
It’s Time For Congress To Rescind Aid To Egypt

todayAugust 20, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Why do the Egyptians deserve this future that he’s talking about?  Give me a reason why.  Do you know why?  Is there a reason why?  Is there any method to this madness whatsoever?  No, not really, but everybody deserves to have, you know, to be all democratic-y and stuff and have democracy and act all democracy-like and what have you.  Everybody deserves that.  The fact of the matter is, not everyone desires that. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Digital media file is United States cannot decide Egypt’s fate.  If we can’t decide it, why are we participating?  For what purpose are you participating in it?

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[start audio file]

President Obama:  American cannot determine the future of Egypt.  That’s a task for the Egyptian people.  We don’t take sides with any particular party or political figure.  I know it’s tempting inside of Egypt to blame the United States or the West or some other outside actor for what’s gone wrong.  We’ve been blamed by supporters of Morsi.  We’ve been blamed by the other side as if we are supporters of Morsi.  That kind of approach will do nothing to help Egyptians achieve the future that they deserve.  We want Egypt to succeed.  We want a peaceful, democratic, prosperous Egypt.  That’s our interest.  To achieve that, the Egyptians are going to have to do the work.

james-madison-gutzman-ad-sign[end audio file]

Mike:  It’s all such toil, isn’t it?  I want to go back to what he said.  Why do the Egyptians deserve this future that he’s talking about?  Give me a reason why.  Do you know why?  Is there a reason why?  Is there any method to this madness whatsoever?  No, not really, but everybody deserves to have, you know, to be all democratic-y and stuff and have democracy and act all democracy-like and what have you.  Everybody deserves that.  The fact of the matter is, not everyone desires that.  You may say they deserve it.  Do they desire it?  Here’s another part of this, as I was listening to the president speaking just now.  I’m just wondering, we have to throw our support behind the Egyptians, even though we don’t know which side we’re throwing support behind.

I would just like to know whether or not Sweden is throwing its support behind the Egyptians.  Do the 70 million citizens of Japan stand shoulder to shoulder with the Egyptians?  If they don’t, why not?  Japan’s got democracy last time I checked.  They even have a pretty cool stock market called the Nikkei.  We buy lots of products that are designed and made by Japanese.  You don’t think the Egyptians want to buy products designed and made by the Japanese?  Where’s the Japanese prime minister on this?  Where are the Japanese people protesting in the streets?  Let’s ask the same question about Brazil.  Are the Brazilians concerned about the Egyptians?  Let’s throw a few other countries in here.  Are the Icelandic people concerned about the Egyptians?  Andrew, I want you to do a Google search for me while I’m talking, because I’m a guy and I can’t multitask.  I want you to search for “Iceland, Egypt” and tell me how many hits you get.  I want to know what the people in Iceland are doing about this.

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What’s the point, Mike?  What are you trying to say?  I’m not trying to say anything.  What I believe I’m saying is that this is a simmering, smoldering cauldron of unrest and partial insanity and of a bunch of people throwing a worldwide displayed hissy fit.  If they desire to or choose to destabilize themselves to the point where there is no law and order in their streets and there is no economy — the number one business, as I understand it — do you know what the number one industry was in Egypt before all this, Andrew?

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[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly-WLK]

AG:  Tourism?

Mike:  That’s right.  How do you think tourism is going now for the Egyptians?  Would you go to Egypt?

AG:  That is the number one place I want to go to.

Mike:  Do you want to go today?

AG:  No.

Mike:  You have all next week off.  You have a vacation next week.  What if I said I just happen to have about 200,000 frequent flyer miles lying around and I’m never going to use them.  Here you go, bud, take 100,000 and buy yourself an international ticket to Cairo.  Go fly Egypt Air or whatever and visit the Great Pyramid of Giza.

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtAG:  If it was free, I’d jump in a heartbeat at that.

Mike:  Would you really?

AG:  Oh, yeah.

Mike:  Is anyone else visiting Egypt right now?  I wouldn’t think they would be.  The number one industry in Egypt was tourism.  This has to be damaging their number one industry, and the reason why many people would actually travel to Egypt would be to go see the pyramids or see the tomb of King Tut, those giant statues we see on the History Channel that have been unearthed.  The Egyptian people aren’t doing anything to make anyone feel as though they would be safe traveling to Egypt.  Why don’t we just back off and let them work this out?  If it doesn’t work out, these things never last interminably.  If something can’t go on forever, then it will end, Solzhenitsyn, look it up.  Let’s let it work itself out and it’ll end.  They’ll figure it out, and if they don’t, too bad.  Why is that a concern of ours to spend $294 million in appropriated foreign aid on this insanity?  That’s why I was asking the question of whether or not — by the way, did you get any hits on the “Iceland, Egypt”?

AG:  294 million.

Mike:  Are there Icelandic people demanding the Icelandic government intervene in Egypt or get involved in this affair?

AG:  Nothing in the news department within Google.

Mike:  As Daniel Larison points out in his Guardian UK post:

Mike Church Show Transcript – American Exceptionalism Demagoguery, Lincoln Myths, And Rand Paul


Obama’s reaction to the killing in Cairo yesterday was about what we have come to expect from him in foreign policy. Unfortunately, this manages to combine a bad policy of supporting the Egyptian military regime with the insulting pretense that the U.S. is merely a passive observer instead of a patron of the offending government. Much like Obama’s Syria policy, his reaction to the violence in Egypt seems guaranteed to please no one in Egypt or the U.S. The U.S. isn’t in a position to improve conditions inside Egypt, but it does have control over how it reacts to events there.

[end reading]

Mike:  That is what is within our power, to react differently and that’s what we’re not doing.  I still say and would just like to remind anyone that’s following this, if the Congress appropriates, the Congress can rescind.  You people that are members of Congress that are listening to his program right now, and I know there are many of you, you can always do what is known as a rescission.  You can rescind what has been appropriated.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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