
Welcome to The Mike’s Radio Revolution Featuring “CRUSADE”, The 24/7 Mike Church Channel

todayOctober 26, 2015 14


Mandeville, LA – Brothers, I will tell you discreetly, SOME of what transpired at SiriusXM and what I will be doing as a result.  The boys at have successfully maneuvered to take over the Patriot Channel morning drive show.  I was denied being moved to another time or channel, COMPLETELY denied (after 13 years!). I was instead offered a “weekend show” which I declined.  No hard feelings.  I pray for the success of my successors, the Patriot Channel and SiriusXM.  They made a decision they believe is best for themNow, please, brothers, allow me a few moments to tell you the exciting news concerning the decision I believe is best for me.  

I will be launching the all-new (To Be Announced) Radio Network and its new, feature channel which we have code named “CRUSADE”.  On Wisdom Wednesday morning, Nov 11. at 08:00 a.m. we will re-launch the Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel.  The show will air FREE from 9-noon EST at’s Founders Pass Media Player, via the Stitcher app and very soon, the Mike Church Show APP for Android and iOS devices, and there will be 2 in-studio cameras to carry the Webcast via YouTube! Founders Pass members will also have access to the show via our On-Demand service that stocks 4 weeks of shows, listed by date and day of the week! The Mike Church Show will rebroadcast at 03:00 Central and midnight. The show will be available FREE daily on the CRUSADE channel but you’ll need a Founders Pass Membership to access the daily podcast.

But to launch (To Be Announced) Radio and the Crusade Channel, I will need to bring 2,000 of you over as new members to the Founders Pass, otherwise, I will be pursuing another occupation. Can I count on you to become a Founders Pass/ CHARTER MEMBER of the (To Be Announced) Radio Network and our first 24/7 Channel: CRUSADE?  All it will take from you is 26 cents a day to make this happen.





The Mike Church Show The Way Mike Always Wanted It To Be

The Mike Church Show, that you know and love, will not change one bit.  In fact, it will get better.  You will still get Mike’s candid, Christian, historic and philosophical take on the days biggest news and events but without the nagging “top of the hour news break”, which he fought to eliminate from the show on SiriusXM.  Plus, Mike will not have any of the constraints that modern, corporate political correctness places upon their on-air talent.  This will be unadulterated truth from the liberty perspective.

The Show will air in two 90 minute segments for podcasting with 1 commercial break in each 90 minute segment. The final segment will not have a set end time and listeners can expect that good guests and conversations will continue beyond the official time-limit! The call-in lines will work as they always have but with a new number to be announced shortly.  Plus there will be a LIVE chatroom on the website for listeners to pose questions and talk among themselves about the show. 

Listeners can expect to hear some the same great guests and very familiar segments of the Mike Church Show: Dr. Kevin Gutzman, Chris Ferrara, Andrew Bieszad, Joseph Pearce, Rep Louie Gohmert, John Henry Westen, Jeffrey Tucker, Rep Andy Holt, Robert Sungenis, Brother Andre Marie, Professor Donald Livingston, Professor Brion McClanahan, Author Craig Shirley, Author David Thomas Roberts, David Harsanyi, Rep. Bob Marshal and too many more to list here. 

Listeners will also now get expanded doses of:

Wisdom Wednesday, featuring David Simpson!

Our Man in Mordor: Jordan Bloom LIVE from the Daily Caller offices in DC!

FREE Phone Fridays, extended!

The Mike Church Show LIVE Is Just The Start of Your Day on CRUSADE

CRUSADE will be a 24/7/365 media channel filled with the groundbreaking content thatlisteners expect from Mike Church. In addition to Mike’s catalogue of American History features including The Spirit of ’76. CRUSADE will carry the LIVE show and then fill the day with original programming like our ongoing feature series “The Modern Wrong World-Made Right” featuring “Darwin Was Wrong” and “Galileo Was Wrong”. The Mike Church Show will be archived for On-Demand replay immediately after it has concluded every day and will feature a 4 week ON-DEMAND archive available via the Founders Pass media player for desktops and new apps for the Android and iOS smartphone systems.

Sign up today to help us launch this new network, our premier channel and our growing campaign to bring truth to the airwaves.  

The Mike Church Show will be archived for On-Demand replay immediately after it has concluded everyday and will feature a 4 week ON-DEMAND archive available via the Founders Pass media player for desktops and new apps for the Android and iOS smartphone systems.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. chuck partington on October 29, 2015

    I commented on the Fan Page already, but I needed to expand on some tuoughts.
    First, I kept my Sirius subscription solely for Wilkow; as I saw no need to punish Andrew for a corporate decision.
    Second, I contacted Verizon Wireless and upped my data package to 40 gigs so I can watch Mike LIVE daily from my big rig as I slide from state to state, both geographically and metaphysically as I listen.
    Third, I am doing everything in my power as an Admin of a Closed FB group with 600 members to encourage our folks to join me daily as members in the chat room on Remnant.
    I dully believe that God has his hand in this venture, and is leading you forward Mike; as He sees fit to use you.

    God Bless Brother,
    Chuck P. HOUSTON TX

    • TheKingDude on October 29, 2015

      Chuck, we will be making a press conference announcement on the FINAL name for the new network next Monday or Tuesday, I can tell you the CRUSADE channel is a lock but the network name WILL not be Remnant. Thanks for your support brother!

  2. Stonewall on October 27, 2015

    I’ve been on the fence for quite awhile regarding purchasing a founder’s pass. When I seen that the “King Dude” needed help this morning it was all the motivation I needed. Once I took the red pill there was no going back.

  3. Brian Barrett on October 27, 2015

    I also just cancelled my Sirius subscription. I was very nice and polite. The inquired as to why and I simply told them because the Mike Church show had been cancelled. I listen to other shows and am usually quite frustrated. Also cancelled my iPhone/Sirius App which i used to listen to the show live as well as On Demand. Immediately went to Mike’s site and joined at the 100$ level. Cant wait!

  4. Giacomo on October 27, 2015

    Cancelled my Sirius subscription today, just became a Founding Brother and look forward to as many broadcasts as Mike has in him to deliver. Carry on oh ye of ample faith!

  5. hamplain on October 27, 2015

    I will miss my morning dose of the founding fathers and the philosophy of correct thinking. I plan to plug in to the new format however I can. I am already a Founders Pass member. Do I need to do anything to help support the cause? I can’t become one of the new 2,000 subscribers.

  6. wayne.v.cox on October 26, 2015

    I’m stoked King Dude! Just renewed my old Founders Pass subscription so I can get in on the new network. Thank you for all that you do brother.

  7. egolsed763 on October 26, 2015

    My long morning commute just got longer. Sirius will be down one less customer. Praying God will keep you during this transition and His will be done while traveling down this new road.

  8. JoeHD883 on October 26, 2015

    alright King Dude i hope this works for my poor monthly member selfor i will be a late comer to the game. But I already told sirius to pound sand

  9. Cindy Kirby on October 26, 2015

    I will miss you so much on Sirius Dude. But I want to stay connected. Sadly, I’m old and don’t have a clue about ‘podcasts’ and media players. If someone can give me a 101 tutorial, I’d be grateful!

    Here’s my email address if someone would like to hold my hand and walk me through it!

    from Cindy the Nurse who took Mike’s DVD to DC on the bus to a rally.

  10. on October 26, 2015

    I will miss listening to you in the car in the morning. but will continue to listen at home on your new station. I do wish you great success.

  11. Erick on October 26, 2015

    Great news. Mike Church Unchained … can’t wait to see where this leads. I’m so glad you will have full podcasts of the show available for those of us who work during the show and cannot listen live.
