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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest slanders of the SCOTUS against The Constitution plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “The Convention, thus, chose to respect the varied state voting rules and instead struck the balance enshrined in Article I, §2’s requirement that federal electors “shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.” That compromise gave States free reign over federal voter qualifications but protected Congress by prohibiting States from changing the qualifications for federal electors unless they also altered qualifications for their own legislatures. See The Federalist No. 52, at 323. This balance left the States with nearly complete control over voter qualifications.” – Justice Clarence Thomas in his AZ Vs Tribal Council dissent
DeceptiCONNED: Justice Scalia forgets ratification debates, plain text and what the Constitution itself says in relations to how elections for federal offices are managed by States in tragic, 7-2 majority opinion (AZ vs Inter Tribal Council)
Justice Thomas, as usual, delivers the sobering reality of the Court’s madness in his dissent (begins at pg 24)
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James Madison explained why the State legislatures (like Arizona in this instance) retained control of the qualifications for electors (elections) in each state is Federalist #52
Remember all those conversations we have had about censorship and the need to pay “obedience to the unenforceable”? Atlanta morning show hosts “Mayhem in the A.M.” ignore gentlemanly virtue & civility in radio skit mocking ALS afflicted, former NOLA Saint Steve Gleason
One man’s reaction to the “Mayhem” bit on Steve Gleason. This fan’s father died from ALS and his plea that the Mayhem hosts live with what they did, learn about the disease they mocked but not lose their jobs is magnanimous
W. James Antle III – Fighting terrorism by arming terrorists, what could possibly go wrong? “What the American people are saying when they tell you not to do these things, they’re not telling you not to do these things,” Clinton said, according to Politico. “They hire you to win … to look around the corner and see down the road.”
TIC’s Brad Birzer:Why language and the study of words matters in our degrading culture
U.S. “hawks” should be embarrassed that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin makes more sense when discussing the Syrian civil war than they do. “One hardly should back those who kill their enemies and, you know, eat their organs. Do we want to support these people?” Putin asked. “Do we want to supply arms to these people?”
Rick Santorum “gets it!” Well, that depends on what your definition of “gets it” means. If by going populist and advocating a middle class based [r]epublicanism I concur, but the danger associated with this tack must be guarded against lest it become just another re-distribution scheme that perennially rigs elections
Vance: Time to de-militarize our churches and end the military idolatry in Mass
Tea Party group proposes its own immigration reform bill, details of the plan show it to be another flag waving attempt to appear “fair” and “patriotic” at the same instance
Insult to old injuries. VA panel on Gulf War Illness rejects the advise of medical research and instead opts for bureaucratic bungling to treat vets suffering the condition. “Hello salt, meet wound.”
Our “national interest” is all too often so broadly defined that it encompasses almost anything made or touched anywhere at anytime, no WONDER we are constantly agitating for war
Patrick J. Buchanan quotes Cicero in chronicling the demise of white America and the GOP that will fade with it. “Quod deus vult perdere prius dementat” , “Whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make crazy”
Rand Paul, this is your life! The New Republic devotes a cover and lots of pages to the upstart son of Ron Paul and emerging politician
Predictable: Some people will never be happy and are taking to Facebook to bash the 10 year old girl who just received those new adult lungs via transplant
After throwing TRILLIONS at “education”, our elite ruling masters grandest schemes to educate the entire continent as if every child learns at the same rate and with the same aptitude have produced declining “scores” for all concerned
Written by: TheKingDude
Education Federalist 52 James Madison Patrick J Buchanan Steve Gleason The Constitution
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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