
To Keep Christ In Christmas EXPECT Persecution And Be Thankful For It

todayDecember 22, 2014 7

All new! The Founders Book Series-Trilogy Set from Founding Father Films Publishing
All new! The Founders Book Series-Trilogy Set from Founding Father Films Publishing (Available Christmas Day)

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript You should be happy about being attacked.  That means you’re doing something correct.  That means that the evil forces out there, that means the denizens of Beelzebub, that means that they smell it.  They smell that your soul is opening up and you’re receptive and welcoming.  Christ is moving in.  They don’t want Christ to move in.  So yes, they’re going to attack. You should be happy about being attacked.  That means you’re doing something correct. Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Cliff in Florida is first up today on the telephones.

Caller Cliff:  It really gets to me that it seems the greasy wheel is getting the oil nowadays.  We as Christians seem to be attacked from every angle nowadays.  It’s harder and harder to remain quiet and to remain a soldier when the attack of — just look at Christmas.  It’s being attacked for years.

Mike:  Hold on a second here.  I have a point of view on that that I haven’t heard anyone say lately, although it doesn’t mean — maybe I just haven’t heard it.  I hear the complaint that you’re lodging right now a lot, that it feels like we’re always under attack.  Look, I’m as guilty of it as anyone, talking about receiving hate mail all the time, which I kind of say halfway out of jest but it’s not all in jest.  This is what I think is overlooked and is not being repeated or supported.  Because you are following our Lord, Jesum Christum, of the town of Nazareth, you should expect to be attacked.  You should expect to be ostracized.  For Heaven’s sake, Cliff, they killed him.  He was attacked.  He was ostracized.  Why should we, puny, insignificant, groveling worms, humans, why should we expect not to be treated, if not an identical manner — no one hauling us off to Calvary to nail us to a tree as St. Peter described it.

You should be happy about being attacked.  That means you’re doing something correct.  That means that the evil forces out there, that means the denizens of Beelzebub, that means that they smell it.  They smell that your soul is opening up and you’re receptive and welcoming.  Christ is moving in.  They don’t want Christ to move in.  So yes, they’re going to attack.  They always attack.  They have attacked.  Just like with the ridiculous notion that we’re the first people to ever be marauded by a bunch of Mohammedans, that’s just historically stupid and ignorant, and it’s preposterous to boot.  Entire European nations were attacked by the Mohammedans for Heaven’s sakes.  Spain was attacked for almost a millennia, 1,000 years.

A lot of this has to do with our current very elevated and lofty view of ourselves.  We’re a bunch of arrogant snots.  We’re a bunch of spoiled rotten brat kids whining in our weak tea all the time: They’re attacking us.  Let them.  The best thing you can say to a Satanist — I don’t know the man, but maybe someday we’ll meet.  The best thing you can say to a Satanist or these agnostics or these atheists when they scream and holler [mocking] “You’re not gonna force your religion on me.  You don’t deserve that.  There’s separation of church and state.”  One of the best things you can say to them is, as Michael Voris says, “God love you, brother.”  That’s the best thing.  If you want to see them lose it, tell them, “God love you.”  If you really want to see them lose it, say it in Latin.

Caller Cliff:  Mike, I’ll definitely have to do that.

Mike:  Deum meum filium, God love you, brother.  That’s what I just said, I think.  Sometimes I get my cases wrong.  That’s pretty close.

Caller Cliff:  I love it.  Mike, one more point about to stop the bleeding.  I have a four-year-old daughter and I am teaching her, at a very young age, to be independent thinking, to think critically, and to not be, as you call it, not to be a sheep of anybody.  I think if we teach our young, the young children of nowadays, to think that way, to think critically and to think on their own, I think that’s a way we can stop some of this bleeding.  It’s going to take a lot of time, but I think if we teach our young now principle, to be humble, to teach them the values of life, I think that will eventually stop some of this.

Mike:  What’s a value of life?

Caller Cliff:  In my personal opinion, it’s to keep Christ in our life, to keep Christ in our hearts.  The dollar, our personal belongings doesn’t measure the type of individual we are.

Mike:  St. Augustine said, and he wrote something similar to this, I’ll paraphrase it, very often to many people who inquired of him in a manner in which he inquired of me.  Augustine would say something to the effect of: If you think you’re holy, if you think that you have become holy, then being not holy is most likely in your future.  It is difficult if not impossible, or nearly impossible, to maintain that state of what is called grace, a state of sanctified grace, almost impossible.  It’s very, very difficult.  The first thing that will get in the way is pride.  Okay, I’ve made it.  I’m holy.  I do this, don’t do this anymore.  That’s the first thing.  I’d say that the values you’re talking about, the number one value — you have to have this one and work on it, work on it, work on it — is humility.  It is number one.  Without humility, there are no other virtues.  I assure you, and I can say this from personal experience, you will not have any other virtue that will enter your soul and stay there.  It can’t get in there if you’re not humble.  Humility is something that has to be worked at.  It’s an interior work.  It’s not something that you can go vote on.  It’s not something that can be injected in.  It’s an interior work of serious devotion, and an interior work of serious humility.  This is why it’s important.

When people say: What are you reading lately, Mike?  They expect me to say something by Professor Gutzman or Professor Woods or some archaic or not very well known founding father or something to that effect.  I still read that.  Butler’s Lives of the Saints, that’s what I read every day.  I read it every day.  If you want to see how a person that became canonized and was made official as a saint, if you want to hear how they lived their lives and things they did, things they subjected themselves to, Butler’s is a great way to go.  I may have to undertake this task and publish the darn thing myself because it’s out of print.  There’s a new version that the new catechists have gone in and messed with.  They have altered Butler’s original text.  You can find it in used book stores.  I was blessed.  Someone gifted me a set of Butler’s.  It all goes by dates.  You can just pick a day of the year and read the saint of the day.  It’s great history to read.  It’s great world history to read, but it’s certainly great history about humble people to read.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. Stephen Rudisell on December 23, 2014

    Through the Lord our God, you have been the voice that has taught me so much, and have inspired me to learn more. Thank you Lord for bringing Mike to our ears so that we may hear.
    God Bless.
