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Trump & The 25th Amendment Coup, Now Do You See The Menace of The Deep State – The Mike Church Show

todayFebruary 18, 2019 9


Mandeville, La

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Patrick Caddeli has died. 1950-2019

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.


HEADLINE: Do You Believe in the Deep State Now? by Robert W. Merry

  • It used to be Washington’s birthday.
  • Now you will see $5 sales, President’s Day Sales in honor of Abe Lincoln.
  • I used to do several George Washington’s Birthday celebrations with Dr. Kevin Gutzman so be looking for them to be added to the Crusade Content App today.

HEADLINE: Thomas Jefferson and the Burr in Obama’s Kill List by Mike Church

  • This is what our empire has evolved to: a messianic state with all the fine ornaments of a cult including temples, ministers, and now a prosecutor, judge, and executioner masquerading as an executive branch.



BACK TO HEADLINE: Do You Believe in the Deep State Now? by Robert W. Merry

  • The revelation that top Justice officials considered unseating Trump should answer that question for good.
  • The only collusion was the democrats that hate Trump! There was NO collusion with Russia.
  • This is quite incredible. If this were happening in another country, we would say it is a Banana Republic.
  • What would you call this? A COUP!
  • How the hell does this happen and why don’t Americans care about it?
  • Coups indicate the absence of RULE OF LAW.

HEADLINE: The Real Motive Behind the FBI Plan to Investigate Trump as a Russian Agent by Gareth Porter

  • It matters b/c we still have to live under the jurisdiction of it.


HEADLINE: Outraged Catholic laity forced action on McCarrick. But that’s just a first step. by Phil Lawler

  • Remember when we had Brother Andre Marie was on and we discussed the process of laicization?

HEADLINE: Statement on Theodore McCarrick by Notre Dame News

  • We Catholics know—and I think secular reporters intuitively sense—that the abuse scandal within the Church involves the defilement of the sacred. 
  • How blessed was I yesterday that I got to go to Confession, and was forgiven after doing my penance.

Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.

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NEW Crusade Channel App

  • Does it have member access? You cannot share data bases.
  • The data base is NOT linked to VRN website.
  • The VRN Content App is now officially launched and the VRM v 3.0 is here. This totally new smartphone/tablet app puts the power of world-class content distribution and consumption into our avid fans hands. Here’s how to start taking advantage of the app and its awesome content delivery features. 1. Download it for iPhones here. Download it for Samsungs here. 2. If you are a Founders Pass member at Founding Brother level or higher, DO NOT TRY AND LOGIN!! You’ll need a new password FOR THIS APP. 3. Click the “Forgot my password” button and enter your Founders Pass membership-linked email address. 4. Check your email, click the reset link, reset your password, then go back to the app and login. 5. BAM!! Make sure you explore the preferences/settings features to customize your playback and recording/downloading preferences! 6. There is a handy “Help” button that the LibSyn folks manage to assist with any issues. We’ll adding hundreds of shows in the coming weeks and of course all shows ready for download or On-Demand are now being loaded to this MAJOR upgrade. NEW Crusade Channel App

Weekend Movie Review –

AUDIO/VIDEO: Hunter Killer Trailer

Crusade Cocktail of the Week – if we pick your cocktail you will receive a $25 gift certificate to the FTP.



email all entries to sales@mikechurch.com

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BACK TO HEADLINE: Do You Believe in the Deep State Now? by Robert W. Merry

50% off sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post for President’s Day.

  • The C narrative is out there, this is a spiritual war.
  • Your a member b/c you know the war has never stopped.
  • You cannot say, “it has never been this bad”. How do you know? Where you there also?
  • Of course you can’t collude with anybody unwittingly.
  • The campaign to get Trump out was that he conspired with Russia.
  • If another country had 20,000 warheads pointed at you, would it be a good idea to talk to them? I would think so!
  • Nuclear Power – who’s employ could they possibly be in?
  • Conclusion of story – It’s difficult to believe that people in such positions would take such a cavalier attitude toward the kind of damage they could wreak on the body politic.
  • Says the President is a Russian Agent! This is just ridiculous!
  • The Manchurian Candidate movie.


HEADLINE: The Vatican’s Gay Overlords by Frank Bruni






Caller Ashley from Tampa Florida –

HEADLINE: Walking with C.S. Lewis by Joseph Pearce

Excerpt from article: “Shortly after meeting Gus Halfways, the spirit of anti-romantic Modernism, John, the pseudo-Lewis protagonist, meets some of Gus’s fellow travelers, the so-called Clevers, in Zeitgeisthem, a place where Modernism melds fashion with fascism. Here he meets a curious bearded man who “wore nothing but a red shirt and a cod-piece made of the skins of crocodiles”. This bearded poet holds all the Clevers spellbound as he “began to beat on an African tom-tom” and “croon with his voice, swaying his lean, half-clad body to and fro”, “staring at them all, out of eyes which were like burning coals”.” – Joseph Pearce

FLASH SALES – you will get an email again this afternoon. Flash Sales are FLASH! They don’t last all weekend or all day. They are super discounted for a ‘brief’ period of time only.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to crusadermonastery@crusadechannel.com

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at www.mikechurch.com





HEADLINE: ‘We Are The Resistance’ by Rod Dreher

The Battle for Spain – “We are not pessimistic, but realistic. The diagnosis is dark, but we are all mature Catholics, we have reached a certain age, we know our catechism. We know the Lord has already won. The diagnosis might be dark, but the battle is already won. The question is, are you going to be part of winning side? The Lord said the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, but he didn’t say the gates of hell would not prevail against Madrid, or in your own family, or in you.”

  • Why don’t we youth running around saying these things?
  • We believe everyone gets their own opinion.
  • You don’t get to pick or have an opinion on dogma.
  • Crossing the beams of Church and State. The State must yield, the Church must triumph.
  • Spain has turned into a liberal country: a country that doesn’t have roots. America doesn’t have roots – it was an Enlightenment nation. Liberalism is the political, moral, and economic expression of nominalism [the medieval philosophical doctrine that says there is no inherent meaning in matter]
  • What do roots do for you? They tie you to a place and make you act in a certain way. When you cut those roots, you can do whatever you want. That’s what happened to Spain. We see that Spain is crumbling because people have been uprooted, and don’t know who Spain is. You can’t love what you don’t know? 
  • FOUNDERS TRADIN’ POSTWhat Lincoln Killed audio CD set   (50% OFF)
  • These young men struck me as pious and sincere Catholics who, because of their piety and sincerity, don’t really care what their bishops think of them.
  • “Far too many Christians today think of the faith as a middle-class self-help project, not a call to self-sacrifice and spiritual warfare.” – Ramon
  • Are we raising a little generation of Crusaders like we just read about?
  • I wasn’t thinking there was something real there back when I didn’t really believe in the True Presence.
  • Do we teach any of this anymore?


A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: http://brave.com/mik060 We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Rod Dreher, resistance, Spain, dogma, What Lincoln Killed, Robert W. Merry, Manchurian Candidate, deep state, Thomas Jefferson, President’s Day, Gareth Porter, Russian agent, Russian collusion, MAGA, Phil Lawler, Theodore McCarrick, Catholic laity, Frank Bruni, Joseph Pearce, C.S. Lewis, LGBTQ, President Trump

Written by: TheKingDude

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