
Our Allies Are Our States… NOT Israel

todayAugust 1, 2013 8


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – My strongest ally, ladies and gentlemen, as a citizen of the State of Louisiana, is the State of Texas.  That is my strongest ally.  My strongest allies are my friends in the State of Mississippi.  My strongest allies are my friends in the State of Arkansas and the State of Florida and the State of Georgia and the State of South Carolina.  Those are my allies.  I am bonded and wedded to them currently by this document called The Constitution.  I am not bonded and wedded to any other foreign land on the face of this Earth. Check out Wednesdays transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I have audio of Ron Paul talking about this yesterday on the floor of the House of Representatives.  I’ll get to that in just a moment.  Clary is in Texas.  Hello, Clary.  How you doing?

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Hear the story of the United States AFTER the Constitution like you’ve never heard it before

Caller Clary:  Mike Church, I’m doing well.  How are you this morning?

Mike:  I’m good, thank you.

Caller Clary:  Kudos to you for speaking the truth, my friend.  I feel exactly the same way.  I’m 54 years old.  I was born in 1958.  This country has been at war since the day that I was born.  My father was at war; I’m at war.  These people that talk about war and how easy it is to go to war with Iran and anyplace else they choose in this world, they have no skin in the game.  I have a son in the 101st.  He’s on his third rotation to Afghanistan.  All I pray about daily is to bring him back with all his legs, all his arms, and not send him back in a pinewood box.  He’s fighting a war that I don’t believe in.  I’m a product of the 1960’s.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for standing up for our rights.

Mike:  Well, my friend, Clary, you bring some emotions to my eyes, sir.  I appreciate that.  As I said, I have a friend who has a son who is an officer who is in Afghanistan now.  These are real people.  Your son is a real person.  He’s not an abstraction.

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For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!

Caller Clary:  That’s right.

Mike:  He’s not a pawn piece for Bill Kristol and the rest of them to move around this giant Stratego board and determine where you’re supposed to go.

Caller Clary:  They want to talk about truth and light.  They don’t know anything about truth and light.

Mike:  All we’re asking for is, if we’re going to do it, that we do it as a nation, as a country, and that we declare it, and that we understand that it is the most God-awful thing one human can ever do to another.  Yes, that does include, [mocking] “What about the terrorists?”  Yeah, those are awful things.  No one is saying that they’re not, but the incomprehensibly irresponsible manner in which this is being talked about, as if there are no consequences to our actions, that only the actions of another country have consequences, again, where’s the humility?

For the life of me, I don’t understand the detachment from modesty.  There is no modesty.  [mocking] “We’ve got bigger ships than you!”  The bravado of it.  The statements that are attached to this and the way that they are being framed is as if we are talking about some activity in a faraway land that no one will ever have to witness, and if they do, yeah, it’s a little hot and fiery at the start, but you get over it.  Afterwards, yeah, there are some bodies over there that probably shouldn’t have been involved, but it always happens that way in war.  Then we should always be vigilant in trying to never go to war.

Caller Clary:  These wars that we’re fighting over in Afghanistan and in the Middle East, these are border wars.  We have no business over there.  We march around like we’re the last vestige of the Roman Empire.  If we’re so concerned about the danger to the United States, how come we’re not fighting the war 250 miles from my house on the border of Mexico?  There’s a real threat.  Let’s talk about that one and what we’re going to do about that.  I promise you, it’s coming to your house.  It is coming to your house within the next two years.

Mike:  Here’s the other troubling part about this, Clary.  The affinity, the love, the embrace of all these machinations of war as if they are not, as I said, life and death lethal things — and I’d love to hear someone else’s take on this if you think they’re not — this is what helps the size of the state survive.  We are now so desensitized to the value of life.  On the one hand, [mocking] “Why are we going to put the life of the Israelis above this?”  That’s what drives a lot of this.  [mocking] “We’re going to protect our strongest ally.”

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailMy strongest ally, ladies and gentlemen, as a citizen of the State of Louisiana, is the State of Texas.  That is my strongest ally.  My strongest allies are my friends in the State of Mississippi.  My strongest allies are my friends in the State of Arkansas and the State of Florida and the State of Georgia and the State of South Carolina.  Those are my allies.  I am bonded and wedded to them currently by this document called The Constitution.  I am not bonded and wedded to any other foreign land on the face of this Earth.

Of course, someone is going to call us now, Clary, and they’re going to call us a bunch of pagan, atheist, heathens because we don’t want to be bonded and wedded to Israel.  When you get confirmed in the Catholic Church, they tell you that.  There’s some high, ethereal séance that you have to go to to swear this allegiance.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. john thames on June 26, 2013

    In all the never ending propaganda about our ally, Israel, some highly important historical facts are forgotten. Let’s start with the old King-Crane Commission report, presented to President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. This report said that the Arabs of Palestine were overwhelmingly opposed to the creation of a Jewish state in their land. Such a state could only be imposed by military force. If this were done, the entire Middle East would be permanently inflamed. Therefore, the King-Crane report recommended against the creation of a Jewish state and the expulsion of the Arabs of Palestine. Is it not time someone listened?

  2. JTWilliams on June 22, 2012

    Excellent points, and beautifully said! As an individual citizens of the US, you can send whatever aid and money you’d like to the Israeli govt and people. But this foreign aid, and the power of the Israeli lobby is WAY out of hand. You can tell just by the pressure put on politicians who oppose any foreign aid at all, but most of all- aid to Israel.

    Rand and Ron have stayed strong against all foreign aid, but Rep. Amash, Senate candidate Kurt Bills and many others just don’t have the stomach to oppose AIPAC. They have quite successfully spun any opposition to Israeli foreign aid as anti-Semitism, and the media goes along with it. OUTRAGEOUS!
