Transcripts Mike Church Show- Review of 2016 Al Smith Dinner That Invited Killary Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […] todaySeptember 25, 2024 42
insert_link Transcripts Michael F. Holt Book: Why the South HAD to Secede and Why Today is Even Worse todayApril 25, 2024 68
john thames on April 19, 2013 Mr. Church brings up a valid point when he points out that Jews can say things deemed anti-Semitic when said by their opponents. People do not like to be told what they can, and cannot, say as the price of their jobs. Marge Schott was driven out of major league baseball as owner of the Cincinatti Reds by making the perfectly true statement that Adolf Hitler did some good in Germany before the war. Mel Gibson has basically been shut out of the movie business for making a film of Jesus’ life that offended the Hollywood moguls. When Jews do these things, they lay the groundwork for a reaction. I do not think that any Jew should be deprived of his civil rights. Neither do I think that Jews should be allowed to financially destroy and ostracize those who raise legitimate criticisms of a foreign country to whom, regrettably, a great many Jews seem more devoted than the land in which they live. Log in to Reply
Doug on February 23, 2013 Funny, when an Israeli speaks this way they are misguided idiots,when I (we) speak this way one is labeled an anti-Semite and hateful. Either way debate closed. So it begs to ask why then patronize me for my response when your answer is predetermined? I applaud your response Clark. Log in to Reply
Clark on February 22, 2013 This is why the debate always runs into the mud, because you can’t say anything without being labeled an anti-semitic hatemonger who wants to see Israel pushed into the sea, by people like Stan. Ironically, this entire issue can actually be resolved from an old episode of Glenn Beck when he was still on Fox. One night he had the mayor of Jerusalem on, and he flat-out asked him “What do you want from us? Is it money, troops, etc.?” And without batting an eye, the good mayor said “No, the last thing we want are troops” followed by “All we want from the United States is moral support”. And, moreover, when Netanyahu said that he agreed with Ron Paul’s stance on Israel that they should be allowed to defend themselves as they see fit, without any foreign intervention preventing them from doing so, exactly what are we arguing about anyway? We should be allies with Israel to the extent that we trade with them, exchange mutually beneficial intelligence, and also offer them our moral support in their struggle to survive. Anything beyond that in terms of direct political alliances with the US Senate, foreign aid packages, or (God forbid) any talk of actual troop deployments, is far beyond what the Israelis want or need anyway. There seems to be a growing divide between the AIPAC folks here, and actual Israeli citizens who really just want to be left alone to live in peace. Log in to Reply
stan berke on February 21, 2013 Does it bother you when you pray to Jesus knowing you are praying to a jew? Yes, I do believe you are truly are an anti semite, just like anti Isreal Pat B. HATEFUL!! Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on February 22, 2013 It does not bother me, Sir. Does it bother you to know you are not Jesus and cannot see inside mens hearts yet feign that you do? There’s a word and punishment for that but you will have to wait until St Peter agrees to see you to see them. Pax Domini Log in to Reply
Infinite Spiral on February 22, 2013 Mr. Berke, I’m confused by your chain-of-thought. It seems to me that by treating Israel just like any other country, you would be exhibiting the opposite of racial or religious discrimination. If one truly believes that we should follow our Constitution; if one truly believes that we should treat all people with respect and dignity; if one truly believes that promoting peace around the world doesn’t mean you don’t defend yourself; if one truly believes in the value of human life; if one truly believes in life-after-death and the teachings of the “jew” Jesus, would it not follow that respecting the nation of Israel enough to stop treating them like a child and begin allowing them to actually ACT like they’re a country instead of State #51 would be the opposite of hatred? Just curious…. Log in to Reply
john thames on April 19, 2013 I believe it was Chaim Weizmann who said that whenever the number of Jews in any country exceeds the saturation point, that country reacts against them. He said it was a universal law of istory and could not be confused with antisemitism in the ordinary and vulgar sense. Are we approaching the same situation in the U.S.? Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1785