
American Exceptionalism And Double Standards

todayJune 14, 2013 11


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We must guard against American militia members because we’re all a bunch of kooks and radical nutjobs that can’t be trusted with a rocket-propelled grenade and semiautomatic weapons and what have you.  Our Middle Eastern Islamic counterpart, there are militia groups that the federal government does love and admire and believes needs to be armed.  I think we strain the definition of the word contradiction here by applying it to this.  This doesn’t even rise to the level of contradiction.  This is something beyond a contradiction.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Levi is in Pennsylvania next.  How you doing?

Caller Levi:  Hey, Mike, how you doing?  This is Levi.

Mike:  Hey, Levi.


Caller Levi:  You’ve done a good job on your show this morning pointing out all these obvious and glaring contradictions in our foreign policy with Syria.  Here’s one I thought you might like.  Since Newtown, every politician and every pundit in the media has been trying to convince you that guns and the Second Amendment aren’t for you to protect yourself against a tyrannical government, yet we’re actually forcing every taxpayer in America to buy guns and ammunition for a people to protect themselves against government.  It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

Mike Church Show Transcript: In 1798 Americans Resolved To Fight Tyranny – In 2013 It’s Sound Bites Then Silence

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtMike:  Here’s another great contradiction.  What are the Al-Qaeda rebels in Syria, what would they be described as here in these United States?  They would probably be described as radical militia members.

Caller Levi:  Precisely.

Mike:  We must guard against American militia members because we’re all a bunch of kooks and radical nutjobs that can’t be trusted with a rocket-propelled grenade and semiautomatic weapons and what have you.  Our Middle Eastern Islamic counterpart, there are militia groups that the federal government does love and admire and believes needs to be armed.  I think we strain the definition of the word contradiction here by applying it to this.  This doesn’t even rise to the level of contradiction.  This is something beyond a contradiction.  It almost seems as though, if I were an Alex Jones conspiratorial type, it almost seems as though these events are, at some level, scripted…

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Caller Levi:  Absolutely.

Mike:  There is some kind of a larger coup that is, I don’t know who’s behind the coup, but some manner of a larger coup that is in play here.  The pieces just keep falling into place.  We tend to think that these things are happening happenstance or that they’re organic.  It’s just this happens so we have to react to it that way.  I think there’s probably, now looking at this from 20,000 feet and looking at the events that have transpired since September of 2001, you could say that this is a very well-orchestrated plan.

There was a report today — and I’m not accusing the people that run Smith & Wesson of any subterfuge.  AG, maybe you saw this.  You read a lot of financial news.  Did you see that Smith & Wesson had the best quarter that they’ve ever had since the company was founded?  They profited $588 million.  That’s in a quarter.  That’s not in a year; that’s in a quarter.  Most of that is American citizens arming themselves.   What I’m trying to figure out here is, the arming of the American citizen, if this is part of the conspiracy or part of the coup that Kiefer Sutherland needs to come along in the next season of 24 and extinguish, if this is part of the coup, is the goal here to try and get enough of us so agitated and withdrawn from our allegiance to our magisterial general government that we walk away from it — even if you try to walk away peacefully from it, you will then be told: You can’t walk away peacefully.  I don’t know.  I don’t like theorizing about conspiracies like this.  I can’t explain what’s going on today, can you?

Mike Church Show Transcript: Big Government Will Always Act Like Big Government And You Can’t Control It

Caller Levi:  I got it. You talk about it a lot on your show.  We’re exceptional, don’t you know that?  We have to export our exceptionalism over to other countries.  That’s what it is.  All these people here in our country, the sheeple, they get all upset when there’s a mass shooting or any type of incident here in this country.  We abort kids every day.  What it is is they don’t approve of innocent life being slaughtered except when it’s in other countries.  Then it’s okay.  All the anti-gun people, they love sending weapons over there.  They think it’s the coolest thing since sliced bread because Obama is doing it.  Where are they and why are they not all up in arms, no pun intended?  Why are they not upset that their tax money is purchasing the thing that they are precisely against?  They’re sending it over there so that innocents can be slaughtered.  I don’t get it.

Mike:  It is a conundrum.  You haven’t really explained it, though.  I’m still perplexed and confused.  The direct contradiction in terms of Al-Qaeda is our enemy but we’re going to give arms to our enemy, use weapons paid for by the American government, which consists of us, to be put into use in Syria.  At the same time, as we just discussed — I hate to sound like a broken record but I think it bears repeating.  At the same time, Americans are not to be trusted with the same weapons, but we can trust known Jihadi madmen that shoot little boys in the face if they don’t swear allegiance to the prophet Mohammed.  This is inexplicable.

Caller Levi:  It’s insanity in its purest definition.

Mike:  I want to know, again — thank you very much for the call.  Where is Congress?  Where is the House of Representin’ on this?  Where are all these purported tea party conservatives out there?  What exactly are you trying to conserve?  I’ll ask the question again.  Why isn’t the Congress kneecapping the president and saying: No, you’re not.  We’re not going to appropriate any funds for you to send weapons to Syrian madmen, I don’t care how many times they’ve been chemically gassed.  They are Al-Qaeda.  No such protestation, or I haven’t heard one.  Maybe Justin Amash or Thomas Massey or someone will take to the floor of the House and protest.  I guarantee you if Ron Paul were still in Congress in the House, Congressman Paul would, when this news was breaking yesterday, would have used special orders and would have inveighed against this.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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