
Transgender Couple Gives Birth

todaySeptember 29, 2016 9


The-English-Reformation-Front_cover_DEMOMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“We’re talking about a woman, a born-female that has mutilated her body to make it appear as though it is the body of a male, in an unnatural relationship with another female, has now found a quack doctor to impregnate it someway.  Now we’re talking about it and we’re being lectured here about the backlash and surreal backlashes.  What is surreal, what ought to be surreal is the monster that your sister has become, madam.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript


We have also come to the point where the backlash against these rapid changes has manifested in sometimes surreal fashion . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  Imagine this.  We’re talking about a woman, a born-female that has mutilated her body to make it appear as though it is the body of a male, in an unnatural relationship with another female, has now found a quack doctor to impregnate it someway.  Now we’re talking about it and we’re being lectured here about the backlash and surreal backlashes.  What is surreal, what ought to be surreal is the monster that your sister has become, madam.  You, publically advocating – folks, this is the other part of the problem.  [mocking] “Mike, we can’t just demonize everybody.  We can’t just vilify everybody.”  It’s not charitable to not address these things.  You address them out of charity, you address them out of love, but you don’t condone it.  Not only are we condoning it, we’re promoting it.  Listen to this.  Some of this stuff I can’t believe I’m actually reading, but apparently I am alone in my shock today here.


We have also come to the point where the backlash against these rapid changes has manifested in sometimes surreal fashion, as it did earlier this year during the so-called battle of the bathroom, when about half of all states joined lawsuits against the Obama Administration. There have been reports of increased violence directed at transgender people. At least 21 trans Americans were murdered in 2015 . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  Again, a false dichotomy.  How many that were not trans were murdered?  See, this is when you break down life and you subdivide it into its secular manifestations, when it is totally divorced now – I believe that the separation is complete for far too many people.  It is totally now divorced here from its natural creation, that it was created naturally, through nature.  There is no nature now to attach it to.  The nature is now being invented as we go along.

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

If you don’t see the problem with this, then I can turn your attention to a couple societies in the last 100 years that have attempted to do this, and have invented a moral code and morality as they went along, after rejecting the natural order and after rejecting the creator, God’s role in it.


At least 21 trans Americans were murdered in 2015, according to the Human Rights Campaign, up 62% from the year before. And that was before the mass murder in June at an Orlando nightclub, the deadliest incident of violence against LGBT people in U.S. history.

[end reading]

Mike:  Again, it’s not dead people, it’s dead people of a particular sexual orientation.  Do you see the difference?  We cherish human life.  It’s not that we cherish and do all that we can to protect human life.  It’s that we assign some protection that is more important to some lives, like this ridiculous Black Lives Matter movement.


Pregnancies like Evan’s—and the many that are likely to follow .

[end reading]

Mike:  They’re going to replicate this.  So no one is alarmed by this?  What is it that would alarm you?  If this doesn’t alarm you, what does?  What does ring the bell that we are nearing the end of civilization?  As I said on Friday on the post that over 50,000 people have viewed on the Mike Church Show Fan Page on Facebook, somewhere in between the planet Jupiter and the planet Mars, an asteroid was gently nudged out of its orbit by God and sent into a collision course orbit with this planet.


Pregnancies like Evan’s—and the many that are likely to follow—will stretch our cultural perceptions of gender norms even further. [Mike: For what purpose? Again, why stretch it? What is gleaned out of this? There can only possibly be one author of this insanity, one diabolical force behind it. You know it and I know it.] Americans are just starting to open up to the idea that you may be born into a female body, but believe that you are really a man.

[end reading]

Mike:  On Thursday’s show, I discussed part of a scientific study, an attempt to find out whether or not there was any history gathered from anywhere across the planet of any civilization that has gone before us, or any society that has gone before this particular one at this particular time.  The attempt was to try and find out whether or not there was any history of – because if this was natural, if people were supposed to be like this, if you’re supposed to be born a female and yet desire to be turned into a male, then there would be histories of it.  There would be literature written about it.  There would be artwork.  There would be sculptures and paintings, etc., etc.  There’s none, none.  There’s nothing in the historical record that indicates that any prior civilization ever aspired to do this.  We have become so bored in our rollercoaster-addicted lives that we can’t conceive of these things.


BRAZIL-GAY-WEDDINGAmericans are just starting to open up to the idea that you may be born into a female body, but believe that you are really a man. But what if you are born into a female body, know you are a man and still want to participate in the traditionally exclusive rite of womanhood?

[end reading]

Mike:  Do you see the perversions, that once you leave, once the error gains a right and gains traction, that all it can produce now is more error and more error and more error?  You can’t get perfection out of error.  Unless you’re going to go back to the start, unless you’re going to go back to the natural, you’re going to see more of these perversions.  I’m just curious as to what could possibly the next perversion be.  What are we going to have, transgendered animal people?

Do you remember the story we did about six months ago on this show about the guy that thought he was a Dalmatian?  Do you remember?  He had a dog suit made so that he’d look like a dog.  I asked the question: If he thinks that he’s a dog, and he’s being walked – and there were stories about his friends walking him with a leash.  When the man-dog was being walked and he was in Central Park, and if a moment of nature struck, so to speak, and the man dog needed to relieve himself, under what law would it be prosecuted?  There’s an indecency law that says your garden variety male just meandering about Central Park where there are children meandering about is not allowed to expose himself and micturate on a tree.  What if it’s a dog?  What if the guy thinks it’s a dog.

Some of you laugh at this and think that it is some kind of, that that story was a joke.  If you go search for it, you’ll find it.  As a matter of fact, if you search for it on my site you’ll find it.  What happens when the trans-dog, when the trans-species individual decides that it wants to breed?  Is Dr. Quack going to make man-dog babies for it?  Is this where the chimera experiment is ultimately going?  Folks, this is right out of a science-fiction horror movie.  Somebody ought to be asking the question: What can possibly go wrong?


But what if you are born into a female body, know you are a man [Mike: If you’re born in a female body then you’re not a man.] and still want to participate [Mike: This is the gender dysphoria, folks. This is a mental sickness.] in the traditionally exclusive rite of womanhood? What kind of man are you then? [Mike: Well, you are not a man. You are a mutant. You are a freak of nature. Stop. Doctors should not be assisting people in becoming these freaks.]


This question can bother people. It can make them uncomfortable. That’s partly why, when Evan texted me to say, “I’m pregnant!” I was excited for him, but also frightened. I thought about what strangers might say to my bearded, big-bellied little brother when he was nine months along. And I wondered, Would he be safe?

[end reading]

Mike:  I have a question for you, Ms. Hempel, will society survive your brother?  Will civilization survive the freak, the unnatural freak that your brother has become and that you’re endorsing and hoping for more to be made like her?  Note I said her, not him.  Folks, when these people say that all they want is acceptance – remember, that’s how it always starts.  [mocking] “We just want to be accepted.”  We know because we’ve heard Masha Gessen, a radical lesbian, aspire for the end of the institution of marriage to come about.  You can certainly see the day where it could be illegal and made not legal for marriage to come about because it won’t be necessary.  What do you need to get married for?  The purpose of marriage is to provide an opportunity for a man and a woman to create, in cooperation with Almighty God, a family, to raise it and raise the children to love God with all their hearts and their souls.  What part of this story follows that narrative?  Again, the headline we started with was, “My Brother’s Pregnancy and the Making of a New American Family.”  They want to cookie cutter this thing.

Bulldog_KIA_Banner_IconHave you tried the all new Veritas Radio Network yet?  You can listen to the Mike Church Show LIVE weekdays 8-11 CST.   The show is easier to access than ever before.  But Veritas Radio isn’t JUST Mike Church, try the exclusive shows by Brother Andre: ReConquest, David Simpson’s True Money, The Mark Kreslins Show, The Suzanne Option with Suzanne Sherman, My Story of America with Michael T George, Reverse Deception with Gregory Carpenter and The Constitution Hour with Kevin Gutzman.  Help us continue our search for TRUTH by signing up for a Founders Pass Membership today!

I’m going to follow this up with this story from by David Harsanyi, who is a regular guest on this show.  Here’s the headline, “How A Cake Maker Became An Enemy Of The State.”  How many of you know who Jack Phillips is?  About two of you raised your hands.  All of you know who Jack Phillips is; you just don’t know that his name is Jack Phillips.  How many of you have heard of the cakemaker, the baker in Colorado that was compelled to bake a cake for a homosexual couple, or was compelled a wedding cake.  Many of you said at the time, and some of you still say and cling to: Nothing to see here, citizen, move along; no big deal.  As Harsanyi points out – wait till you hear the nuts and bolts of what happened to Phillips after the fact, and how the story came about.

You combine this with the man-dog and now the she-man that’s giving birth to babies with beards, and men breastfeeding now.  What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?  Folks, this is the final phase of the attempt to bring about the end of Christianity and Christendom.  The final phase is let’s remove – if Beelzebub is successful in removing from man’s cherished grasp the natural order, the natural-created order of man and woman, then you can see the end of all civilization coming.  That’s not – I’m not trying to be apocalyptic.  I’m not trying to be one of these conspiracy – it’s not a conspiracy because it’s happening right in front of our very eyes.  The conspirators are participating in it.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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