
Apparently It’s Okay To Kill Children As Long As It’s State-Approved

todayJune 3, 2013 7


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Isn’t it a case of hypocrisy that the laws of a state can be used to prosecute parents and children who pray for the children who were actually born and not aborted and they are subject to manslaughter, but you almost have to move a mountain to go after someone who intentionally takes a life of the soon-to-be born in the same state?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Ten-year-old Sarah Murnaghan, who is deathly ill, gravely ill, and her parents are hoping that she will receive a lung transplant.  It’s very unlikely that she will.  This is because of rules that have been written.  I have done a little more research on this.  There is a private foundation that manages the organ registry.  The gentleman that called earlier is correct.  They are only acting as contractors to the federal leviathan.  The federal leviathan has contracted that agency out.  Kathleen Sebelius, the Director of the Department of Health and Inhuman Disservices has said: There’s not really much we can do.  The rules are the rules.  Even if we do look at changing them so that ten-year-olds can receive transplants from adult donors, that’s not going to help her, so all I can do is pray.  Sebelius says she’s going to pray for the little girl.  That’s quite a claim, isn’t it, in view of this story?  April 23, 2013, here’s the headline: “On probation for manslaughter in child’s death, couple again relies on prayer and sees a baby die.”

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Sentenced to 10 years of probation in 2011 after their toddler died of bacterial pneumonia, Herbert and Catherine Schaible were back in court again on Monday, following the death last week of an eight-month-old baby.

By again relying on prayer instead of seeking medical treatment for their son, Brandon, the couple violated the most important condition of their probation in the earlier manslaughter case, a Philadelphia judge told them. However, Common Pleas Court Judge Benjamin Lerner declined to jail the two while he makes a final decision in their probation violation case because he sees them as a danger to their other children—who are now in foster care—rather than the general public, according to the Associated Press and the Philadelphia Inquirer.

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“It could not be clearer from your statements that you knew he was sick several days before he died,” Lerner said of Brandon, “that he was getting worse and having problems with his breathing.” Prosecutors are awaiting autopsy results before deciding whether to bring new criminal charges…

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james-madison-gutzman-ad-signThe Schaibles are members of a fundamentalist church that views medical care as a sin demonstrative of a lack of faith in God, the AP reports.

Attorney Mythri Jayaraman, who represents Catherine Schaible, described the couple as good parents and urged against a rush to judgment. [Mike: And rush to judgment we have ample supply of, my friends.]

“There are way more questions than answers at this point. We haven’t seen the autopsy report. We don’t know the cause of death of this child,” Jayaraman said in an Associated Press interview. “What we do know is Mr. and Mrs. Schaible are distraught, they are grieving, they are tremendously sad about the loss of their most recent baby.”

[end reading]

Mike:  Boy, I can do an hour and a half, or three hours, or three days on this subject.  Let me take you back to Friday and the ghastly biography of one Margaret Sanger.  I reported to you on Friday that I had looked up a 1934 essay that was written by Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.  In Sanger’s essay, she had advocated on behalf of this thing called an American Baby Code.  In the American Baby Code, Sanger wanted those individuals who were physically or mentally deficient to either be sterilized or isolated from the general population.  I would say that under the Schaible case, this is a great case for Planned Parenthood to take up.  The Schaibles, if you’re a Planned Parenthooder and a pro-choicer, the Schaibles are most certainly in need of some pro-choicing, aren’t they?  [mocking] “Let me tell you what we must do.  We must prevent these heathens, we must prevent these Neanderthals from procreating and making any more of their kind, lest the child come down with pneumonia or streptococci or whatever the case may be.  These Neanderthals relying on their God, there is not God, relying on their God for healing and instead watched the child die.”

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Who is in control of the child?  That’s one question you could ask.  Apparently in Pennsylvania it is the state.  The state owns the child and the parents are mere custodians that must act on the will and on the laws passed by the state, even if it means that there is some religious freedom going on here.  Isn’t it a case of hypocrisy that the laws of a state can be used to prosecute parents and children who pray for the children who were actually born and not aborted and they are subject to manslaughter, but you almost have to move a mountain to go after someone who intentionally takes a life of the soon-to-be born in the same state?  See the Kermit Gosnell case.  Is there some moral confusion here?  Let me say that again.  There is some serious moral confusion going on here!  Are the Schaibles or are they not exercising their freedom of religion?  By the bye, it’s guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Constitution.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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