Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep

todayApril 2, 2013 11

Mike's world famous T-shirt design "Voted Most Likely To Secede"-Order Yours today!
Mike’s world famous T-shirt design “Voted Most Likely To Secede”-Order Yours today!

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Mike’s response to claims that Senator Paul is “The Patrick Henry of Our Day” plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.  “We have always sensed that free time, time not dedicated to a specific purpose, is dangerous because it implicitly raises the question of what to do with it, and that in turn opens the door to the greatest of life mysteries: why we do anything at all.” – Mark Kingwell – Barbed Leisure

The mighty Southern Avenger – sans the sobriquet – weighs in on the “gay marriage” question with an embrace and a rebuke

Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day“Labor improbus omnia vincit” – Great labor overcomes everything

DeceptiCONS Strike Back – The War Party Hawks refuse to accept their historical ash-bin and instead dream up new ways to LOVE the Iraq War and all the miracles humanity received as a result of its execution

“The Rand Paul Chameleon Show” stops at the Empire superstore and orders a Jr. Whopper of intervention and a side of  bellicose foreign policy fries… WHAT!?

This Page is Supported by your Founders Pass subscriptions to this site, please take the tour and see all the GREAT CONTENT you are missing out on including Mike’s Project ’76 Webisodes

READ THIS: David Stockman’s SHOCKING run-down of just HOW the capitalists were converted to corporatists and the United States from cash king to pauper, it’s all here and it’s all too real

Great News GOP, Speech Codes Are Ba-aaaack! – What now passes media scrutiny, if you are a Republican, is how well you  manage your vocabulary as our once great intellectual tradition continues its descent into irrelevance

It’s official: Stockton CA goes belly up and is the first of many mid sized to large cities that will seek financial protection from problems of their own creation

Greenhut: We can survive not having Soda-pop nannies, empire and federally subsidized meat inspectors

TIC – Constitutions will never work when the governors and the governed lack the virtue of self restraint

That Michele Bachman is laughable as a philosopher-king turned politician is self evident, that millions think her shallowness is the fault of “the liberal media” is a Daily Show punch-line, that Citizens of Libtardia think her gaffes maker her political dynamite for the GOP says all you need to know about our sorry state of intellectual affairs

RISE OF THE ROBOTS ESSAY: The Rise of the Robots is a symptom of a civilization that doesn’t even have the desire to continue its own existence while believing that  “social media” and their requisite gadgets are progress

Written by: TheKingDude

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