
Statism: The Acceptance of Theft by Government Proxy Erodes Liberty

todayJuly 27, 2013 10


MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA – Exclusive Transcript – As Americans have come to accept the notion that the government must take from one group in order to help another, lest you be a selfish-greedy- ne’er-do-well, it evinces a purposeful design to  alter the very essence of right and wrong whereby literal theft is passively accepted as coerced-compassion.

Moreover, it changes how we view ourselves, by disconnecting our very tangible labors and what we receive in exchange for them, i.e. wages as our personal property and replaces it with a nationalistic indentured servitude whereby our work is for the benefit of the state first and our families or selves second.

Thus, should a man come to your home, threaten you with violence at gunpoint, rob you of your possessions, and on his way out the door decide to let you keep a pittance of what he stole, you should smile, and thank him for the generous tax cut.


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike: I believe that people have been sensitized, have been brought up, and have been, through a lifetime of socialization, have been made to believe that it is okay to steal from your neighbor, to violate one of the Ten Commandments and to violate Golden Rules and what have you.  But that’s okay, no, no, we do this all the time.  Those people deserve to be stolen from.  They’re rich.  After all, we’re the country that created the term filthy rich.  How do you get filthy rich?  We’re the country that, why, we vanquished those evil guys, the Robber Barons.  What did they rob?  Well, Mike, they….


Yeah, you need to read Burt Folsom’s great book, The Myth of the Robber Barons.  Read it.  Find out exactly what Getty, and who else was a robber baron?  Getty, Carnegie, Rockefeller.  Who was the railroad dude?  Not the one that took all the subsidies, the other one.  Anyways, you’ll find that the myth of the robber barons is just that, its a myth.  They didn’t rob anyone.  They industrialized.  They industrialized many portions of this country.  And yet we have unregulated, unmitigated, absolute deference.  We’re told, oh, this was a great accomplishment for the 20th Century, which is why I say we ought to repeal the 20th Century.  As a matter of fact, I’m making a T-shirt that says Repeal the 20th Century.

Unmitigated, unregulated, full access to the ballot box for anyone that, well, you don’t even have to present an ID anymore.  For anyone that can be dragged to a ballot box in a yellow school bus, whether they’re legal or not, it doesn’t matter, and pull a lever, push a chad, or do whatever is necessary.  People vote on private property, on taxing private property, when they don’t own any.  People vote on taxing wages when they don’t earn any.  People vote on confiscating properties when they don’t own that property.  People vote to take land away when they don’t own that land.  Do it all the time with impunity.  People vote for members of Congress and the United States Senate based on their ability to steal the wealth of other states and bring it back to their state.

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailWe are an amoral, here’s another neologism, bratified, absolutely unvirtuous, rudderless people.  We are a bunch of screaming, crying, spoiled brats.  Give me what I want, give it to me now, and don’t ask me to pay for it.  Doesn’t matter what it is.  Unemployment benefits, give them to me.  Welfare benefits, give them to me.  Wealth transfers, direct cash payments, give them to me.  Food support, give it to me.  And I’m using the safety net ones just to make the example.  Or if you’re in business, corporatism, subsidies, give them to me.  Doesn’t matter where it came from.  Ill take it.

So as a matter of doing business inside this corrupt thing that we call the United States of America, under this corrupt regime, and that’s what it is, under the corruption that exists in Mordor on the Potomac River, almost all of what are known as the American people at some point in their life, at some point in their civic life, what little civic life we have left, participates in the theft of taking what one man has earned and appropriating it for themselves.  There is just something seriously wrong with that.  There is something seriously wrong with people that don’t see that that’s what they’re doing.  There is something seriously wrong with academics in an academic system that teaches, but doesn’t teach that.

This is the most basic of all basic things.  There is this stuff that’s called your property.  You own it.  There is this stuff that’s called your wages.  You earn them.  No one has a right to that.  Certainly not an untrammeled, unmitigated right to get together and at a ballot box vote away that which you have earned.  Yet, well, Oh, yeah, but we’re the beacon of hope in the world.  We are?  Hah.  You can get a better deal in Switzerland.  You can get a better deal in Singapore.  You can probably get a better deal in Australia.  And then we’re told, but we must think in terms of our nation.  Wow, the nation.  You mean the nation that gets to determine who gets to lead other nations?  That nation?  Because that’s why we’re here.  You mean the nation that indiscriminately can spend hundreds of millions of dollars per day in trying to force other nations to do our bidding or to abide by our rules, our laws, our edicts, our prescription for how they ought to live their lives?  You mean that nation?  How about no thanks?  How about no thanks?

And yet these ideas that Ive just spent the last six minutes going over here are radical.  According to The American Conservative magazine, if you haven’t seen the profile, Mike Church is more Patrick Henry than Rush Limbaugh, Right of the Dial.  Its in this months, the May issue of The American Conservative magazine.  Go read it.  That makes me the most radical man in radio.  But there’s not and again, I said this earlier, but there’s nothing radical about what I just said.  I’m pretty much repeating what Patrick Henry might have said to a radio audience, if he had one.  I’m pretty much repeating what James Madison I don’t know if Madison would have.  Well, lets just say Madison would have repeated to a radio audience, or said to one, if he had one, pretty much saying to you what Thomas Jefferson would have said to a radio audience if he would have had one.  John Taylor of Caroline, James Monroe, James Wilson, the guy I mentioned earlier, Samuel Adams and what have you.  I’m repeating, in other words, things that used to be taken for granted.

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtNow we take corruption for granted, and we participate in it.  Oh, but we can fix it by sending Tea Party members to Congress.  Yeah, hows that working out for us?  So without the ability to have an internal set of laws that cant be altered, which we used to have, and then being able to vote on, in vast, vast majorities, local things that can alter the other set of laws, which are not immutable, which can vary from time to time, without that ability, we’re not even self-governing anymore.  We say we are, but we’re not.  We’re self-medicating, and we’re self-deluding.  But we’re not self-governing any longer.  You cant decide the great questions of the day in your little hamburg, your little hamlet, your little village, your little town, your little city, whatever the case may be.  You’re forbidden from doing it.  The Supreme Court has seen to it.  The Congress of the United States has seen to it, from the food that you consume to the roads that you drive on to the way your kids are allowed to speak in a school.  You don’t have any control over this.  Some guy in a black robe in a building a thousand miles away from where you are will make that decision for you, dumbass.  Didn’t you read the rule book?

Man, its just all so surrealistic.  And to listen to people drone on about freedom and liberty is, I must say, offensive.  The best thing, the closest thing that I have seen to a member of the House of Representin’ or Congress come to actually calling this what it is and expressing outrage and opinion over it was that wonderful little video that we have on the website at from Rand Paul, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, questioning that woman from the Department of Energy, saying youre offensive, lady.  Get out of my toilet.  Get out of my dishwasher.  Get out of my washing machine.  Get out of my shower head.  This is not how life is supposed to be.  We are not supposed to be shackled, enslaved to having to go to work specifically because we need to earn enough wages so that they can be taxed at the rate that we’re told we must be taxed at, so they can continue to support the corruption.  Oh, and don’t forget, and your wife’s going to have to go, oh, your husbands got to go out and work, too, because its not just enough to tax one of you, we have to take so much from you, and we’re going to make it impossible for you to raise your own children.

Its delusional.  It is delusional.  So I think that the first thing that has to be done is to establish that size does matter, as Professor Livingston said yesterday.  And Professor Gutzman and Professor Woods and I have been talking about this for almost four years now, that the size of the representative bodies and the size, the scale of how we are represented in Mordor on the Potomac is not representative at all.  Its a joke.  So youre going to have to do something systemically about that.  You’re not going to get an Article V Convention, apparently.  That’s not going to happen.

magnificent samSo whats the alternative?  Well, the alternative is for little cities and states to start rallying people together that think alike and start doing something about it by declaring themselves to be little republics and saying, we’re just not your we’re not your slaves anymore, Washington.  And in some cases it may be Harrisburg.  Yeah, we’re not your slaves anymore out here in Western Pennsylvania.  We’re declaring ourselves our own little republic.  You may think that’s ridiculous.  This is exactly what our forefathers would have prescribed.  This is exactly what all of human history prescribed and did, all the way up until the assimilation, which began at the beginning of the last century.  We’re the ones that are deluded.  We’re the ones that participate in tyranny.  And we’re the ones that promote it now and tell the rest of the world that you must participate in it, too.  Absolutely embarrassing and ridiculous.

This is not the legacy that I want to leave to my children.  This is not how I want a history book to remember the era in which I participated in civic affairs because its rotten and its corrupt.  So if you ever wonder, Why do you do what you do?  Why don’t you just go along with everyone else, Mike?  Why dont you be like the rest of the members of the talk radio mafia and just accept your fate?  No.  No.  As Patrick Henry said, I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience.  And all experience hath shown that this corrupt, tyrannical, oppressive government is going to continue to be corrupt, oppressive, and tyrannical.  So my alternative is to get out of it, peacefully.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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    • TheKingDude on August 8, 2013

      Well professor, you KNOW the answer is they do not have the right nor do they have the grant of power in any ratified instrument to do so. But that has never stopped them since FDR now has it? Fortunately their scheme will face its ultimate test-the real world-and will crash and burn as it should (see Detroit). The question remains then: what to do about the OTHEr 309 million souls living under the experiment’s rules?
