Secretary Of State Kerry Explains How U.S. Trains Humanitarian Terrorists
todaySeptember 6, 2013
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Just listen to another facet of this. We know that there are Al-Qaeda. We have a declaration of war or a letter of mark and reprisal that is currently still in effect to bring any member of Al-Qaeda or associates to justice or to use warlike actions against them. That is still in effect here. But apparently it’s okay in some instances to make allies with them because there are some moderate groups that are just not quite as bad as Al-Qaeda. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Military officials have been trying to predict the range of possible responses from Syria, Iran and their allies.
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Mike:Of course, the Iranians would never do such a dastardly thing, I guess I can infer from this, if the United States doesn’t indiscriminately use weapons of mass destruction in Syria to stop the use of weapons of mass destruction.
While the U.S. has moved military resources in the region for a possible strike, it has other assets in the area that would be ready to respond to any reprisals by Syria, Iran or its allies.
[end reading]
Mike:What is wrong with all this? We have assets in the area? Again, let’s use the analogy from the first hour. Get a globe, push a pushpin in where you live, spin it around and look how big that world is. Now put another pushpin and stick it in Damascus. Let that globe spin. Wow, that’s a big distance between those two. Why are we obsessing over and concerned with what’s going on over there? Because we have to, because we’re we.
The U.S. military has also readied Marines and other assets to aid evacuation of diplomatic compounds if needed, and the State Department began making preparations last week for potential retaliation against U.S. embassies and other interests in the Middle East and North Africa.
Mike: Doesn’t it sound like we are girding up for a much larger military adventure or military mission than simply lobbing a couple missiles? Doesn’t it sound like Senator McCain and President Obama and Secretary Kerry and Hagel and all the rest of them, doesn’t it sound like they know that they’re basically launching what could become World War III by the positioning of assets and by expecting that embassies are going to be bombed in other countries? Folks, come on, really. All that is needed to prevent this is to what? Stand down. Shut up. You might even ask Assad or a Syrian diplomat who was here, you might ask them: Can we sit down at a table with all of us, Russians, Iranians, Americans, Brits, France, can we just sit down at a table and talk before we wipe out half the Earth’s population? Could we just kind of sit down and talk about this? No, no, no, we’ve got to get in there.
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Just listen to another facet of this. We know that there are Al-Qaeda. We have a declaration of war or a letter of mark and reprisal that is currently still in effect to bring any member of Al-Qaeda or associates to justice or to use warlike actions against them. That is still in effect here. But apparently it’s okay in some instances to make allies with them because there are some moderate groups that are just not quite as bad as Al-Qaeda. You’ll hear Chris Hayes go: Dude, how do you separate what goes to the good terrorists and what goes to the bad terrorists?
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Chris Hayes: Mr. Secretary, thank you so much for making the time today, I really appreciate it.
Secretary of State Kerry: I’m very happy to be with you.
Hayes: There’s a pretty shocking video by the New York Times posted today. It’s Syrian rebels executing captured Assad soldiers, gunshot to the back of the head, naked. If the U.S. attacks Syria, do those men in those videos become by definition our ally?
Kerry: No. In fact, I believe that those men in those videos are disadvantaged by an American response to the chemical weapons use because it in fact empowers the moderate opposition. We all know there are about eleven really bad opposition groups, so-called opposition groups . . .
[end audio file]
Mike: So it’s our fault. So the guy got shot in the back of the head because of us. It’s our fault the guy got shot in the head. It’s not the rebel that wanted to shoot the guy in the back of the head, no, it’s not his fault. It’s our freaking fault. Are you serious, Secretary Kerry? Good heavens! I’m done screaming.
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Kerry: . . . moderate opposition. We all know there are about eleven really bad opposition groups, so-called opposition groups. They’re fighting Assad. They’re not part of the opposition that is being supported by our friends and ourselves. That is a moderate opposition. They condemn what has happened today. We are busy separating the support we’re giving from any possibility of that support going to these guys.
Hayes: How confident can you be, though, that that support can be cordoned off or quarantined in any way?
Kerry: Well, it is being because there’s a very careful vetting process taking place where people have to come out of Syria. They spend a period of time, they are trained appropriately after being vetted, and then they go back in and . . .
[end audio file]
Mike: Stop, stop, stop! I don’t know if you understand or comprehend what you just heard. Let’s rewind the tape for just a moment. What did he just say? He just said the United States is asking terrorists — I want to underscore that word, but remember they’re “moderate” terrorists, whatever the hell that is. We are asking terrorists to basically come apply to join the U.S. Army. You go to a training base somewhere and we outfit you with weapons and training paid for by American taxpayers, and then we send you back into Syria, you moderate terrorists, to go back in there and do I guess battle against the, no, not against the bad terrorists. It’s with the bad terrorists, but you don’t agree with the bad terrorists’ methods. Do you have the words to describe this? That’s what he just said. Can you back it up 15 seconds for me? I want people to hear this. You just heard my explanation. Somebody call me right now if I misunderstood what you’re about to hear.
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[start audio file]
Kerry: We are busy separating the support we’re giving from any possibility of that support going to these guys.
Hayes: How confident can you be, though, that that support can be cordoned off or quarantined in any way?
Kerry: Well, it is being because there’s a very careful vetting process taking place where people have to come out of Syria. They spend a period of time, they are trained appropriately after being vetted, and then they go back in and the Turks, the Jordanians, the Qataris, the Saudis, the Emiratis, a lot of people are involved in that process. There are jihadists who have been attracted to the chaos of Syria. Most importantly, Chris, we’re not remotely talking about getting America involved directly in between any of those forces. The president is not talking about assuming responsibility for Syria’s civil war. What the president is trying to do and what we believe is important to America’s national security interest and to humanitarian interests and to the interests of Israel and Jordan and Lebanon and all of our friends in . . .
[end audio file]
Mike: Stop, stop. So it’s humanitarian to train a terrorist (rebel) and give them weapons and send them into this country called Syria to go kill people. That’s humanitarian? Oh, my God! Oh, dear Lord in Heaven, deliver me! I did not wake up to hear that today. Maybe I’m just emotional about this and I misunderstood what he said, but that’s what I heard him say.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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