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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the REAL story behind Ben Franklin’s “Liberty for Security” quote plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “There is not in any Volume the sacred Writings excepted, a Passage to be found better worth,the, veneration of Freemen than this: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little, temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”. Nor could a lesson of more utility have been laid at that crisis before the Pennsylvanians. And as to the other Message of the Assembly which was sent up together with this, it was so solid and concise it will not bear an Abridgment.” – Benjamin Franklin
Trading Liberty for Security? The NSA “data center” in Utah will hold enough “data” to fill iPhone 5s that could be stacked from here to the moon and back
VIDEO: Watch the short film 3801 Lancaster for an inside look at the Gosnell slaughterhouse-WARNING this video is disturbing
VIDEO II – MSNBC anchorettes do the Gosnell story as though its just another gruesome news event-what exactly do LIBS THINK an abortion clinic looks like on the inside?
Tiger Woods cited for what amounts to cheating at golf, rules officials buckle to the altar of TV ratings and do not DQ him, virtue takes another black eye
Nick Faldo calls on Tiger to “do golf rules, the manly thing and retire from the tournament” then miraculously, later that day changes his mind and becomes a fan of cheating
UPDATE: Augusta based newspaper produces photos that show Tiger Woods may NOT have illegally dropped his ball on the 15th hole Friday
California imbeciles sign petitions to ban and confiscate all handguns after hearing that the United States nuked China
Benjamin Franklin’s 1759 “Historica Review of Pennsylvania” contains the often quoted “Sacrifice liberty to gain security” passage
AmConMag’s Jordan Bloom’s wrap-up on the sickness of the pro-“choice” crowd actually believing that more abortions would be better than less, when will we start calling these people genocidal maniacs?
More proof that Rand Paul is planning a 2016 bid is his disgust at learning that Ted Cruz won a prominent SC Republican speaking engagement over him
The pro-choice big media crowd ignored the butchery of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, even when they were asked to explain their lack of coverage the answer was “nothing to see there, just dead babies, move along”
If Babies had guns they could save themselves from abortions says TX Congressman
The did not carry a SINGLE story on Gosnell since he was indicted in 2011 but carried 864 on Todd Akin
Ignorant gun-rights group now ENDORSES the Machin-Toomey gun bill in the Senate because “it is the right thing to do” meaning abiding the Constitution is the “wrong thing to do”
Senate vote on latest gun-grab is too close to call, thanks Libs & GOP! Boy gotta LOVE that Constitutional institution don’t you?
Wow, Paganism is SO cool it now has its own Top Ten list!
Written by: TheKingDude
abortion Benjamin Franklin gun bill Liberty rand paul Security
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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