
TSA Can Search Your Luggage, Your Body, And Now Your Car

todayJuly 25, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now that the story is out, anyone that were contemplating this would now know there’s a very good chance if you valet park, some TSA guy or gal is going to go through your car.  The security measure then becomes yet another in a series of counterintelligence moves.  Now the enemy actually knows how the system at least partially works and can now divine a way around it.  It just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  This is from, “Valet parked cars searched under TSA regulations.”

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She says she had no warning that someone was going to search her car after she left to catch her flight. So the woman contacted News10NBC.

We found out it happened to her because she valet parked her car. Those are the only cars that get inspected.

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So if security feels it is necessary to search some cars in the name of safety, why not search all of them?

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Laurie Iacuzza walked to her waiting car at the Greater Rochester International Airport after returning from a trip and that’s when she found it — a notice saying her car was inspected after she left for her flight. She said, “I was furious. They never mentioned it to me when I booked the valet or when I picked up the car or when I dropped it off.”

Iacuzza’s car was inspected by valet attendants on orders from the TSA.

[end reading]

Mike:  Oh, but don’t worry, nobody needs to be smacked down here.  Nothing is screwed here, dude.  The plane hasn’t crashed into the mountain.  You guys are just never happy unless your little civil liberties are protected.  Nothing happened to that woman’s car.  People that say that just miss the point.  To make an analogy here, if you think you have built a God-proof roof that He cannot see into, then it would be okay to philander and cheat against your marriage vow taken under God.  It would be okay to commit any sin because He can’t see you.  If he can’t see it, then he doesn’t know it happened, so it’s not really a sin.  Wait a minute, aren’t sins things that are better off left undone?  When we sin, or when we think we sin, we are admitting we think we’ve done something wrong.  Apparently that doesn’t matter.  That has no bearing in our lives anymore.  You don’t have an expectation of privacy.  You drop your car off at an airport now and a bunch of TSA goons go through it and throw a placard on your car and say: Congratulations, your vehicle was searched by the TSA.  How many times have you left the airport and gotten home and unpacked your bag, opened your bag up and at the top of your bag there’s a notice: Your bag was searched by the TSA?

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Iacuzza’s car was inspected by valet attendants on orders from the TSA. But why only valet parked cars? That’s what News10NBC wanted to ask the TSA director about.  We reached him by phone.

Berkeley Brean asked, “Are the cars in the short term lots and long term lots getting searched as well?”

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John McCaffery, TSA, said, “No, those vehicles that are in the garage, short term long term parking, even if they carry pretty large amounts of explosives, they would not cause damage to the front of the airport. But for those who use the valet, the car could be there for a half hour or an hour so there is a vulnerability.”

[end reading]

article-v-pamphlet-adMike:  Why not cars that are parked for a half-hour or so in front of Lakeside Shopping Mall here in Metairie, Louisiana?  What about cars that are parked for a significant period of time in front of any courthouse in these United States?  A city hall government building?  Why not search all of them?  Don’t put it past them.


We asked, “You’re required, they tell you, you have to search the car?” Valet Parking Attendant Frank Dettorre said, “I have to do it.”

We also noticed a large sign that alerts customers that their vehicle will be inspected. The sign is on the kiosk window. Iacuzza says it was not there when she dropped off her car. “I think the public should be aware of the fact that if their car is going to be searched, they should be informed of it.”

Iacuzza said she doesn’t mind the security measure. She just wants to be told if her car is getting searched.

News10NBC asked the owner of the company that runs the valet parking when they put up the sign but he wouldn’t answer.

TSA says this is part of its overall security plan and that it’s a proactive move. The attendants said they’ve only been doing it for about a month.

[end reading]

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Mike:  Let’s go through this progression.  I’m going to park my car at — how come parking lots aren’t named after fireworks stands?  Let’s do Crazy Carl’s.  I’m going to park my car at Crazy Carl’s Valet.  When I pull up to Crazy Carl’s Valet and I’m leaving my automobile in their possession, if Crazy Carl’s attendant says: Just so you know, you have to sign this here.  This is stating that because you’re leaving your automobile here with us at Crazy Carl’s Valet, we reserve the privilege of inspecting and searching any and all parts of your vehicle at any time it is in our care because we are ultimately responsible for it.  Okay, informed consent.  I know about it.  You have informed me.  It would be better if I knew in advance, but I know about it, you have informed me, and I can elect to say yes.  If I have time and am not pressed to get to my flight, I can elect to say: No thanks, Crazy Carl, I’m gonna go to Crazy Al because his sign says no searching, no inspection.  I’ve then made a decision.  I’ve made a conscious decision to not participate in commerce with Crazy Carl because I didn’t like the way he was doing business.  No harm, no foul.  I have no grudge, no problem whatsoever with that.

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The problem comes in when the exact same transaction occurs, there is no informed consent, then an agency or people under the direction — again, government can do things to you that Crazy Carl can’t.  It’s a lot different if Crazy Carl searches the car than it is if the CIA, FBI, TSA, or police officer searches the car.  If they find something untoward in there, regardless of what it is, it doesn’t matter what it is, they have the power to act upon in.  In many states, your car is viewed as an extension of your home, which is why most people say: I’ll carry a weapon in my car and I don’t need a permit to carry it because many states have made it so that your automobile is an extension of your home.  Since no one argues that you can’t have a firearm, gun, weapons in your home, you can have them in your car.  It’s when you take them out of the car and go into public or private places of business and what have you that you have to check and see if there is permission.

So an informed consent would be all an informed citizenry would basically be asking for.  I don’t think that’s asking too much, do you?  Besides the fact, what do you think they actually get out of this?  What kind of security effect do you actually get out of this now?  If there actually are bad guys out there that were contemplating — I don’t know why you’d want to blow the front of the airport up, but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt for the moment.  What have you now accomplished?  Now that the story is out, anyone that were contemplating this would now know there’s a very good chance if you valet park, some TSA guy or gal is going to go through your car.  The security measure then becomes yet another in a series of counterintelligence moves.  Now the enemy actually knows how the system at least partially works and can now divine a way around it.  It just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.  As I said, if Crazy Carl wants to do it because he thinks he should, or if the Crazy Carl Airport wants to do it, informed consent, again, no problem.  When the government gets involved: problem.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


A TSA agent dons rubber gloves at Washington Reagan National Airport

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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