Now we know the truth.

We know that the men who tried to destroy tradition did so NOT b/c they were allergic to incense or didn’t like Latin, but because they detested the traditional sexual morality that those traditional images and practices evoked.

We know that our worst fears of traitors and infiltrators were correct, and our children, grandchildren paid the price.

They were attempting to destroy traditional worship in order to destroy the teachings which those traditions helped uphold, teachings which guard against the perversions in which such men delight.   

And the result of them silencing the truth of sexual morality? Schools and parishes that are empty b/c our women use birth control or get sterilized. Seminaries that cannot attract red-blooded men now that they have become sodomite pleasure palaces. Convents that are empty b/c we have embraced a hateful feminism that rejects the ideals of female chastity and service.

It is time for a purge by fire. It is time for orthodox Catholics who value the doctrines, dogmas, and traditions of Holy Mother Church to vote with their feet and relocate to the most traditional, conservative parishes they can find. It’s time to withhold every dollar from the CCHD, CRS, and any other group that promotes values or activities contrary to Catholic morality.It is time to stop supporting any parish or diocese that works against the good of Holy Mother Church and the good of souls.

Let them go empty, go bankrupt, go back to the dust from which they came.

It’s time to call out the Judas Iscariots and send their on their way.”


HEADLINE: Motherhood Brings Fulfillment Out of Brokenness by Gracy Olmstead

  • Adoration once per week.
  • “Childbirth is a brokenness—another sort of hollowing out, a pain that racks and rends, yet it results in deep fulfillment and happiness. After giving birth to my second child, a birth that was infinitely easier and smoother than my first one, my midwife was quick to remind me that I had still gone through a trauma and needed to rest.”

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

Special Guest Rick Barrett host of The Barrett Brief doing a rundown of what’s coming up next!

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Gracy Olmstead, motherhood, fulfillment, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Erik Ortiz, Father John Zuhlsdorf, degradation, Father Amorth, Maureen Mullarkey, transgender, LGBTQ, public libraries, Rachel Slobodnick, Tonia Long, Kevin D. Williamson, Ember days, fasting, reparations, public rosaries, Little Rock, Baphomet, Bishop Robert C. Morlino

Written by: candacechurch

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