
Transgender Kids And Public School Bathrooms

todayMarch 6, 2017 17


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “The point is this is set up that there is this cabal of people out there that live their lives to do nothing more than torment, torture, and, I guess, bring physical harm and mayhem to transgender teens.  Okay.  Where are they?  Before you say, [mocking] “Mitter Church, they’re in schools.”  Okay.  When I was going to school, fat kids got picked on.  Does that mean there were advocates for fat kids or defenders of fat kids and the rest of the people were offenders against or taking action against fat kids?  What about kids that had acne?”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript


The Justice and Education departments said Wednesday that public schools no longer need to abide by the Obama-era directive . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  Let’s be clear.  It’s not an Obama-era directive.  It was a directive that was issued by Obergruppenfuhrer Loretta Lynch.  She’s the one that strode to the podium and so arrogantly and snidely, and I’ve got to say with hatred in her voice, [mocking] “This is going to be the policy, because these people, these kids have been discriminated against for long enough.  And in this country, we don’t tolerate that kind of discrimination.  And President Obama has ordered all of you bigots out there . . . .”  [mocking] “Mitter Church, you’re exaggerating.”  Am I?  Go back and find the tape.  You’ll see.  Go back and watch it.  I was so mad when I was watching it I had to turn it off.  That’s how Obergruppenfuhrer Loretta Lynch got to me.  [mocking] “Mitter Church, you’re no better than the rest of them that call people Nazis.”  No, Obergruppenfuhrer Lynch is funny.  Calling someone Hitler is not funny.  It’s lame.  It’s already been done.


[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

. . . That guidance, issued in May, led to a spate of lawsuits over how it should be applied . . .

The agencies said they withdrew the guidance to “in order to further and more completely consider the legal issues involved.” [Mike: Let me translate that for you. That policy is gone. It’s gone. Goodbye.]

Anti-bullying safeguards for students will not be affected by the change, according to the letter. But advocates of protections for transgender teens said the overall rollback sends “a message that something is wrong with them, which is harmful,” said Nancy Haque, co-executive director of Basic Rights Oregon.

[end reading]

Mike:  I want to focus on that phrase right there, madam.  Again, “advocates for protections for transgender teens.”  Ladies and gentlemen, that means – let’s play Logic 101.  I’m going to learn you some Thomistic, Aristotelian logic without you having to sit through a lecture.  This will be fun.  “Advocates of protections for transgender teens said the overall rollback sends ‘a message that something is wrong with them, which is harmful’.”  Okay.  If there are advocates for protections for transgender teens, that must mean then that there are advocates for what?  Actions against transgender teens.  If you wanted to find out what something means, as Chesterton said, look at its opposite.  What’s the opposite?

What’s the opposite of a protector?  What’s another word for a protector?  Defender.  That would mean an offender or an aggressive action against.  Who do you know that is an offender, officially speaking, of a transgender teen?  How does a transgender teen stand out so that the offender or the defender can find them and either offend them, persecute them, or defend them, protect them?  How do we determine the titles?  Do you go to school to be an offender or defender?  Do you have to take a course?  Do you have to have lunch with the offender?  Do you have to have dinner?  Have you walked around the block with the offender?

The point is this is set up that there is this cabal of people out there that live their lives to do nothing more than torment, torture, and, I guess, bring physical harm and mayhem to transgender teens.  Okay.  Where are they?  Before you say, [mocking] “Mitter Church, they’re in schools.”  Okay.  When I was going to school, fat kids got picked on.  Does that mean there were advocates for fat kids or defenders of fat kids and the rest of the people were offenders against or taking action against fat kids?  What about kids that had acne?  What about kids that were skinny?  What about kids that were just plain lanky and goofy?  The idea here that the transgender kids are the first kids that have ever been picked on in school is just preposterous.

Also, that a school or a school body is incapable of dealing with these – this is life.  This is life.  Are there instances where bullying gets out of control?  Yeah.  Is that because of protectors and defenders, or is it because there are bad people?  I’d say it’s because there are bad people.  I’d say that because pride and Pridebook and all the rest of the stuff, the rot that makes up social media today has led us to that point where that kind of bullying is easier to do today.

Folks, left out of this entire equation is this: we know, there are studies, there’s science behind this.  Children that are suffering transgender dysphoria have a mental problem.  They’re not well in the head.  That’s not just something you go, [mocking] “Well, we’ll let the peasants take care of that.”  That’s not something you just dismiss.  To my knowledge, it’s not dismissed.  We’re prevented from – like in the State of New Jersey, you’re forbidden by law from treating it as the mental disorder it is.  Answer the question: What is charitable about that?  What is also charitable about herding people into their own little idiosyncratic communities and then, by definition, separating them from the rest?  Then, if you want to play teenage angst here, not only do you separate them from the rest, you go: Come on over here, you guys get this, and you guys don’t.

This can all be dealt with with simple Christian ethics.  Again, this just shows you, ladies and gentlemen, that we live in the post-Christian world, because parents that raised their kids – look, there’s always going to be exceptions.  There is no perfect world.  We’re fallen men, for Heaven sakes.  If we lived in Christian communities, then we would know that homosexuals, sluts, transgender, children that have all manner of challenges when they’re growing up – growing up is hard; it’s not easy.  That’s why there’s prepubescence and adolescence and teenage, young adult, then maturity, adulthood.  Look, even when you get to be my age, you’re still growing.  The idea that these things can be managed and regulated by some form of a policy that you can write down and that can be implemented one size fits all is itself ridiculous.  Continuing:


Grimm’s case also could be in jeopardy with the guidance now lifted. The high court could decide not to hear it and direct lower courts to settle that issue instead. [Mike: That’s what they should do.]

There won’t be any immediate impact on schools, because the Obama guidance had been temporarily blocked since August by a federal judge in Texas, one of 13 states that sued over the directive. And schools remain free to provide the same treatment to students even without guidance.

[end reading]

Mike:  What do you need the Department of Un-Education for anyways in this regard? It’s just so – people that resort and fly to the aid of Big Brother, [mocking] “Please, Big Government, please protect me” are ultimately going to be under the heel of Big Brother, especially when you’re in such a small minority as transgendered teens are.  For Heaven’s sake.


The Obama guidance did not sufficiently explain its interpretation of that law, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement.

“Congress, state legislatures and local governments are in a position to adopt appropriate policies or laws addressing this issue,” Sessions said, adding that the department is still committed to protecting students from bullying.


“This is an issue best solved at the state and local level,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos added. [Mike: Finally, after she was told to back down by President Trump himself.] “Schools, communities and families can find – and in many cases have found – solutions that protect all students.”

[end reading]

Mike:  That’s exactly what you should say because that’s how it should work.  A school that can’t figure out a policy to protect children, good kids from bad kids, is not a very good school, folks.  Here’s another way to look at this.  If you’re telling me that public schools are incapable of doing this, then what do we need public schools for?  This is School 101.  You’ve got the good actors and the bad actors.  If you don’t have the authority and you don’t act upon the authority to tell the bad actors that they cannot prey upon the good actors, then what do you have a school for?  Do you really have a school?  You want to know why homeschool is taking off and why it’s never going to look back?  This is why.


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Conservative activists who saw it as the Obama administration meddling in local matters praised the change. Wisconsin state Rep. Jesse Kremer said he was pleased by the change but still intends to re-introduce a bill to force public school students to use bathrooms that correspond with their birth gender.

[end reading]

Mike:  What a mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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