The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. The week between New Years and Christmas is always a dullard when it comes to news stories but it is a great time to tune up on intellectual content and celebrate The Octave of Christmas (yes! it IS still Christmas). “The chaplain sits on one side of the bed and the physician on the other, while the healer hovers around, baffled and furious. And they do well ; for there really is
a great link between them. It is the link of the union of flesh and spirit, which the heresy of the healer blasphemes. The priest may have taken his spirit with a little flesh, or the doctor his flesh with a little spirit; but the union was essential to both. With the religious there might be much prayer and a little oil; with the scientific there might be much oil (castor oil) and precious little prayer. But no religion disowned sacraments and no doctors disowned sympathy. And they are right to combine together against the great and horrible heresy–the
horrible heresy that there can be such a thing as a purely spiritual religion.” – G.L. Chesterton
THE WAR ON CHRISTIANITY IS REAL, DRIVEN BY THE MYTH OF A GOOD CHRISTENDOM – Daily Beast essayist Jay Michaelson claims that the “war on Christianity” is a result of the Myth that there ever was a “Christianity” that was a force for good in Europe and then in ‘Muricah. That the “myth” is what’s driving the “war” narrative and the scapegoating of gays and lesbians. “Even when the church controlled half the wealth in Europe, it styled itself as the flock of the poor and the marginalized. Whether true or not as a matter of fact, it is absolutely true as a matter of myth.”
WAR IS HECK, EVEN FOR ‘MURICANS – CNN poll reveals that ‘Muricans aren’t expressing buyer satisfaction with the prosecution of “The War on Terror”. This should come as no surprise seeing that the war was never officially declared, has no set goals, no terms under which a surrender could be negotiated thus no hope for what a victory would entail. The guts of the poll are here.
BUCHANAN – The end is near for the European Union, both as a political entity and as a grouping of populations of people. “The enclaves of Asians in Britain, Africans and Arabs around Paris, and Turks in and around Berlin seem to be British, French, and German in name only. And some of their children are now heeding the call to jihad against the Crusaders invading Muslim lands.”
DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY AND MUST BE CALLED “MA’AM – NYC Human Rights Commission is issuing rules that provide for fines up to $250,000 for businesses that mis-state the gender of the in-process transgenders; denying facilities to men claiming to be women and mandatory dress code policies that apply equally to men and women meaning if Stella wears wigs and red lipstick to work then Stan must be allowed to wear red lipstick and wigs to work too.
THE COURAGEOUS, VIRTUOUS AND BOLD ALSO DIE – Mrs Solange Hertz, an author who dares to go where others will not without the fear of being denied by major publishing houses. I have read Solange Hertz for the last 2 years and will join her family in praying for her soul.
Our Christmas Gift To You: A Dramatic Reading of The Nativity of Christ According to St Matthew. Narrated by Mike Church, produced by Jimm Mosher and Mike Church for Veritas Radio Network
Our Second Christmas Gift To You: A Dramatic Reading of The conception of John the Baptist, and of Christ. The visitation and canticle of the Blessed Virgin. The birth of the Baptist and the canticle of Zachary.. Narrated by Mike Church, produced by Jimm Mosher and Mike Church for Veritas Radio Network
VIDEO OF REAL PRESIDENT CELEBRATING “JESUS” CHRISTMAS IN WHITEHOUSE – In 1981, President Reagan delivered the following televised address to the nation and that would be the first of 8 such addresses. Note that Reagan, possibly for the last term, actually uttered the name of Our Lord “Jesus” in his Christmas message. In 2009 I wrote a parody song set to Mrs Robinson that contained the following line:
Where have you gone Ron Wilson Reagan
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo hoo hoo
What’s that you say Mr Madison
The Gipper has left and gone away
And we prayed, wish he stayed
Indeed, my friends, indeed.
The Advent carol we’ve been looking for here, all week, comes to us in the form of a book written on the origins of the prison. Yeah, I know, but Eve Tushnet actually makes a nice case for reconciliation this Christmas. “The life of each saint is the life of Jesus Christ.” De Caussade calls us to the “duty of the present moment” and even “the sacrament of the present moment.” Our dossier means nothing in the face of our present choice, each moment, to cling to self-image or to abandon ourselves to God’s will.”
DeceptiCONNED by his own unJust War deception – How Rick Santorum has boxed himself into an unelectable corner, since 2006, over his obsession with unJust war, never-ending and never effective
CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA OBAMA (over Yemen and war-crimes) – The Obama admin demolishes the “leading from behind” bumper sticker that war-lusting GOP hawks and Hillary have been peddling as the carnage wrought in Yemen by Obama’s war-machine, in cahoots with our Islamic pals in Saudi Arabia, becomes lethally clear.
TOP 10 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY COUNTDOWN – The problem here is the “liberty” described is either to be put on trial or has been put on trial and found wanting. If you’re looking for the top religious liberty event of the year look for those who have advanced the faith at their own expense of wealth and reputation…as The Truth commanded us to do.
BUCHANAN: ISLAM WILL CONQUER IF IT IS NOT THEOLOGICALLY OPPOSED. Patric J Buchanan asks why Mrs Clinton is so gung-ho to import hundreds of thousands of Islam practicing “refugees” when the historical record and the late-great historians agree, where Islam dominates, Sharia becomes the secular law, end of story. This would not matter to the agnostic or in Hillary’s case, apostasy practicers whose use of religion mocks the supernatural to achieve the natural.
TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES – Witness the predicted results of “religion” becoming an intellectual exercise that is completely subjective and has rejected the known Truth as its basis.
THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS HAVE SECRET MEANINGS– And you’ll never guess what those meanings are from watching Bad Santa or listening to the Pogues alleged Christmas song “New York fairy Tale Christmas”
PAGAN DRUIDS AND SCROOGES BEGONE! YES, it can be proven using the historical record, that St john The Baptist was born at the end of June (24th) and that Christ was born 6 months later (December 24-25). This is not “an arbitrary date chosen by the Catholic Church to squash a pagan ritual”, the facts, stated in the Gospel of Luke and the known Jewish calendar at the time say that Dec. 25th is the correct date for the birth of Our Lord. Read the whole thing here.
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 123 1
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