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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, my daily roundup of stories that are used in making the Mike Church Show. When you are in doubt over what side of the political divide you might be on these days consider that as a devout Christian you are now permanently in the minority yet there will be no “programs” or grants coming to your aid, nope, just the latest dose of political posturing from new suspects who will soon become the Usual Suspects viz Trumpzilla, Benthra and iCarly. Tump’s tax plan is either a gag or the best that could be done using the “top scholars” who didn’t make the cut to be on Jebediah’s team. Nothing to see here, ‘Murican citizen, vote, pay up and move along. “If we oppose false intelligence, we are immediately accused of being opposed to intelligence; if we oppose a corrupt and baneful education, we are accused of being in favor of popular ignorance, and lovers of darkness; if we oppose false liberty, or license presented under the name of liberty, we are charged with being the enemies of true freedom; if we assert authority, however legitimate or necessary, then we are despots and the advocates of despotism. The press opens its past, with our eyes on the backside of our heads, and the truth is drowned in the floods of indignation or ridicule poured out against us.” – Orestes Brownson
The Talk Radio Mafia Has Nothing On The Kill Catholicism Mafia – The story is now posted everywhere there is broadband, including at One Peter Five, even though its author is desperately trying to retract it: the 2013 coup against Pope Benedict was just that and the resulting war on the Church’s Magisterial authority is exhibit A of its fruit. Will the promoters of homosexual marriage and no restriction on moral behavior by Moral Theology, defended by The Church for 2000 years, have an “teaching” to crow about or will they meet the fate of the other Heretics who thought being dealt 4 Kings on the draw was an unbeatable hand against the weak “Church”? Hint, I wouldn’t bet against the guy named “Paraclete”.
By the By, Did You Know – The “fixing” of the Vote on the Papacy is canonically illegal, immoral and enforceable. We shall now see just how high up the corruption inside the Church Militant goes
Reality No Longer Bites, It Denies Reality – John Daniel Davidson nails the point of ‘Murican’s denial of reality when and where it can which thanks to technology is nearly everywhere. “But we’re also separated, increasingly, by the news and commentary we read and watch. To the extent that it informs us of what’s going on, and why, and what to expect, our fragmentation and insularity has reached a dangerous tipping point: we no longer agree on what’s real.”
iCarly, DeceptiCON In a Blue Dress – Carly Fiorina Is Infected With The virus of ‘Murican Exceptionalism, thinks the Bush/Cheney “War on Terror” was just peachy and all that waterboarding and torture was fine and dandy too.
Buchanan: From Russia With Humble Love – Why is it that the Russians, so very often accused of lusting after the U.S.’s obsession with global supremacy, seems to be content taking care of diplomatic business in its OWN REGION
HE’S COMIN’ RIGHT FOR US! Just One Example of “The Christian/Catholic Sky Is Falling” from WND columnist who confesses her Catholicism while bemoaning that Pope Francis has stolen it from her and may have stolen it for All for Good! I will simply offer two passages from Our Lord as countermeasures. 1. “And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus eam.” I added the bold for emphasis. Was Our Lord speaking finite or future infinite? “shall not” implies an imperative statement, free from conjecture, until it is altered by the force making the claim ergo either we reject Despair and its Sin or we march on, undaunted, as Church Militant. 2. “But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you.” It doesn’t get any more clear than this, St John used the term “docebit omnia” where Omnia is ALL as in omnipotent and that ALL is composed of ALL Our Lord taught them. IF Francis were to commit the error theorized above it will not be binding and will not stand, point 2 will enforce point 1 even though it may appear that all is lost.
What VALUES Did the VOTERS at the VVS Convention promote and then expect Ted Cruz and Gov. Huckabee to act then enact upon? “Protect the first Amendment” they thundered. “Enforce the Constitution” followed. This makes me ask the same question I have been asking “if you cannot agree upon a set of religious, dare I say, dogmatic principles, how can they be “enforced” and under what authority do you appeal for the power to do so?
DeceptCONNED, WE LOVE WAR YEAH, YEAH, YEAH – Big War is big talk because it is Big money for the “conservatives” who rely on the war machine to provide jobs in their districts and “voters” are only too happy to go along for the lethal ride
DeceptiCONNED II – Boehner Quit Because “Conservatives” Demanded “Conservatism” From Congress which the super-state Congress simply cannot deliver.
MBD – Why Conservative Hate Boehner. “The fact that Boehner’s impending departure is an applause line at conservative gatherings, however, is reflective of the Republican leadership crisis. Large parts of the base do not trust the party’s leaders, do not believe they have GOP voters’ best interests or conservative principles at heart, and would mourn their leaving office about as much when Barack Obama’s presidency is over.”
DeceptiCONNED FINI? – I have been telling anyone who would listen that Christian Conservatives needed to divorce their abusive spouse-The GOP-for years. Now comes W James Antle III, pronouncing the “Christian Conservative” ala Ronald Reagan, as officially dead.
FLASHBACK MIKECHURCH.COM ARCHIVES – Christian Conservatives Must File For Divorce From Abusive Bride: The GOP
YOU DIDN’T BUT GOD DID BUIL THAT – Here’s a nice list with photos of the churches Pope Francis will visit while touring ‘Muricah
WHO’S AFRAID OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD? THE U.S SENATE, THAT’S WHO – After the Senate fails to smack-down funding for the diabolical activities of murdering the soon to crawl/walk/live among US, the Senate now takes up a The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would require the high priests of human sacrifice at Planned Parenthood to play doctor and pretend like they have actually taken an oath to “first do no harm”
OH HAPPY DAY! I KILLED MY BABY AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD! Anyone who has “, an incredibly positive experience” while having Planned Parenthood murder their soon to be born child via abortion and is still walking the streets to pro-create and then kill again, is a menace to civilization, yet that is the latest “rage” at the online home for the fallen: Buzz Feed. I refuse to link to the piece because these people need prayers, not clicks or comments. Here is a sample…“Hi guys! Like a year ago I had an abortion at the Planned Parenthood on Madison Ave, and I remember this experience with a nearly inexpressible level of gratitude. I would tell you all about the exceptional level of care I received from every single woman at the clinic on that day….”. The worst part if the woman who made this diabolical claim “Amelia Bonow” no longer has this post on her Twitter page, every repost of it I can find is an image file (not text) and she is now wearing a mask like she’s in the Prayer Protection Program. This looks like Planned Parenthood propaganda to me making it as evil as the original thought of “shouting abortions”.
FLAT EARTHER’S NO MORE – The latest attempt to prove God is a hoax created by Moses, David, Jesus and St Thomas More gets embarrassed in its rush to press as the alleged discovery of “inflation” of gravitational forces that “proves” the Big Bang fails to prove anything other than the deniers of creation have failed since Copernicus to prove their “theories”. This is a great time to watch Galileo Was Wrong Pt I & II today!
BIG BROTHER IS A BIG LOSER – ‘Muricans no longer have faith in the monster they helped create called government and a 60 year long survey from Pew shows the decline. My take on this is the decline parallels the loss of Faith in actual Faith because the American System IS a religion and it has not delivered salvation
MAN I HATE BEING RIGHT ALL THE TIME – becomes the first “mainstream media outlet” to start the pedophile promotion derby. Just as we have predicted, pedophiles are the next sexual perversion we must surrender our bigoted opposition to. This piece is a masterpiece of manipulation for importing the “I’m not a monster, I just have a problem” mantra. The piece even introduces us to the group Pedophiles for Virtue.
COMMON CORED BY ENTERPRISING DAD – Try writing a check out using Common Core math formulas and you’ll get this check written by a frustrated parent opposed to but now dealing with Common Core. It is truly amazing that “public schools” continue to not reflect the choices and values of “the public” that funds them.
GALILEO WAS WRONG, BACK TO SCHOOL MUST HEAR RADIO! – Today’s Special Guest, Robert Sungenis, gives us a 90 minute long presentation on WHY Galileo Was Wrong, the ground-breaking film series that finally challenges the “settled science” of Heliocentrism that never was confirmed. “Galileo Was Wrong reveals in spectacular graphics and painstaking research that the true scientific evidence not only puts Earth in a central location in the universe, but shows that it enjoys the unique privilege of being the only motionless body around which everything else revolves.” Listen to the 70 minute recap of this presentation and soon to come video with the all new Founders Pass Media Player
Darwin Was Wrong Pt I – Chris Ferrara reveals the story of a Jesuit monk who was actually making genetic discoveries in the physical world and not using the fallacious “hypothetical” that the sorcerer Charles Darwin used to explain “evolution”.
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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