Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep-Christmas Eve Edition

todayDecember 23, 2014 10

The NEW Founding Father Films Compleat set delivers an entire DAY'S worth of  family friendly, Founding Father themed entertainment
The NEW Founding Father Films Compleat set delivers an entire DAY’S worth of family friendly, Founding Father themed entertainment

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, State vs State over weeds?  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we are to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, there seems to be a dearth of his presence with questions over his existence and life (you read that right) and the brutal violence gripping the streets of New York. Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “I have the pleasure of congratulating you upon the success of an enterprise, which I had formed against a detachment of the enemy lying in Trenton, and which was executed yesterday morning. Finding from our disposition, that they were surrounded, and that they must inevitably be cut to pieces if they made any further resistance, they agreed to lay down their arms. The number that submitted in this manner was twenty-three officers and eight hundred and eighty-six men. And, of my men, the difficulty of passing the river in a very severe night, and their march through a violent storm of snow and hail, did not in the least abate their ardor; but, when they came to the charge, each seemed to vie with the other in pressing forward; and were I to give a preference to any particular corps, I should do great injustice to the others.” – George Washington’s letter to Congress, 27 December 1776

VIDEO: Kevin McCormick and daughter Rachel perform “What Child Is This” with just a classic guitar and a Catholic Church for reverb…beautiful

AUDIO: The Birth of Our Lord and Savior and the True Meaning of Christmas explained in just 14 minutes

Rudy Giuliani sounds like a perfectly normal talk-radio listener and caller, blaming the killing of two NYPD officers on Obama and the mayor of New York, Bill DeBlasio

Jack Hunter: If the right’s war-hawk toirture brigade gets its way, there will be nothing left in official “conservative” ranks save for authoritarians. Ben Franklin warned that if you trade liberty for security you would end up with neither. Jennifer Rubin believes that trade gives you conservatism.”

Lib Media: Top story of the year are the 2 “cop killings” while the murder of 76,000+ blacks in NY alone the same year via abortion gets no notice whatsoever. Can you say culture of death and misplaced priorities?

The clamor rises to identify and prosecute for “war-crimes’ the CIA contractors who perpetrated the “enhanced interrogation”

Who would have thunk it? A WaPo writer questions the historical accuracy of the story of Jesus of Nazareth, claiming there is no historical evidence Our Lord ever walked the Earth

The story of the brutal murders of 2 NYPD officers

VIDEO: When NYC Mayor deBlasio shows up at the hospital to grieve over the loss of the two slain NYPD officers, the cops in attendance turn their backs on the Mayor, so recently, so cluelessly joining protesters against his own Police Department, fanning the flames of resentment

Meanwhile the anger at “the cops” is still simmering over the Garner and Brown deaths DESPITE it leading to the violence weighed on the heads of NYPD

Less and less kids are believing in Santa Claus these days, I wonder if that’s related to their parents lack of belief in REAL Saints?

Rand Paul bolts away from DeceptiCONS in Cuba relations, repeating the argument I made yesterday that embargoes haven’t “changed the regime” but they have certainly damaged the  people living under the regime

LISTEN to the audio edition of Mike Church’s take on the CIA’s torture scandal “Our Lady of Guadalupe Ended Aztec Torture-The CIA & “Conservatives” Brought It Back”

The Usual Suspects – The arguments being made against normalizing relations with Cuba by McCain, Graham and the war-hawk caucus are the same arguments with the same language they made to invade Syria-Libya-Iraq etc and they make just about as much sense: 0.0. Question on that score, have YOU ever seen an enemy “emboldened”? What did THAT look like?

FROM THE MIKE CHURCH SHOW: Fr. Ripperger (The Exorcist) gave this stirring call to action to END Separation of Church and State, view/listen to the video and form your opinions and counter opinions, but base them on the fact of what the Separation has delivered

Guess which Americans most want normal relations with Cuba? CUBANS, which blows the lid off the DeceptiCON “the american people aren’t for this either” line and then begs and even bigger question: Do we have representative democracy or not or are we living in such awe of the intellectual firepower of the Marco Rubios of the world that we’ve acquiesced to their view every time it contravenes ours?

George Clooney wants to know since when did the fearless envelope pushers of the bounds of decency cower when a couple of “hackers” in nerd attire threaten to bring their industry down because they don’t like a film?

TIC: Is it REALLY time for “conservatives” to get behind a movement the libs don’t want to touch: revitalizing towns and cities as places to live and work AND raise families? Bruce Frohnne says that was pretty much how it used to be

If Nebraska and Oklahoma don’t want CO weed crossing their borders as contraband then maybe instead of fighting lawsuits that will tally up tens of millions in legal bills they should JOIN CO and make the weed (that’s what it is) legal

Guess what else was stashed in the CRomibus spending monstrosity last week? A blanket authorization for the NSA to collect all “non-public” data records on everyone, anywhere in the U.S. it wants to. I have to wonder just how long some “tea part” members can keep up the facade that the GOP is “their party”, when it acts like it is the Castro Brothers

How dumb is Congress, without the IRS to harass and collect the extortion known as income taxes, who will pay for the warfare state and Boehner’s nicotene patches? Yet the IRS is whining they may have to shut down because Congress cut their funding. Mark Twain said of Congress. “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” – Mark Twain

The GayStapo strikes again, this time claiming the career of a tenured professor at CATHOLIC Marquette University because he criticized another professor’s PUBLIC heterophobia for telling any student who opposed “gay marriage” to “quit her class”. So, where the most rigorous “multicultural” debate is supposed to be raging, on college campae, we find a very selective set of “cultures” one can defend or be a member of. Shame on Catholic Marquette which is apparently no longer Catholic.

Ron Paul praises Obama’s decision to normalize relations with Cuba. I concur with Paul but would like to have seen the U.S. Senate act in its Constitutional role here

Daniel Larison appropriately fetes the Marco Rubio for President obsession, beginning with the imbecility of not talking to the Cubans and propping up the Castro/Communist regime while punishing Cubans

FLASHBACK: Ron Paul is asked in a 2012 GOP debate how he would handle foreign policy with Cuba. “Talk to them, like we talked and traded with the Soviets”

Looking for a New Years Resolution? Why not resolve everyday as it is New Years to practice the 3 Marks of Manhood: Become your family’s Priest, King and Prophet 

The Volokh Conspiracy has much more detail on the matter and can confirm that being outspoke and supportive of speech the defends traditional marriage is grounds for “disciplinary action”. This is the environment college students are being “educated” in, where politically protected classes of “minorities” enjoy hiring and firing powers over those they disagree with. I would make the obvious connection to old German countries with lots of red and black on their flags but you already did that. If this happens at a Catholic School, what is the point of sending your Catholic kids there when Catholicism is nowhere to be found?

If you loved yesterday’s 3rd hour of David Simpson and my discussions on the near usefulness never-ending opinionating and a near total lack of intellectual discourse, this piece is the basis for our discussion from Br. Francis Maluf

I am not buying the sudden and ridiculous decision by Sony to yank the Christmas day broadcast of “The Interview” because of anonymous “hacker threats”. One has to wonder why the NSA/CIA/FBI who seem to know the whereabouts of anyone of us, anywhere on earth and can jam our communications or just lock us up, DOESN’T know how to assure Sony and theater owners of their safety. What exactly IS the spyfare state for if it cannot be used in  everyday “terror fighting” activities like this!?

If you thought that the spy powers of Congress had gotten as egregious to our rights under the 4th Amendment you thought wrong and Republican fingerprints are all over the NEW, spyfare “regulations” that virtually guarantee an expansion of the State

So what exactly is wrong with teaching your very young children of the legend of Santa Claus, provide that Santa gives way to the timely introduction of the Christ child whose miracles and love of good children dwarfs that of the “jolly ol’ elf” (or Saint as it were)

CHRISTMAS VIDEO: Watch the moving, beautiful performance of Angels We Have Heard on High with over 1,000 people joining the Piano Guys

The bill that contained the new spy regs was NOT DEBATED and was only discovered by Rep Justin Amash just before it sailed through the House 325-100

Federal Judge tells Dear Leader that his “immigration order” has about as much authority as the same language printed on some Charmin TP. [from Foxnews.com] He also cited Obama’s argument that he was proceeding with executive action after Congress failed to act on comprehensive immigration legislation, and countered: “Congressional inaction does not endow legislative power with the Executive.” 

DeceptiCONNED I: Are you ready for Bush vs Clinton II? Here’s the followup question, are you ready for Bush vs Clinton III? The corporatist consolidation is evident in the furor to call the primaries early and get about the business (business is meant practically) of electing one from our royal blood-lines.

Amendment Convention Cometh? I’m not the only one who has read Brutus the anti-Federalist and I also now not alone in promoting the fact that the Constitution DID make possible the Leviathan we have today; thus the fatal flaws must be repaired to have ANY HOPE of  a [r]epublicana recovery

MBD: Jeb, do the planet and the tatters of the U.S. a favor and do NOT accept royal orders to be coronated GOP nominee for 2016. If you do, the effort to replace Reagan without relying on a Bush will suffer its final, fatal setback

Laudate DeusThe TX State Capitol will allow the display of a nativity scene this week, the scene was paid for and  conceived by a Catholic group and 1 GOP member of the TX Legislature

Who is winning the Christmas Wars? Bill Donahue from the Catholic league has an update

The only CIA member who is in the clink for the torture travesty is the guy who blew the whistle on the operation. How fitting is that?

Now that we have the PROOF that Obama’s lawlessness is bearing lawless fruit with THOUSANDS standing in-line to snap up the amnesty cards, Congress has every incentive and pieces of evidence it needs to impeach and or harass Obama into some form of submission until his term ends

At least the Senate ATTEMPTED to have a debate over the ISIS AUMF and whether it should continue and at what funding etc. In the end the wars proceed apace with no authorization, no goals, no strategy and no constitutional guidance

Meanwhile, Ron Paul is the only public figure I know of making any sense over this madness when he calls for abolishing the CIA the IRS, bringing all the troops home

Read Mike’s essay on Jefferson’s “wall of separation [between church and state] letter and the story behind the letter’s intent to end the religious observations of the Washington and Adams administrations

Ross Douthat points out that the cultural differences between the upper/middle classes and the lower middle classes in the United States are the upper class has “conserved” their marital and religious way of life better than the lower class. This is the exact point Charles Murray has made in his “Coming Apart” book

Catholic Gentlemen Hear Your Calling: ‘Tis time to return devotions to our family lives and our personal lives, in a bold, Church Militant manner. The new replica, 1916 Army Rosary is ideal for this

Hear Mike’s interview with Charles Murray here

DeceptiCONNED I: Remember the new friends/allies we were going to make in Syria and Iraq in order to turn ISIS back and end the greatest scourge of terrorism humanity has ever encountered (second only to HYDRA and SPECTRE)? Turns out our new pals aren’t so reliable and or friendly either

Read Mike Church’s essay – God and Man at Richmond-Challenging the status quo of “separation of Church and State”

Maybe the Feds wouldn’t have to worry about violence and death abroad as a result of a CIA torture report if the CIA weren’t told by Congress to torture in the first place? Maybe?

Imaginative Conservative: “The Pill” gets the treatment it is due from Bruce Frohnen as the marriage and family killer it is

Read the following story and note three things on it’s graphs: 1. The “industries” where there is little decline in income for “millennials” are government subsidized and government run and 2. The biggest decline is in the group that has the least necessity: retail and leisure and 3. WHERE is Mike Rowe and the graph number for MANUFACTURING?

Remember the Christmas War and the Christmas Truce? WWI was the end result of “Liberty-The God That Failed” and its bloody “Holy War” was just the start of the bloodiest century in mankind’s historyI am elated to learn that Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and 2 “constitutional law professors” I’ve never heard of are “the leaders promoting a Constitutional Convention”


TIC: Is history only relevant to this age if it comports with OUR understanding of things or is The Truth, as it occurred in any generation, to be valued as True in EVERY generation? Fr. Dwight Longenecker explains that it is the latter that makes True History and its study possible

No offense to Eminem (he is cited as a cause for the Court’s review) but since when does the SCOTUS get to decide what is “offensive” in Social Media? Where do we find THAT power in the Constitution?

Now that Christendom has perished it must be buried as Christ was buried but that doesn’t mean that A future Christendom is not possible and that we should live everyday as though it is indeed happening among the Church militant

FOUNDERS PASS MEMBERS: PREP BETTER HAS BEEN UPDATED!  Learn how the Republican Party “evolved” from states rights promoters to states rights opponents between 1860 and 1874

Want to learn more about the State’s role in regulating quarantine while Congress slumbers? There are TWO .pdf files for you to read in the Prep Better Section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member!? PLEASE support this upkeep and maintenance of this site by joining today and gaining instant access to the Prep Better Section and much, much more

PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.

How would Patrick Henry handle our problems of ObamaCare & never-ending wars? Read a FREE chapter preview of Mike Church’s “Patrick Henry-American Statesman” for the Liberty or Death Patriot’s life-story

Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.

Mike Church’s Founders Pass announces anytime, no limits discount program. Take 17% off purchases off most Founders Tradin Post purchases with your Founders Pass.

NEW, Founders Pass Feature!  Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now – Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day

Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day:  Deus in adjutorium meum intende, Domine ad adjuvandum me festina“. Incline unto my aid O God, O Lord make haste to help me.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Don on December 23, 2014

    Dear Mike,

    Thank you again for your informative and inspiring show. As a little “r” republican and big “C” Catholic, it has been very refreshing. I will admit that you have had to compete with my drive-time rosary but I have actually started shifting my prayer schedule so I can listen more. Do not give up telling the truth despite the negative feedback you get….that just means you are hitting the mark!

    May you and yours have a truly Blessed and Merry Christmas!
