
John Taylor of Caroline Explains Tyranny

todayFebruary 10, 2014 13


 We Live In Tyranny BECAUSE Of Our Constitution

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So Taylor sat down and he wrote one of his many treatises when things like that were on his mind.  This one was called “Tyranny Unmasked”.  You don’t have to read the entire 161 pages of the book to get it.  As I said yesterday, you could probably read 20 and you’ll understand most of the point of view.  After re-reading the preface today, I don’t even think you need to read the book.  Please do, but just read the preface.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I gave some thought in the timeout to the gentleman caller.  There’s some action on the Twitter feed about it if you’d like to follow me on Twitter.  @TheKingDude is where you’ll find it.  I went and just printed out — I almost know this from memory — the introduction to preface to John Taylor of Caroline’s Tyranny Unmasked.

Taylor knew this in the early days of the 1800s.  Taylor knew pretty much what I just said.  And he saw happening pretty much what I just described.  But it was a long process because people weren’t always, Americans weren’t always that way.  We have become like this.  He also saw that this was having a corrupting influence on what could have been the greatest republican form of government in the history of the earth.  It probably still is, but you’re always supposed to be striving towards, even though you can’t actually achieve perfection, but you’re supposed to strive towards it.

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Get your republican coffee mug & travel mug at Mike's Founders Tradin' PostSo Taylor sat down and he wrote one of his many treatises when things like that were on his mind.  This one was called Tyranny Unmasked.  You don’t have to read the entire 161 pages of the book to get it.  As I said yesterday, you could probably read 20 and you’ll understand most of the point of view.  After re-reading the preface today, I don’t even think you need to read the book.  Please do, but just read the preface.  I’m going to read it to you.  This was written in 1821, not 1921, not 1991.  There had been no FDR.  There had been no world wars.  There had been no Federal Reserve.  There was no income tax amendment, none of that stuff.  There had been no Watergate.  There had been no Civil Rights Movement.  There had been no sexual revolution.  There had been no detachment from gold and silver as forms of currency.  None of these things had happened.  There had been no imperial congress, no NSA, no CIA, nothing.  None of that stuff had happened.  Yet the man from Caroline County, Virginia saw every single last part of the edifice being created right in front of his very eyes, and he knew it, so he tried to warn his countrymen.  But, like most people that are prophets and warn us, it fell pretty much on deaf ears.  Well, not in Virginia, but outside of Virginia it did.

I’m going to introduce you John Taylor of Caroline if you’re a new listener and you have never heard of him before.  I think you’ll want to follow up on him and read more.  By the bye, we’ve used the word “trillion” a lot this week.  In the Founders Tradin’ Post at where you’ll find lots of John Taylor stuff.  He’s in a movie.  He’s in three audio documentaries.  I’ve got his carriage tax argument, the best argument against Congress’s sweeping taxing power ever written, a case he argued in front of the Supreme Court in 1796.  It’s all there in the Founders Tradin’ Post.  Use the coupon code “trillion” to save 20 percent all weekend long.  Here’s the preface to Tyranny Unmasked:


Most political writers have concluded, that a republican government, over a very large territory, cannot exist; and as this opinion is sustained by alarming proofs, and weighty authorities, it is entitled to much respect, and serious consideration. All extensive territories in past times, and all in the present age, except those of the United States, have been, or are, subject to monarchies. As the Roman territory increased, republican principles were corrupted; and an absolute monarchy was established long before the republican phraseology was abolished. Recently, the failure of a consolidated republican government in France, may probably have been accelerated or caused by the extent of her territory, and the additions she made to it. Shall we profit by so many examples and authorities, or rashly reject them? If they only furnish us with the probability, that a consolidated republic cannot long exist over a great territory, they forcibly admonish us to be very careful of our confederation of republics. By this form of government, a remedy is provided to meet the cloud of facts which have convinced political writers, that a consolidated republic over a vast country, was impracticable; by repeating, an attempt hitherto unsuccessful, we defy their weight, and deride their admonition. I believe that a loss of independent internal power by our confederated States, and an acquisition of supreme power by the Federal department, or by any branch of it, will substantially establish a consolidated republic over all the territories of the United States, though a federal phraseology might still remain; that this consolidation would introduce a monarchy, and that the monarchy, however limited, checked, or balanced, would finally become a complete tyranny. This opinion is urged as the reason for the title of the following treatise. If it is just, the title needs no apology; and a conviction that it is so, at least excuses what that conviction dictated.

From the materials for bringing into consideration this important subject, I have chiefly selected the report of a Committee of Congress upon the protecting-duty policy, for examination; as containing doctrines leading to the issue I deprecate, and likely to terminate in a tyrannical government. In justice, however, to the gentlemen who composed this Committee, and not merely from civility, it is right to say, that I do not believe they imagined their doctrines would have any such consequence. But as I differ from them in this opinion, there can be no good objection against submitting to public consideration, the reasons which have caused that difference.

In doing so, the idea of any compromise with the protecting-duty policy is renounced, because it appears to me to be contrary to the principles of our government; to those necessary for the preservation of civil liberty under any form of government; to true political economy; and to the prosperity of the United States. The evils of the protecting-duty policy, may undoubtedly be graduated by compromises, like those of every other species of tyranny; but the folly of letting in some tyranny to avoid more, has in all ages been fatal to liberty. A succession of wedges, though apparently small, finally splits the strongest timber. I have, therefore, adverted to other innovations, in order to show, that such wedges are sufficiently numerous, to induce the public to consider their effects.



[end reading]

The greatest argument ever made against the American Union's Congress, sweeping power to tax. Edited by Mike Church
The greatest argument ever made against the American Union’s Congress, sweeping power to tax. Edited by Mike Church

Mike:  Folks, just focus in on that one sentence there, “…but the folly of letting in some tyranny to avoid more, has in all ages been fatal to liberty.”  Did you hear the part about there is no compromise when it comes to the committee report on protections?  [mocking] “Mike, I’m a new listener.  I don’t read this 18th century crap.  What’s a protection?”  A protection, as you know it today, would be a tax break, would be something carved into the tax code that gives one person or one entity an advantage over another.  A protection, as you would know it today or recognize it, would be the President of the United States conferring upon one entity an immunity to something like, say, Obamacare, and not affording it to another.  There can be no compromise.  Don’t be fooled to think that Obama is responsible for all this because he’s not.  This has been happening for well over 150 years.  Taylor saw it in 1821 — actually, the committee met in 1817 or somewhere around there — and said: If you don’t stop this, if this isn’t stopped wholesale, completely right now, it’s over.  Start making plans to leave the union now, boys, because once you submit to one tyranny, allegedly to repel another, the game will be won by the tyrants.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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