
Caller Matt Says Supporting Secession As Bad As Being A 9/11 Hijacker

todayJune 19, 2013 10

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    Caller Matt Says Supporting Secession As Bad As Being A 9/11 Hijacker AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Matt, you don’t know anything about treason and you don’t know what the definition of it is.  I am not actively making war against Them, which would mean Them being one of the states that comprise the agreement known as the Constitution, which is a compact.  Compacts are made up of parties of states.  Matt, are you an opponent of principled divorce between married people?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

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    Caller Matt Says Supporting Secession As Bad As Being A 9/11 Hijacker AbbyMcGinnis


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Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Matt is in Chicago.  Matt, you’re next on The Mike Church Show.  How you doing?

Caller Matt:  I was just listening to your callers and I’ve got to say, you’ve got to stop calling it “S” word.  You’ve got to call it what it is, T for treason.  Actively calling for the destruction of the United States makes you the same as the people who are soldiers fighting in Afghanistan.

Mike:  I’m not actively calling for the destruction of the United States.  Besides that, if one state were to leave the Union, the Union would still be intact, would it not?

Caller Matt:  No matter how much you try to parse the words to justify your actions and the anti-American —

Mike:  Define treason.  Matt, define treason.

Caller Matt:  Destruction of the United States is treason.

Mike:  No, it’s not.  Okay, calm down here.  I’m trying to get to the bottom of this.  Talking about governing yourself and choosing your own form of government is an act of treason under what law?

Caller Matt:  No, it’s not — everyone’s allowed to vote in the election.

Mike:  Did I say anything about voting?  What the hell does voting have to do with choosing your own form of government?

Caller Matt:  If you want to argue to disagree if the government constitutes a government some call being tyrannical, the fact of the matter is you’re nothing more than a two-year-old who’s pouting because you didn’t get your way.

Mike:  When didn’t I get my way, Matt, and how do you know?

Caller Matt:  Well, because you’re pouting over it —

Mike:  How am I pouting?  I think I’m pretty upbeat and positive and congenial about this.  As a matter of fact, I might win most congenial secessionist award today, Matt.  What do you think about that?

Caller Matt:  What did you say?

Mike:  I said I might win most congenial secessionist award today.

Caller Matt:  Wow, that’s like being the most congenial 9/11 hijacker.  Whoop-de-freaking-doo.

Mike:  So if I want to leave the, if I feel the people have a right to choose their own form of government, and if they choose not to be involved in this one, you’re now hijacking planes and flying them into buildings and killing innocent civilians?  Wow, that’s a really great stretch, Matt.  Can you explain that in a little bit more detail for me so when we transcribe this you will make sense?

Caller Matt:  Now what you’re saying is that —

Mike:  That’s not what I asked.  I asked you to explain this so that when I get the transcript written it will make sense to someone that reads it.

Caller Matt:  First off, I doubt most of your viewers are capable of reading.  Second of all, the fact of the matter is, you are actively calling for the destruction of the United States.

Mike:  No, I’m not and I never would.  I don’t want anyone to choose anything other than what they choose.  I don’t want anyone to destroy anything.  I have not called for it, would not call for it.  I find it interesting, though, that you seem to know so much about me and yet every time I ask you a question, I can’t get an answer.  Why don’t you tell us a little about you, Matt?

Caller Matt:  No matter how you try to parse your treason, the fact of the matter is, secession will lower the power of the United States of America and —

Mike:  Matt, where is it written that the power of the United States is of my utmost and gravest concern and of my responsibility to continue?  Where’s that written.  Show me the words power of the United States, where that is written and where I signed off on a pledge to be on the hook to make sure that it continues to grow?

Caller Matt:  Lowering the power of the United States aids the enemy, therefore by definition it is treason.

Mike:  Matt, you don’t know anything about treason and you don’t know what the definition of it is.  I am not actively making war against Them, which would mean Them being one of the states that comprise the agreement known as the Constitution, which is a compact.  Compacts are made up of parties of states.  Matt, are you an opponent of principled divorce between married people?  I’m going to try again, Matt, are you a proponent or opponent of principled divorce between married people?

Caller Matt:  Define principled.

Mike:  They got married, they took vows.

Caller Matt:  I have no problem with divorce if people want to —

Mike:  So people can choose their own form of associations, but they can’t choose their own form of government.  Matt, we’re out of time.  I enjoyed the jousting very much.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


Secede or Die-BLACK shirt

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. Mr. Gary Mutti on June 19, 2013

    Unfortunately, Matt is a typical ‘United Statist’ who goes about his own buisness every day wearing the blinders provided by the Nationalised education system. His own lack of ambition to further enlighten himself about history, terminology and general government structure is a common plight of society of late.
    I once was misguided, however, a simple quest for understanding and truth has enbolden my little [r] core values.
