The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel.The DeceptiCON war machine has sprung into action over the terrorist attacks in Paris and is ginning up a GROUND invasion of Syria now. ““It would take too long to tell you all the stories about this famous impostor (…) Mohamed’s religion consists of a monstrous mixture of Judaism, Paganism and Christianity. Mohamed propagated his religion, not through miracles or persuasive words, but through the force of arms. [It is] a religion that favors every sort of licentiousness and which, in a short time, allowed Mohamed to become the leader of a troop of brigands. Along with them he raided the countries of the East and conquered the people, not by introducing the Truth, not by miracles or prophecy; but for one reason only: to raise his sword over the heads of the conquered shouting: believe or die.” — St. John Bosco
2+2 Does =4- and Muslim “radicals” were not invented by desperate Muslims in the 19th century seeking work, they are as old as Islam itself because Islam is based on an anti-Christian heresy of the highest and most lethal proportions. This problem is so large its hard to even describe which is why turning to Our Lady for her intercession makes the only sense. For Mary is immense meaning we cannot quantify her dimensionally or spiritually and it will be her “immensity” that will rise to crush the head of the serpent but not until the Russians and 50-60 million others get their minds straight and convert.
MBD: Why The West Cannot and Will Not Vanquish ISLAM. “So let’s face this hard truth: There is no easy “just [something]” solution because the West inadvertently co-authors Islamist terrorism.”
Hungary Was Right -The Paris attackers WERE “refugees” imported into France via Greece as part of the suicidal pact Europe’s secular elites entered into with their pluralistic fantasies. LEFT – This photograph is redacted everywhere I have seen it but I wanted people to see for their own eyes what the absence, indeed the rejection of the One True God in the practice of religion, is capable of producing.
IT’S THE RELIGION STUPID -St John Bosco, near the end of the 19th century, knew then what all Christians used to know: Islam is a lethal and diabolical heresy and must be treated like one.
The 16 dumbest things one could have done to pretend to be “shocked” by the Paris Jihad. Missing from the list, and that is perhaps by absence of knowledge and not choice, denying what Islamic scholar Andrew Bieszad told the Mike Church Show audience yesterday: Convert, then work on converting Muslims, then CRUSADE.
BUCHANAN: “No Fly Zone over Syria” mantra coming from GOP Presidential candidates is silly seeing as how ISIS has no air power. Do Jebediah et al really want the no-fly zone so they can provoke an air-war with the Syrians, then the Russians? WHAT could possibly go wrong?! “Why declare a no-fly zone when ISIS has no air force? Does Bush plan to shoot down Syrian planes flying over Syria and Russian planes flying in support of Assad?”
The Kids Are Not All Right – The latest fashionable attempt to instruct parents on how to best raise their children for “success” neglects to even acknowledge that “success” must also include success in morality. Without an education in the moral virtues (Cardinal virtues if you are an adult) how is one to build any “success” that is worthy of living as a life!? Professor Paul Bonicelli pans the book by asking the questions asked above. “If one wants to know how human beings are supposed to face trials and overcome, how to be generous and giving toward others in need, great literature like the Bible, Dickens, Shakespeare, and Aesop’s fables offer excellent instruction with timeless examples for all ages and stations. For some kids in the past, that included Cicero and Aurelias, and Augustine and Aquinas.“
If At First you Don’t Secede… The Governors of Alabama and Michigan attempt to act like federalists (acting under the U.S. Constitution) and regulate the flow of alien friends into their countries. Michigan’s governor though, might want to learn a liuttle bit more about the Mulsims he is dealing with in the general sense before blurting out the PC mantra “It’s also important to remember that these attacks are the efforts of extremists and do not reflect the peaceful ways of people of Middle Eastern descent here and around the world.” To get a better handle on WHAT the Muslim believes and why it is lethally dangerous see my essay “REALITY CHECK PARIS”.
DeceptiCONNED – While the war-hawk world is blaming Obama and his “lack of a coherent strategy” to “defeat ISIS”, it is worth remembering that nearly all of the ISIS leadership are former military Baathists who worked for Saddam Hussein.
Bacevich – The call for war is a fools errand because this is a war The West cannot win. Bacevich makes solid points as he usually does: “Even where armed intervention has achieved a semblance of tactical success — the ousting of some unsavory dictator, for example — it has yielded neither reconciliation nor willing submission nor even sullen compliance. Instead, intervention typically serves to aggravate, inciting further resistance. Rather than putting out the fires of radicalism, we end up feeding them.” But ultimately, he does not get to the ultimate cause: Islamism is a heresy of the highest order and until it is recognized and treated as such
DeceptiCONNED II: Sowden Made Them Do It – Fox News war-hawks trot out that the Paris attacks “are all Snowden’s fault”. But, as Glenn Greenwald points out, the bad guys, even dimwitted Mafia types, have known for decades that using wireless and web to plot their attacks is stupid because the Feds have been monitoring both since they became widely used.
The Modern Wrong World Made Right Is Catching On – Whne Brother André Marie and I began planning then recording our series on how the Modernist Philosophers were wrong, we had Immanuel Kant in our ascopes. Now comes “mainstream journalist” Robert Tracinski, nearly taking our title verbatim and publishing it at The Federalist.
The Truth CANNOT Set You Free If You put GOP Dogma over actual Dogma – Elite Republicans are so desperate for a candidate to take vows to their heretical, lethal policy ideals that they are now recruiting the last loser to Obama as their nominee: Mitt for brains Romney
DeceptiCONNED: Rand Paul is more like Ronald Reagan than any of the DeceptiCONS, like neocon wunderkind Marco Rubio, claiming that they are and he is especially close to the Gipper on WAR policy says Patrick J Buchanan. “Having called for the U.S. Navy to confront Beijing in the South China Sea, and for establishing a no-fly zone over Syria that Russian pilots would enter at their peril, Rubio seems prepared for a confrontation with either or both of our great rival nuclear powers.”
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 122 1
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Hemi Rebel on November 17, 2015
Mike Church, might you have a link to the Aaron Wolfe (sp?) Story you read from in the final segment today?